Just want to point out to you guys, you can get all 153 episodes of Dragon Ball on DVD from Amazon for $75.
HollovVpo1nt said:
Especially the world and the characters. I may sound like a nerd for this, but did anyone else become emotional after the last dragonball (GT) episode? I really couldn't/can't beleive it's was/is over. I'm really too emotionally attached to Dragonball to let go.
I always start to cry once the montage with Dan Dan.
Suairyu said:
But! :
... fuck this. Dragonball Dragonbox was the only thing I was hoping would ever come out of Funi. I vastly prefer it to Z.
That said, if this blu ray Dragonbox release is actually the kind of respectful remaster they claim it is (and we all know what happened last time they claimed that...) I might be in for Saiyan and Freiza arcs.
edit - final filter processes "the grain and noise"... they better be using a light hand with that. The desire to strip grain from film is perhaps the most offensive of all HD transfer sins.
fake edit - They say these are the original US versions as well, which is absolutely fine and good, but does that mean the episodes aren't available 'as is' from the original Japanese edits? Even once discount censored scenes, the US version of the show was massively compressed in the editing phase, right? If I remember right, characters like Lunch were for all practical purposes nuked out of existence.
Unfortunately, Dragon Ball is the least popular of the franchise in the west.
This is not the Dragon Boxes. The Dragon Boxes were based on the very first print of the anime, and thus haven't lost a bunch of detail from being replicated. These Blu-Ray sets are the best Funimation's masters (which are a copy of a copy of a copy, etc.) will look, as this is a very competent restoration. The attempt was to keep the grain in the film stock, which is something Funimation used in enthusiast promotion whenever they could. You don't have to worry about it all being DVNRed like the Orange Bricks.
As for "original US version" it's a lie. There isn't a trace of the edited Ocean dub from 1996-1997, which would constitute the "original US dub" to them. This isn't even the original dub Funimation did in house, as they'd constantly retouch things for the Ultimate Uncut, and Orange Brick releases. What you have here in these sets is the Ultimate Uncut dub from 2005/2006 that recovers the stuff edited in Ocean's dub, and Funimation's original uncut dub of the Freeza, Cell, and Boo arch. This dub is uncut, and features all of the footage from the Japanese version * and when originally inserted, the US dub track is there. Though none of the US broadcast openings are there due to their run times being massively shorter than Cha-La Head Cha-La.
* Note: Funimation didn't receive Next Episode Previews for DBZ with their non-Dragon Box masters, as such they are not on this set.