Gillian Seed
This is my biggest lamentation as well. Arisen Richard (Sword of Truth/Legend of the Seeker) will get one go at Bitterblack though! Then I'll create a new Arisen.![]()
Nice! Loved that show!
This is my biggest lamentation as well. Arisen Richard (Sword of Truth/Legend of the Seeker) will get one go at Bitterblack though! Then I'll create a new Arisen.![]()
I can't see myself disliking it, but that's probably a good idea to give the demo a shot, since no one can seem to agree on what other games it has similarties to. I've heard the game being compared to Dark Souls, Monster Hunter, Dragon Age and PSO, but each time someone would disagree, it's kind of amusing actually.
I want this but I'm not paying $40 for an expansion pack. Makes me regret buying it vanilla.
Nice! Loved that show!
It's Super Dragon's Dogma, plus you get bonuses for owning the original.
If you need to, sell your original to offset the cost. You'll lose the rad Dangan intro music forever, though.
I was a magic archer last time, shit was awesome.
I am shocked this is $38 at all retailers in Australia. I was expecting some rip off 'Aussie tax' price of $69
this image right here might be enough to make me buy this.
I have most the vocations maxed out. I might throw my black swordsman armor on, switch to warrior and just start slaughtering solo
What really?
I was going to wait it out, expecting $69 as well. Is this JB's price?
I am shocked this is $38 at all retailers in Australia. I was expecting some rip off 'Aussie tax' price of $69
Both JB's and EB's price is $38
Might go JB since they give out sealed copies of games.
You can also get it for AUD$28 (with free shipping) from Ozgameshop if you're willing to wait a week or two for delivery.Both JB's and EB's price is $38
Might go JB since they give out sealed copies of games.
That's what JB have on their web site, and it's also what the EB guys have told me in store.Is the release date in AU confirmed to be the 23rd?
Dragons Dogma feels like Capcom taking the most outwardly appealing part of Monster Hunter--big, meaty fights against monstrous beasts with a team of friends--and putting that into a sprawling world that goes on and on for miles.
The real core of Dragons Dogma is combat. Thirty-seven hours later, a pile of bodies the size of a mountain in my wake, I was still having fun slicing up goblins and direwolves. The game has a terrifically fun and dynamic combat system that constantly encourages players to experiment.
Theres nothing quite like hitting a griffin mid-air with fire-infused arrows, watching it crash to the ground, straddling its neck just before it manages to take off, being lifted thousands of feet into the air and stabbing the hell out of it, as it maniacally tries to shake you off. Its these moments, with you and your Pawns working in tandem to take down these towering enemies, that Dragons Dogma shines. It never gets old, and the ability to perpetually switch around your set of combat skills means fighting the same enemies manages to feel fresh, since your approach to it changes.
You can also get it for AUD$28 (with free shipping) from Ozgameshop if you're willing to wait a week or two for delivery.
You can also get it for AUD$28 (with free shipping) from Ozgameshop if you're willing to wait a week or two for delivery.
That's what JB have on their web site, and it's also what the EB guys have told me in store.
D=I'd rather spend the $10 extra for a local copy. I have banned Ozgameshop after they sent me a Asian copy of Red Dead Redemption and i couldn't buy the DLC for it.
If this is the case, then I'll pass
Best comparison I heard was its like a modern adaptation of the Capcom D&D games from years ago. I think thats fair. There are minor similarities to Dark Souls but its really its own thing.
His biggest gripe seems to be the lack of anything interesting OTHER than combat until the end of the game (which sounds like it must be pretty awesome?).
I understand the story is not great - I don't really care about that. But are the environments interesting? He mentions you end up seeing the same places over and over again. Is that fair?
Is the leveling/character progression done well? Lots of customization? Loot?
Love the hell out of this shot.
I've never ordered an Xbox 360 game from them, but for the PS3 games it's always a UK copy that works fine with Australian DLC (i.e. BLES coded games). I have ordered about 20 games from them now over the course of about 4 or 5 years (from before they had the ozgameshop shopfront and only had times out of 10 they send PAL UK copies of games, sometimes for some reason they send NTSC US/Asian games.
At least with a local copy I'm getting it instantly instead of waiting 1-3 weeks, I 100% know it's Australian plus it has trade value and EB/JB accept it.
I want this but I'm not paying $40 for an expansion pack. Makes me regret buying it vanilla.
8 times out of 10 they send PAL UK copies of games, sometimes for some reason they send NTSC US/Asian games.
At least with a local copy I'm getting it instantly instead of waiting 1-3 weeks, I 100% know it's Australian, i can easily return it plus it has trade value and EB/JB accept it.
Just picked this up today in Australia.
Jumping in for the first time, so some questions for GAF (it is your fault I'm playing this after all):
* Best class/setup that is fun to play and gets really strong later on?
* Anything really important that I can miss/do that I'll regret later? (only really have the time to do it once).
* Anything that I 100% must do that isn't on the regular path?
Blizzard was on the "let's make our disc based games $60 and $40 without making some sort of LE to justify it!" bandwagon long before anyone else was after the Saturn died, traditionally expansion packs had been $30. Though admittedly that $10 raise WOULD match with console prices (these $30 expansions were generally for $50 games), and this is standalone so that's some compensation, especially as you can trade in the regular for $10 and make it $30. You'll lose Into Free, but as I noted you can just buy that off iTunes for 69 cents (though I don't think the PS3 supports custom soundtracks, so on that front you couldn't just play it at the title screen instead if not through the whole game.)40$ for an expansion pack is regular price. That is how much pc expansion packs usually were and some still are, see SC2:HOTS.
You can change your class at any time, but the class you level up as determines what stats you increase as you level. Warrior gives a good balance between attack and HP. Sorc gives the highest Magic attack and Assassin gives the highest attack. Just keeping that in mind, you can do whatever you want and all the classes are pretty fun. It doesn't make that big a difference end-game anyway.
I think Assassin is really fun personally.
Anyone know what the story is behind the expansion stuff?![]()
Other pictures made it look more like a face actually.Looks to have a hole in his chest, I'm gonna guess that he was a former Arisen who turned evil and stuff and thangs.
All of the classes are good and fun to play, and with the way the augments work you are encouraged to try more than one. Apart from right at the very beginning the game is fairly easy so you don't need to worry about ending up with a character set up that isn't strong enough.Just picked this up today in Australia.
Jumping in for the first time, so some questions for GAF (it is your fault I'm playing this after all):
* Best class/setup that is fun to play and gets really strong later on?
* Anything really important that I can miss/do that I'll regret later? (only really have the time to do it once).
* Anything that I 100% must do that isn't on the regular path?
Just picked this up today in Australia.
Jumping in for the first time, so some questions for GAF (it is your fault I'm playing this after all):
* Best class/setup that is fun to play and gets really strong later on?
* Anything really important that I can miss/do that I'll regret later? (only really have the time to do it once).
* Anything that I 100% must do that isn't on the regular path?
Playing the demo now and it's a lot of fun. I like a lot of the game's mechanics, especially being able to climb onto beasts. Think I'm going to pick it up.
How hard is the game? I don't like playing games that are too difficult anymore.
Playing the demo now and it's a lot of fun. I like a lot of the game's mechanics, especially being able to climb onto beasts. Think I'm going to pick it up.
How hard is the game? I don't like playing games that are too difficult anymore.
Not that hard and there is an Easy Mode.
It's not really hard, except possibly if you're a Mage/Sorcerer until you get Miasma and that's only a few levels. The difficulty spikes up again post-game, but it's not "terribly hard" as some might make it out to be. No idea how difficult Dark Arisen will be compared to post-game, nor what level you should be before tackling it.
Just picked this up today in Australia.
Jumping in for the first time, so some questions for GAF (it is your fault I'm playing this after all):
* Best class/setup that is fun to play and gets really strong later on?
* Anything really important that I can miss/do that I'll regret later? (only really have the time to do it once).
* Anything that I 100% must do that isn't on the regular path?
Definitely. I'm going in fresh to check out all the new enemy spawns. 130 sounds way overleveled for DA.Kinda torn on whether to start a fresh character when I get Dark Arisen for the full experience of all the changes they've made or go ahead and start a new vanilla character right now for immediate Bitterblackin' as soon as I get it.
Current duo is sitting at level 130 or something so they'd probably trivialize the new stuff a bit too much. Think I'd rather go in under-leveled rather than over-leveled.
Yeah, this is true, most accurately would probably be Elder Scrolls open world crossed with Devil May Cry, and even that simple it's not something you see very often and is distinctive enough, nevermind that with how awful most Elder Scrolls combat IS having a good combat system is a godsend.Yeah, you can compare Dragon's Dogma to a few games. But I like to think that once a game can be compared to 3 or more games, it's its own thing.
Yeah, this is true, most accurately would probably be Elder Scrolls open world crossed with Devil May Cry, and even that simple it's not something you see very often and is distinctive enough, nevermind that with how awful most Elder Scrolls combat IS having a good combat system is a godsend.
And as I'm high 30s I figure I'd probably see a good chunk of the game through DA, then touch DA content.