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Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake removing main character genders

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Gold Member
I never really gave it much thought, but doesn't this basically lead to also removing words like mother and father from our vocabulary too? How would you even define a mother or a father anymore in a way that they would have any meaning still as anyone could be a mother or father right? So a mother and father is not a man and woman, because that would be wrong then. Is a father a type A and a mother a type B? But why can't a type A be a mother if they want to identify as a type A mother?


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
So you believe that companies like Black Rock, ruled by human vultures, invest billions in the entertainment industry to push DEI only because they love videogames and Disney?

Am I understanding correctly?
This is like the people in the Warhammer 40,000 thread that are completely feigning ignorance on where this is all going.
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World’s Biggest Weeb
Tell me in straight face, do you REALLY think skipping the game is going change their mind? Only think it going to do is giving them wrong massage that people dont want Dragon Quest.

This whole boycotting or cancel culture BS NEVER works and just pointless in my opinion.
Not buying something out of principle isn’t “cancel culture BS”, come on. Cancel culture is when you start going to employers/advertisers/event organizers/whatever and going “so-and-so said THIS, and you wouldn’t want your organization to be associated with someone like that do you?”

This is people voicing their opinion and voting with their wallet. Everyone has that right. That’s how it’s supposed to work.

If you want to have a defeatist attitude about it then whatever, go ahead. But stop trying so hard to rationalize it and silence the criticism. Maybe you should just stay out of threads like these if you can’t stand even the slightest criticism or controversy over your precious JRPGs.
I never really gave it much thought, but doesn't this basically lead to also removing words like mother and father from our vocabulary too? How would you even define a mother or a father anymore in a way that they would have any meaning still as anyone could be a mother or father right? So a mother and father is not a man and woman, because that would be wrong then. Is a father a type A and a mother a type B? But why can't a type A be a mother if they want to identify as a type A mother?
Imagine having to address your parents like that. The fucking lunacy!

Them: What do you think of so-and-so?

Me: Hold on, let me consult my TYPE A first for an opinion!

Love And Hip Hop Reaction GIF by VH1
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World’s Biggest Weeb
And BTW Square Enix often sends out surveys so I hope everyone here takes the time to fill them out and let them know. We notice it and we don’t want it.
So you believe that companies like Black Rock, ruled by human vultures, invest billions in the entertainment industry to push DEI only because they love videogames and Disney?

Am I understanding correctly?
A outside company “invests billions of dollars into DEI”? That doesn’t sound like a thing. Companies exist to make money. Not to make things diverse.


They have? Can you name some?
Elden Ring, Harvestella and some other farm sims, plus pretty much any Nintendo game made this decade where you can choose your sex such as Animal Crossing and Splatoon 3. Although Nintendo calls it choosing a “style” which is pretty odd in its own right.
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One of the green rats
Elden Ring, Harvestella and some other farm sims, plus pretty much any Nintendo game made this decade where you can choose your sex such as Animal Crossing and Splatoon 3. Although Nintendo calls it choosing a “style” which is pretty odd in its own right.

Monster hunter rise, world of Warcraft , pal world, cyber punk , halo infinite and star field .. there are many more but I don't want to type out a huge list.


A outside company “invests billions of dollars into DEI”? That doesn’t sound like a thing. Companies exist to make money. Not to make things diverse.

And on a personal note, I went to a top 25 business school for my MBA. I graduated with that degree in 2010. Back then, the Dean of the business school was pushing DEI/ESG as an up and coming cornerstone of their top 25 MBA program. You know, a program that is intended to educate people who are supposed to be the next round of business leaders. But the Dean of the school started shoehorning DEI/ESG into core classes and projects at a business school. And I'm not talking about little things here or there. We had a class our second year where we had to develop a business plan and come up with a strategy for starting our own business. It was a huge component of our grade and the overarching program. One of the core things the Dean forced us to integrate into our business plan was DEI/ESG stuff. He emphasized it as much or more than profitability and even told us that we should consider lower profitability for greater social impact.

If it happened at one school, it's happening at all of them. It's a thing, whether you want to believe it or not.
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Dirk Benedict

Gold Member

And on a personal note, I went to a top 25 business school for my MBA. I graduated with that degree in 2010. Back then, the Dean of the business school was pushing DEI/ESG as an up and coming cornerstone of their top 25 MBA program. You know, a program that is intended to educate people who are supposed to be the next round of business leaders. But the Dean of the school started shoehorning DEI/ESG into core classes and projects at a business school. And I'm not talking about little things here or there. We had a class our second year where we had to develop a business plan and come up with a strategy for starting our own business. It was a huge component of our grade and the overarching program. One of the core things the Dean forced us to integrate into our business plan was DEI/ESG stuff. He emphasized it as much or more than profitability and even told us that we should consider lower profitability for greater social impact.

If it happened at one school, it's happening at all of them. It's a thing, whether you want to believe it or not.
I knew it. That line there about profitability is extremely telling and everyone here should dissect that. It tells me more or less why companies are willing to suffer loss over this nonsense. It’s meaning is deeper than business. Fucking social impact, lol.
Elden Ring, Harvestella and some other farm sims, plus pretty much any Nintendo game made this decade where you can choose your sex such as Animal Crossing and Splatoon 3. Although Nintendo calls it choosing a “style” which is pretty odd in its own right.
Elden Ring?! 😂 ok


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Monster hunter rise, world of Warcraft , pal world, cyber punk , halo infinite and star field .. there are many more but I don't want to type out a huge list.
Demon's Souls Remake also does it. There are other games I don't remember off the bat right now that do it.

Pretty much every Western game and it looks like every localized game is going to have it.
Your strange need to endlessly dismiss/handwave away this regressive, retarded as hell concept is... telling.
Hmm...You and I have been stuck in a constant loop Dr. Claus. I say something, you say 'you're this type', I say something else, you say 'ah I see now you're this type', and on and on it goes. Of course there's more we've said to each other, but ultimately it all has gotten us both in situations where our constant back and forths have ended with warnings and deleted posts. Because of that, it's no longer beneficial nor fun for either of us to debate each other.

So in the interest of keeping things civil, you can feel free to paint any picture you want of whatever type of person you personally believe me to be. As long as that helps us move on from this loop. Just anticipate that there will be times where we will agree on certain topics.



And on a personal note, I went to a top 25 business school for my MBA. I graduated with that degree in 2010. Back then, the Dean of the business school was pushing DEI/ESG as an up and coming cornerstone of their top 25 MBA program. You know, a program that is intended to educate people who are supposed to be the next round of business leaders. But the Dean of the school started shoehorning DEI/ESG into core classes and projects at a business school. And I'm not talking about little things here or there. We had a class our second year where we had to develop a business plan and come up with a strategy for starting our own business. It was a huge component of our grade and the overarching program. One of the core things the Dean forced us to integrate into our business plan was DEI/ESG stuff. He emphasized it as much or more than profitability and even told us that we should consider lower profitability for greater social impact.

If it happened at one school, it's happening at all of them. It's a thing, whether you want to believe it or not.
Same experience, but at different workplaces, where we have had days dedicated to this stuff, with speakers, courses and the whole shebang.

It's being pushed on everyone, but you just have to resist.


Thin end of the wedge.

Is this the case in the Japanese version or do they still have male/female? Could this be the translators doing, switching words for woke bucks? (Many such cases?)
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There's a reason.
But people will get banned.

True in a sense.
However complacency and indifference always makes way for opression.

If all companies are doing it, the media is supporting it, investors are supporting it, your country is supporting it, then who are you to fight against all that?

They know most people won't do anything about it, especially if you're tired at the end of the day and just want to play some games or watch some movies.
There's a reason the world got to this point.
I'm at the point where I'm done giving these people a free pass. Especially, after all the vile things they and the gaming press have called us over the recent years.

In the beginning I was tolerant and open minded. It was a bit of a weird and mild nuisance/inconvenience, but this nonsense has gotten out of hand. Its getting clear that this is going beyond just mere representation. They're bent on twisting/re-frame video games into something entirely different, through a politicized lens, while alienating/pushing out everyone else in the process. Its off-putting and grotesque.
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Thin end of the wedge.

Is this the case in the Japanese version or do they still have male/female? Could this be the translators doing, switching words for woke bucks? (Many such cases?)
Japanese still have the normal one. The western version adopt current western values, LoL


Same experience, but at different workplaces, where we have had days dedicated to this stuff, with speakers, courses and the whole shebang.

It's being pushed on everyone, but you just have to resist.
Yeah I should also add that my last job, which I just left two months ago after being there for six years, brought in a DEI consultancy to set up a DEI program, made a member of the C Suite a DEI executive and have made DEI a strategic goal that the company used to evaluate and determine compensation and bonus payouts.
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I never really gave it much thought, but doesn't this basically lead to also removing words like mother and father from our vocabulary too?
We're already there dude. Square's localizers for Live a Live were under strict orders from above not to use the English word "woman" (女 in the original script)during a certain dialogue interaction because they were told it will anger/upset Americans.


What's the point if we all end up being Type A or B I.e. male or female.

it's a dumb decision, always has been.

Western world is too far gone. Insane.


Trying to figure out at what point this body type A/type B or type 1/type 2 shit became ubiquitous in RPGs with character creation/choices and what made it happen exactly. Because it all seemed to happen at once.

Nioh 2 for example came out in 2020 and it still had Male or Female for character creation. (Every Team Ninja game since then like Wo Long and Rise of the Ronin have started using Type 1/2 instead). That same year in 2020 Demon's Souls remake also came out and it was the first game I personally saw that did away with Male and Female and gave us the dreaded Type A/B.

So I want to say around 2020 that shift seemed to happen seemingly overnight with all game devs, whether Western or Japanese.

There is a difference I've noticed with how American/Western devs do it vs Japanese devs though.

You'll notice that Japanese devs tend to have Type A/Type 1 as male by default, likely because the majority of gamers end up choosing male over female, so they put it as the first option.

On the other hand Western devs seem to always put body type A/body type 1 as female. Which is no surprise, they are all on the feminist superiority bandwagon that's all too common at the moment.

Less commonly some devs now instead of labeling body types, just have you select silhouettes of body types without them being marked either way.

Anyway, it's all hilarious. No one seems to be brave enough to do the simple job of just putting male or female options anymore, lol.

This shit doesn't exist in real life. I became a father recently and despite me living in a big city at no point did my hospital label my daughter as body type A or B lol, they called her a girl as soon as they could tell.

I'm sure if weirdo white liberals had their way, gender reveals would get renamed to body type reveals at some point--with gender reveals only coming several years later once the child is old enough to indoctrinate to the parent's twisted liking lol.
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I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
I don't mind the gender being replaced by type A or B for as long as it stays on the character creator.

What they've done to the female warrior tho... :lollipop_neutral:


Doesn't even look good imo. Should have used black clothes instead of orange to better match the design of the male warrior.


I don't mind the gender being replaced by type A or B for as long as it stays on the character creator.

What they've done to the female warrior tho... :lollipop_neutral:


Doesn't even look good imo. Should have used black clothes instead of orange to better match the design of the male warrior.

Pretty much. I'd rather they rebuild the design from the ground up, if necessary, rather than trying to slap some piece of clothing on the existing one and then semi-randomly color it.

Game looks great. Some of you guys are nuts on this. I wonder never noticed any of this stuff if not for this thread. This isn’t anything remotely like Concord or SBI stuff.

Day 1!
It's not a huge deal for me, in terms of purchasing decisions, but still a small annoyance.
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Game looks great. Some of you guys are nuts on this. I wonder never noticed any of this stuff if not for this thread. This isn’t anything remotely like Concord or SBI stuff.

Day 1!
Maybe I'm old, but I really don't understand the logic of this Type A and B thing.
Are the words "male" and "female" offensive now?
To the psychologically unstable. yes. Simply won't buy it now. Hopefully this goes as well as the rest of the Woke games that keep coming out.
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I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
Game looks great. Some of you guys are nuts on this. I wonder never noticed any of this stuff if not for this thread. This isn’t anything remotely like Concord or SBI stuff.

Day 1!
I'm sorry, but I think we have all the right to notice and complain both about silly stuff like body types instead of gender and just plain censorship.
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