fizzelopeguss said:As orc monsters go the darkspawn were pretty creepy.
they were the most generic enemy ever and this pic shows it.
New ones aren't an improvement though.
fizzelopeguss said:As orc monsters go the darkspawn were pretty creepy.
JoeBoy101 said:Beat the game last night. Did about 35 hours and here's my unasked for thoughts:
Bottom Line: Game was rushed and it shows. From the unoptimized DX11 and copy pasted maps, to the unfocused, incoherent plot movements and buggy engine and quests. Sad thing is that, overall, I actually liked the game. Despite side quests getting grinding towards the end of act 2 and the boring features of Kirkwall, it was an interesting change of pace from marching across the world and trying to stop the demon/blight/mad scientist threatening to eradicate/eat/transmorgrify everything. The companions are especially rich and I could even get suckered into DLC depending on how they are incorporated. Still, I can't help but think what another year could have done for this game, given its extremely short year and a half development time. WARNING: Meaningless score coming - 7/10
subversus said:New ones aren't an improvement though.
Ickman3400 said:Playing a rogue completely changed my outlook on the game's combat, especially an assassination rogue. The amount of damage I do is borderline ridiculous, and it's almost game breaking. My only regret is that someone didn't tell me how useless a Warrior was for my first playthrough.
hamchan said:Watching the credits now. Uh, the ending was pretty damn abrupt unless there's something after the credits.
EDIT: Also game took me 22 hours and I did EVERYTHING except for reading the codex entries, so yeah the game isn't very long.
Darklord said:Night Terrors spoilerWAT. First I lose Bethany to the Templar's now Isabela is dead?! She's nearly full friendship as well and she fell to the desire demon. Surely she just left the fade, like inception, she's not really dead...right? If so, fuck this game for taking all the good character. Kill meril!
hamchan said:Watching the credits now. Uh, the ending was pretty damn abrupt unless there's something after the credits.
EDIT: Also game took me 22 hours and I did EVERYTHING except for reading the codex entries, so yeah the game isn't very long.
FINALBOSS said:You did EVERYTHING in only 22 hours?
The fuck? I think I was clocked at 34 and change and I did every single thing. I got up to level rogue had like 93% crit and everything.
Kyoufu said:Yeah I don't know how that is even possible, unless he skipped dialogue scenes and/or played on Casual.
I did everything thing in Act 1, read through every codex entry I unlocked, and I entered Act 2 at 20 hours and change. Playing on '360 with normal difficulty.Ickman3400 said:I'm calling bullshit as well. On my 2nd playthrough and just came out of the deep roads after 12 hours, only about 3 hours faster than my 1st playthrough and doing everything in Act 1 both times. Skipped a lot of dialogue too.
At the very least he was playing on casual, I'm still not believing it though.
Not sure why I keep reading this. While a Warrior won't do as much damage to a target as a Rogue, the Warrior frequently lands hits on multiple enemies at the same time which makes up for it.Ickman3400 said:Playing a rogue completely changed my outlook on the game's combat, especially an assassination rogue. The amount of damage I do is borderline ridiculous, and it's almost game breaking. My only regret is that someone didn't tell me how useless a Warrior was for my first playthrough.
JoeBoy101 said:Beat the game last night. Did about 35 hours and here's my unasked for thoughts:
Things That Went Well:
- Companions: Better written, more nuanced and, on the whole, more interesting. Even for those character designs and personalities that I initially hated, they all grew on me. Also, I really liked the ideas of tying your companions to home bases and integrating them into the plot so that they matter not just for their combat abilities. The way their relationships between one another advanced over time was refreshing as well as old rivals slowly become close friends and so forth. Complaints I have are for not being able to advance their quests or really talk to them unless at their home base. Out of everything, your companions are probably the best part of the game. Final complaint:should have been a companion.Sarrebas (Qunari Mage)
- Skill Trees (Note: Separate from classes, see below): Honestly, I thought these were handled mostly well, making it interesting to customize individual characters around certain themes. There are complaints with the balancing and lack of certain trees (blood magic) for certain companions (), but otherwise a good attempt.Merrill
- Qunari: Everything regarding the Qunari and the Qun was brilliant. Need MORE! I was worried from the marketing they would just turn them into Orcs, but instead they kept true to the standard set by The Sten in DA:O. The writing for the Arishok is particularly well done in providing a powerful antagonist that is subtly dangerous in that he's not entirely wrong morally in what he does, just his methods.
Things That Were Hit And Miss:
- Kirkwall: From an artist's conceptual standpoint, Kirkwall is boring, uninspired, and drab. I think this might have been because they were trying to save framerate on consoles, but that's Tinfoil Hat talking. In execution, there is very little to like about Kirkwall. From a game design standpoint, I thought it was nice to have the game focus on Kirkwall, with the player making it his home, becoming part of the city, along with his companions, and making the plotlines center on his adopted home. If the city had been conceptually stronger (and larger), the focus on it would have been fantastic. Sadly, Bioware treated it more like a hub and less like how it should have been: a companion with all the associated attention to detail.
- Main Plot: It was nice not having a big epic plot, but rather a grounded one of a man/woman just trying to make a name and fortune in a new land. The plot was at its best when it went back and forth with political maneuverings between parties trying to either defeat Hawke or get the upper hand on one another. Sadly, the plot lines, with the exception of one (), all stumbled at the end in terms of impact and payoff.Qunari
- Hawke: I actually like the guy/gal, and found it easy to slip into their role. But, knowing what we gave up in DA:O (origin stories, racial choices) to get him/her makes it a solid neutral about whether it was a good move to make.
- Armor: Yeah, sucks we can't put armor on our companions. That said, I do like the conceptual armor on all of them, the upgrades, and how armor looks on Hawke. This drags it from Pear-Shaped to Hit and Miss.
Things That Went Pear-Shaped:
- Combat: ANOTHER WAVE! I can forgive the combat animations, as it doesn't affect the gameplay. I can forgive the ridiculous blood explosions and fall apart bodies, as it doesn't affect gameplay. But I cannot forgive the fucking teleporting in enemies. Further, they throw combat at you ALL THE TIME, even when it makes no sense, or has no purpose in terms of the quest/story. Time for ANOTHER WAVE! Poorly thought out, drawn up, and executed.
- Classes: I can't dual wield with a warrior now? That alone puts classes here, but the revamp of the classes to MMO style is criminal. Now a warrior is all crowd control and agro, EVEN for two-handed warriors. Nope, rogue does all the damage now, along with mages. The fact that the rogue outdamages my two-handed warrior, even in single combat, is insane.
- User Interface: ONE good thing came from this. Numbers. Now you can see what all your stats do and your skills. It lists percentages and applicable changes very nicely. Every single other aspect of the interface is a complete disaster, especially compared to DA:O. Think about that for a second. The UI for the sequel is a disaster compared to the original. All they had to do was keep it the same and it would have been much better. Can't cycle through inventory of all characters. Can't cycle through character sheets of all characters. Just one big mess.
- 'Inside' Jokes: This started in ME2 to a degree and has become rampant in DA2. You can't get any good original humor or anything else because the game is too busy recycling jokes and characters from the original game. From the bastardization of Sandal's character toeverything becomes trite and is handled very clumsily. Here's a tip Bioware: If the game is not a true sequel to DA:O than STOP trying to put DA:O characters into it. One or even two is one thing. But know how many characters (NPC or otherwise) show up in DA2 from DA:O? Nine. That's way too many.Alistar's 'swooping'
- Copy Pasted Dungeons: What needs to be said. Only thing that shocked me more than their impressive ability to not make them painful until Act 2 is that they only had like 5 or 7 dungeon maps total.
- BUGS: Game locks up on me about once an hour and Merrill's quests in Act III are horribly bugged, with spoilers being caused. Easily the buggiest Bioware game I've played.
- Darkspawn: Look horrible and dance around like Power Ranger enemies. Seriously, everything about these guys, from the Troll to the removal of Genlocks was poor.
- Act I: This is one of my biggest complaints and biggest indicator of the rushed timeline. A ridiculous amount of reasonable gameplay is glossed over with exposition when it is crying out to be used. Roughly four story segments are jettisoned for story exposition by Varric. How more interesting would the game have been if we actually had a reasonable amount of time to get to know Hawke, his/her family, and the early companions before reaching Kirkwall? Instead, we get Shit Mountain, the Gallows for all of 10 minutes, and a handful of narrative cutscenes.
Bottom Line: Game was rushed and it shows. From the unoptimized DX11 and copy pasted maps, to the unfocused, incoherent plot movements and buggy engine and quests. Sad thing is that, overall, I actually liked the game. Despite side quests getting grinding towards the end of act 2 and the boring features of Kirkwall, it was an interesting change of pace from marching across the world and trying to stop the demon/blight/mad scientist threatening to eradicate/eat/transmorgrify everything. The companions are especially rich and I could even get suckered into DLC depending on how they are incorporated. Still, I can't help but think what another year could have done for this game, given its extremely short year and a half development time. WARNING: Meaningless score coming - 7/10
Lostconfused said:Well since we got onto a bit of a visual/art design topic. What does everyone think of the Mabari? I thought they looked incredibly ugly the first time I saw them in DA:O but I got used to it, so the slight changes threw me off a bit.
fizzelopeguss said:The snout is different.
Wow, you can't see that kind of detail on '360. DA:O's dog is deffinitely superior to DA2's dog.Lostconfused said:![]()
Guess I just got used to the original dopey look. Its a better fit since the dog is supposed to be a humorous character.
Who knows. They probably are already working on it. We might not see as much DLC as there would have been if it sells bellow expectations. But I don't doubt that they will get at least something out the door.RPGCrazied said:Think they will do more DLC? If its not selling as well, they might not.
subversus said:they were the most generic enemy ever and this pic shows it.
New ones aren't an improvement though.
Lostconfused said:![]()
Guess I just got used to the original dopey look. Its a better fit since the dog is supposed to be a humorous character.
Think they will do more DLC? If its not selling as well, they might not.
Trickster said:Act 2 Isabella spoiler questionAfter Isabella dissapears with the relic, is she gone the rest of the game?
HixxSAFC said:Not at all
RPGCrazied said:Think they will do more DLC? If its not selling as well, they might not.
Trickster said:Is that regardless of whether or not you tell her she can have the relic or not?
HixxSAFC said:I'm not sure but I gave her it (+ romanced) and she returned. I'd be VERY surprised if she didnt return regardless of your choice to give it to her or not though
lastplayed said:How do you make scary demonic creatures not generic though?
HixxSAFC said:I'm not sure but I gave her it (+ romanced) and she returned. I'd be VERY surprised if she didnt return regardless of your choice to give it to her or not though
subversus said:yeah, that's impossible. stupid looking goblins, ogres and !TADAM! spiders are our only options.
lastplayed said:They're tainted humans, dwarves and elves though. You can only go so far and retain that link.
subversus said:do you want to say that Ogre is a tainted human? They must've sewn 10 humans together resistance-style to produce such a beast.
subversus said:He looks very human and tainted to me:
Fimbulvetr said:Ogres are born from Qunari Broodmothers, actually.
lastplayed said:It's a nice design, but it's all costume. I don't think the darkspawn are that fashion concious.![]()
subversus said:that does mean that they can produce anything less generic of the same size.
subversus said:ok let's compare this
subversus said:they're both could be made from humans. Which one looks cool though?
MechaX said:I think you must be in a romance or have a high enough friendship for it to happen.Actually, I was playing a FemHawke that didn't actually romance Isabella, but was still roughly around 50% friendship. I gave her the relic and despite a touching goodbye letter, she never game back for my game.
lastplayed said:They could come from the same game by the looks of it, just one has a pointier head.
Enduin said:What game is this stuff from anyway it looks terrible. Why does the player character look like their armor is some space marine's suit with a medieval flair to it?