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Dragon's Dogma 2 - 18 Minutes of Fighter, Thief, Warrior, and Sorcerer Gameplay - IGN Firs


which mean they prioritize the right things.

it is better that it is:

look 'clunky' but good when actually playing/hold the controller

rather than:

look awesome, realistic, fancy animation but clunky, unresponsive and slog when actually playing/hold the controller. lot of games particularly western games made this mistake.

simply to say this is good example of where developers prioritize control foremorest than focusing something that only look good on video but not when actually playing the game. its not that they cant. but they wont. this is Capcom, headed by Hideaki Itsuno itself. they know what they are doing.

here is some example of explaination done by PlatinumGames developers:

- PlatinumGames's Nier Automata animator Takayuki Muranaka

..and oh yeah..IGN is terrible at making gameplay video as always. messy, uncoordinated and like someone who dont know what to do.
Just like making love. It's more about how it feels then how it looks.
season 3 what GIF by Portlandia


I could have written this. I gave DD1 ten hours of my life across two tries and just couldn't gel with it. Boring story, bland world, lame sidequests, and combat, while it has some neat features like monster climbing and magic system, wasn't all that engaging either. Too many fucking wolves and shit. Plus the annoying banter, jesus.

And what I see in this video is the exact same fucking thing, just with slightly (very slightly) better graphics. It still looks like barely PS4 gen game though. Where is Deep Down?
DD1 early mid game is actually terrible , easily 6/10 if you play the starter class . I dropped it at the first 10 hours too .

But when its open up the hybrid class, its started to really shine . These class is very unique (at that time) and fun to play .


Gold Member
If you told me this was DD1 I'd believe you. That's exactly how I remember the game looking and they even used the same music.
Yea. I’m not even trying to bash on it. I had DD1 day 1 and I’ll be there day 1 for DD2. I swear I thought I was looking at footage from DD1 when I saw the footage.

I wanna love it, but it has some irritating parts about it. The combat really keeps it going. If the combat sucked then I’d probably skip it all. I had fun fighting those Chimera back in DD1 and the cyclops. What pissed me off was how teleportation worked and how traveling at night was impossible without a torch or some magic.


Gold Member
Damn! The people turned on DD2 overnight. This was supposed to be one of 2024s heavy hitters.

I think most people who were fans of the first game are excited for this one. There isn't as much of a generational leap as one might expect considering the 12-year gap between releases, so people who are on the fence or who didn't really care for the original may not be as positive.


The nicest person on this forum
Did you read the thread (barely 2 pages) or just shit post hoping this would land?
This guy really doesn't like Single player games and get every opportunity to shit on it and make the case of "GaaS games are the future".

Also this game got its cult following because of its combat system so of course they going keep that intact.


I watched it through the fighter section. It's what I expected including the mediocre gaming skill from IGN. Won't rag on them too hard but it's obvious to fans of the original that they didn't really know what they were doing.

Don't want to watch more to go in as blind as possible. 2.5 months to go!
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Gold Member
The more I see the less I want. The "bossfights" looks stupid and tedious to me. But to be fair, disliked the first game (even after giving it multiple tries) so I'm clearly not their target audience, and that's fine.
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Given another chance
They are nothing alike?
In monster hunter you hunt monsters, it's basically a boss rush game and it has very deliberate controls that could feel clunky if you aren't used to it.
Every weapon also comes with a giant moveset, so you generally don't switch weapons very often unless you're deep into it and have mastered a weapon already. There's also no leveling up, you get stronger by crafting better gear.
You select a hunt (type of monster you want to hunt) and then head to it's little world to kill it, then you go back to the hub and craft gear, and repeat that infinite times.

Dragon's dogma is an action rpg in a small open world, with story and sidequests and hidden things to find, it's very much a dungeons and dragons inspired game with capcom action behind it, but it's also a real rpg in the sense that you level up and distribute stats etc.

Absolutely nothing alike.
Thank you for the explanation. Dogma sounds more like my cup of tea.

Again, much appreciated 👍


Looks ok, I'll get it when it's on sale for 20€.
Combat seems a bit less sluggish than the 1st one, but still could be better.


I wasn't really interested but watching a video of this now - it's jumped onto my "get on discount/sale" list - too many things in Feb/March to add another at that time.


I had no doubt whatsoever that the combat would be absolutely banging, because the first one was already amazing in that regard, but I'm more interested now in the narrative and world-building aspects. The first one really shit the bed on that regard. I remember, for whatever reason, the blacksmith being my "loved one" for the final segment because apparently I interacted with him the most. It really was quite a sight. But I don't think the story and whatever will be much better than in the first one.


Currently 20h into the first game and having a blast. Plays really well on PC.

I really like the world and the dungeons. Chatter from the pawns can be annoying sometimes, but most of the time the chatter makes the exploring somewhat "wholesome". Would be pretty boring to explore the world without your pawns.


Seems a low-budget sequel made because the first one become a cult in the long time after the release and it's fine. Capcom for sure is not expecting it to sell lot more than the first one did, but I'll try it when the price will drop some months after release. The IGN gameplay is embarassing tho (because who is playing have no idea of what is doing), don't do the game any favour. In this case probably would be better for devs to release a longplay made by them to really showcase how the game plays when you are at least a bit skilled and used to controls.


Yeah this thing looks like dd 1,5, not sure about it tbh, never been a fan of the first one in the slightest.

But march is kinda dead so i'm probably gonna end buying it.
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Tears of Nintendo
To be completely honest and even though I love the first game and what it did for the genre (which to this day no one even tried to copy - C'MON! WHY!?), DD2 looks and plays almost 100% like the first game, minus modern engine and assets... and I've seen and played that game 10 yrs ago. I think that with this one, Capcom simply decided to go a much safer route and don't change much if anything at all. I'll buy and play it at some point for sure, just not day 1. Hopefully the game will sell well to fund their more ambicious, less safe and completely new projects 🙏 😌
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Al Pachinko, Konami President
Please no. And thank god. Lock on is stupid.

I hate games with lock on mechanics, it feels like a handicap.

So that's why Ocarina of Time is still number 1 of all time... Games without lock-on make you look like a handicap.

I wonder if we get Berserk DLC like the first game.....

nani GIF

You had me look that up with the quickness only to find out its some lame armor.
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I didn't expect this game to be so divisive. I can see why, in many ways it seems more like a remake than a sequel so if I already had 150 hours in the game I'd probably not be as excited. Myself having not played that much from the first due to technical stuff that just turned me off, I'm really looking forward to dive in and enjoy the same core but with upgraded tech.

You had me look that up with the quickness only to find out its some lame armor.
I'm also disappointed it wasn't troll penises. 😭
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Lol at the slow warrior class. Sorcerer looked good.

Again, these are base classes. The game has advanced classes and those are the most fun to play. Looking forward to Magick Archer and Mystic Knight type classes. The other fun aspect of the game is to train your "pawns". These are your AI party members and you can train them enough to be able to take on Cyclops and other enemies by themselves. I had a video doing exactly this on my old channel, but it's gone now.

Anyway, I'll be there day 1 on PC. Just need to figure out the timing between FF7 Rebirth and this.


Looked like a mix of Shadow of the Colossus and Elden Ring in a not too pleasant way, looked dated and clunky.


Exposing the sinister cartel of retailers who allow companies to pay for advertising space.
Looks a little boring tho.

i am inching towards rise of ronin for that day with each drogabs dogma 2 video tbh

My guess is that it looked boring because the person (or persons) playing were so bad at showcasing the game mechanics. The guy playing the warrior was particularly bad, he was just flailing about, kept running around the monster without doing anything and when he tried, he completely missed the target. Was awful to watch. Why would any self-respecting games journalist publish something so embarrassing?

I'm disappointed by the visuals. Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen for the PS4 had minor visual upgrades compared to the PS3 version, this has minor visual upgrades compared to the PS4 game.

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CliffyB's Cock Holster
There isn't actually much they can do technically to build upon the original without pushing the hardware requirements to the moon. Its a game that's pretty much constantly running in a "worst case" scenario for load management.

Consider, its open world with actual dynamic time-of-day where night-time is properly dark. The player is constantly running around with up to 3 AI controlled pawns all of whom are capable of casting magic with screen-filling transparency effects, while fighting substantial numbers of enemies. Larger enemies can be climbed upon Shadow Of The Colossus-style -and yes this includes the pawns as well as the player- including scenarios where said enemies fly into the air so no careful LoD-ing needs to be managed.

Not to take a dig at FROM, but it took them years to incorporate jumping and climbing into the player's arsenal, whereas DD was doing this to the extreme over a decade ago. So for me, if it looks and performs similarly to Elden Ring then Capcom's engineers are doing one hell of a job as they have a lot more work to do in every frame.
Damn! The people turned on DD2 overnight. This was supposed to be one of 2024s heavy hitters.
Hmm how`d you ever get that impression from this title? I mean this isn`t exactly a blockbuster AAA production.
It´s probably best described as ~AA fan service and I doubt even Capcom expect to make much money on this.
If there is a 60fps option, I’m in! Or full controller support on pc
There are no capcom games that don't have controller support on pc.
and how traveling at night was impossible without a torch or some magic.
The fact that it's one of the only games that has true night, instead of a silly blue sky is an awesome decision, it actually makes the world tangibly more dangerous.
The griffin fight completely changes at night, since when it takes off it actually disappears into the sky and you carefully have to scan for movement before it attacks again.
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Hmm how`d you ever get that impression from this title? I mean this isn`t exactly a blockbuster AAA production.
It´s probably best described as ~AA fan service and I doubt even Capcom expect to make much money on this.

All the prior threads on DD2 were extremely positive. It also always popped up on "Most anticipated games in 2024" lists.


You still heal/stamina up via a menu?

Thats a bit disappointing. Why not implement quick shortcuts ala Monster Hunter World?
All the prior threads on DD2 were extremely positive. It also always popped up on "Most anticipated games in 2024" lists.
I actually looked up the sales figures and it sold much better than I remembered ~7mio to date.

Now I´m even more confused as to why this exists in the form it does at this point in time.
Hmm how`d you ever get that impression from this title? I mean this isn`t exactly a blockbuster AAA production.
It´s probably best described as ~AA fan service and I doubt even Capcom expect to make much money on this.
Nah the first game was firmly AAA, 200 people worked on it, all the music was recorded by an orchestra of 130 people, and they had to fundamentally change their in house engine because it didn't support open world design.
Their inexperience with open world and having to change the engine caused them to burn through the budget and wound up cutting over 50% of the game, a lot of which will show up in DD2.

In comparison, less than 150 people worked on RE5 and the music was recorded by an orchestra of 103 people.


Gold Member
There are no capcom games that don't have controller support on pc.

The fact that it's one of the only games that has true night, instead of a silly blue sky is an awesome decision, it actually makes the world tangibly more dangerous.
The griffin fight completely changes at night, since when it takes off it actually disappears into the sky and you carefully have to scan for movement before it attacks again.
It’s cool for a while. I’ll give you that. It’s just like with anything that’s true to realism. It’s fun until it gets frustrating. It sure made the game stand out.


This gameplay clip in particular was pretty bad but I'm still excited about the game. The "clunckyness" is part of what makes it good IMO because it often allows for fun unscripted interactions during fights, and if you know how to play you can still make it look cool, it's just not a "press X to awesome" game like, say, FFXVI.

More than graphics I hope it improved upon the original in stuff like story and progression.
Like have they talked at all about how leveling will work in this game? The one thing I hated in the original was that stat increases were tied to your class, I'd much rather just get stat points which I can assign myself.

Also the graphics look fine IMO IF there's a solid 60fps mode on console. If it's another upscaled 720p scenario the visuals would be disappointing.
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