So with Dragon's Dogma 2 almost upon us I wanted to highlight some systems essential to why Dragon's Dogma is such a unique series that so many players love and show you a video that explains exactly why Dragon's Dogma is not what you think and why you might not have a good time if you aren't aware of that:
1.Your character creation affects your carry weight.Larger characters have more carry weight but get hit easier while shorter,smaller characters have less carry weight but they are harder to hit so think twice before you create your character.
2.Your equipment load affects your stamina consumption and stamina recovery.The lower your load the less you are gonna run out of stamina.It is very important to have stamina in DD otherwise you are left out of breath for like 5 secs so your management of it is crucial.Curatives are essential.
3.Speaking of curatives...some of them can expire with the passing of time so when you collect those berries for example as you explore,make sure you don't waste too much time exploring that they become sour as they will poison you instead of healing you so you need to manage that.
4.Your pawns are an extention of you and other players,they are NOT npcs,they learn what their masters learn and carry it forward in the summoning players' game as information of quests or locations,They are very helpful in the game and not adjusting your party properly with good vocations for them to compliment yours can make your life harder.They also have the same carry weight system based on their looks as you do so choose your pawns wisely as you might want to use it to your advantage as you can use them as mules for your loot basically.
5.There is tons of loot,ranging from equipment and weapons to food and plants to materials and monster parts for upgrading equipment,its basically Monster Hunter meets Diablo.
6.Speaking of loot,in the DD series you have the option to duplicate items at a forger,say you were tasked with getting a unique item for an npc in a quest but that item gives you some stat boosts if you have it in your inventory,why not see a forger and duplicate that and give the npc the duplicate.He might notice or might not notice it's a forgery but it's up to you to make that decision.
7.Some quests are time sensitive,meaning if you mess around too much they'll expire,someone might die or get kidnapped etc.
8.Your actions or inactions have actual consequences in the story and NPCs can die or you miss out on additional quests etc.
9.Night time is actually night time.Probably the best night time in any game EVER,when you go out at night don't expect magic lights out of nowhere illuminating your path or the full moonrays giving off a blue hue that makes nightime as visible as day time like in many rpgs.In DD you go out at night then you better have a light source with you or you won't see anything 2 feet in front of you as it's pitch black.Different types of enemies roam around at night.
10.Fast travel is limited.You don't just press a button and choose wherever you want to go on the map.You have certain items that allow you to fast travel and only a couple of crystals scattered throughout the world that basically lets you fast travel to the location you've placed the crystal at.Thing is..you have to actually get there on foot to place the crystal where you want to travel which encourages exploration even more.
I absolutely adore Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen, it's one of my favourite games of all time,I platinumed the PS3 version after 125 hours and I've had a similar experience as in that video in the begining,yet as I understood its systems I started loving it because it all felt so real and immersive and the world such a joy to explore. The only other games that gave me s similar feeling of exploration are the Souls games,Witcher 3 and Zelda BOTW and TOTK.
It has one of the better combat systems in RPGs out there,it's helmed by the director of Devil May Cry 3,4 and 5,an absolute legend at Capcom,Hideaki Itsuno and it shows as there are few games out there with the versatility of DD.From being able to climb your enemies to throwing them off cliffs to having different classes split with different variations of those classes,to having tons of items at your disposal that can dispatch enemies to literally being posible to finish the game barehanded if you so choose as this guy proved it.
The open world is the star of the show of your Dragon's Dogma experience, It's just waiting for you to step forth and prove your worth.
"So take up arms,newly arisen.The choice falls not to me,nor to the whims of fate...it is yours alone!"
1.Your character creation affects your carry weight.Larger characters have more carry weight but get hit easier while shorter,smaller characters have less carry weight but they are harder to hit so think twice before you create your character.
2.Your equipment load affects your stamina consumption and stamina recovery.The lower your load the less you are gonna run out of stamina.It is very important to have stamina in DD otherwise you are left out of breath for like 5 secs so your management of it is crucial.Curatives are essential.
3.Speaking of curatives...some of them can expire with the passing of time so when you collect those berries for example as you explore,make sure you don't waste too much time exploring that they become sour as they will poison you instead of healing you so you need to manage that.
4.Your pawns are an extention of you and other players,they are NOT npcs,they learn what their masters learn and carry it forward in the summoning players' game as information of quests or locations,They are very helpful in the game and not adjusting your party properly with good vocations for them to compliment yours can make your life harder.They also have the same carry weight system based on their looks as you do so choose your pawns wisely as you might want to use it to your advantage as you can use them as mules for your loot basically.
5.There is tons of loot,ranging from equipment and weapons to food and plants to materials and monster parts for upgrading equipment,its basically Monster Hunter meets Diablo.
6.Speaking of loot,in the DD series you have the option to duplicate items at a forger,say you were tasked with getting a unique item for an npc in a quest but that item gives you some stat boosts if you have it in your inventory,why not see a forger and duplicate that and give the npc the duplicate.He might notice or might not notice it's a forgery but it's up to you to make that decision.
7.Some quests are time sensitive,meaning if you mess around too much they'll expire,someone might die or get kidnapped etc.
8.Your actions or inactions have actual consequences in the story and NPCs can die or you miss out on additional quests etc.
9.Night time is actually night time.Probably the best night time in any game EVER,when you go out at night don't expect magic lights out of nowhere illuminating your path or the full moonrays giving off a blue hue that makes nightime as visible as day time like in many rpgs.In DD you go out at night then you better have a light source with you or you won't see anything 2 feet in front of you as it's pitch black.Different types of enemies roam around at night.
10.Fast travel is limited.You don't just press a button and choose wherever you want to go on the map.You have certain items that allow you to fast travel and only a couple of crystals scattered throughout the world that basically lets you fast travel to the location you've placed the crystal at.Thing is..you have to actually get there on foot to place the crystal where you want to travel which encourages exploration even more.
I absolutely adore Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen, it's one of my favourite games of all time,I platinumed the PS3 version after 125 hours and I've had a similar experience as in that video in the begining,yet as I understood its systems I started loving it because it all felt so real and immersive and the world such a joy to explore. The only other games that gave me s similar feeling of exploration are the Souls games,Witcher 3 and Zelda BOTW and TOTK.
It has one of the better combat systems in RPGs out there,it's helmed by the director of Devil May Cry 3,4 and 5,an absolute legend at Capcom,Hideaki Itsuno and it shows as there are few games out there with the versatility of DD.From being able to climb your enemies to throwing them off cliffs to having different classes split with different variations of those classes,to having tons of items at your disposal that can dispatch enemies to literally being posible to finish the game barehanded if you so choose as this guy proved it.
The open world is the star of the show of your Dragon's Dogma experience, It's just waiting for you to step forth and prove your worth.
"So take up arms,newly arisen.The choice falls not to me,nor to the whims of fate...it is yours alone!"

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