I must be missing something as I don't think MK is all that great, though I only just unlocked magic cannon. I guess part of the problem is having mage/sorcerers who don't seem to want to use boons on me (they focus on my other pawns first...).
Yeah lanterns on pawns are pointless lol, their light from the lantern doesn't help at all.
Sure it does, play a ranged/magic class and give your close range pawns (like fighters) a lantern and just aim where you pawn is.
Holy fuck Magic looks sick in Dragons Dogma might have to give Mystic Knight or Sorceress in my next playthrough.
Are you playing a min-max game? If not, you can just switch at any time.
Level 20, looking to rent some pawns. Anything but Strider/Assassin basically.
Pawns can't be Assassins... However, I have a level 14ish (I can't remember when I last slept at an in - she is 14 now) Ranger named Amelia.
Steam Name:
I'm working my way through the wyrm quests right now. Trying to level more. I'm 27 now. Way behind the average here I'm sure but I do what I can with my playtime. Enjoying the hell out of the game for sure.
Heh, I'm level 15 and haven't met up with Mercedes yet to deliver the Hydra head to Grand Soren.

This is with 14 hours too. I'm taking my time doing every quest and exploring what I can (in the Dragon God altar right now).
Still in the really early game - level 14 and I just got destroyed by bandits on my way to Witchwood for the Lost and Found quest. Managed to take down a few of them in bits and pieces but in a large group their crazy hard (especially as a Strider, the warrior guys take me down in just a couple of hits). Advice?
Run or wait until night when they are replaced by wolves. IIRC from my time playing it on the PS3, I wan't comfortable beating those bandits until I was like 25+ and had Maelstrom as a Sorcerer (it was the fight and spell to make me love the vocation)
Ah pawns who are insistent on casting their spells 3 inches in front of giant bosses because reasons.
By any chance did they have the Scather Inclination? From experience, Scather makes pawns very aggressive and they will either just run up to a monster to attack or they will try to climb.
I feel so behind, I just started the Wyrm quest in Gran Soren lol...
Cheers, i'll dump his ass tonight when i get in.
You're still ahead of me! I've cleared the village of chests and done some fighting and exploring between encampment and Gran Soren but not entered the place
This weekend is going to be a session and a half!
You both are ahead of me, I haven't even started the hydra head escort quest.
I switched my support mage pawn to sorcerer in order to grab some augments. Since doing so I had only one rental in the few days I have had her as sorcerer. My question for you guys is this: if you're going to grab a sorc. pawn what primary, secondary skills, and inclinations are you looking for? I'm not really going to be able to play this weekend so I just switched her back to mage and changed her inclinations to give her a shot at getting rented. Still really enjoying the game a ton. So if you see a mid thirties mage named Morrigan take her out for test drive.
I look for Utilitarian/Challenger/Mitigator usually together and in that order in possible. Utlitarian makes mages/sorcerers work together more often for spell synching (faster casting) and target weakness a bit better (provided they know about their enemy). Challenger makes them go after ranged/spell casting foes first and Mitigator makes them target the weaker foes before the bigger ones.
I think the arsenal spells really makes Sorcerers suited for clearing the trash in battle.
I avoid Nexus/Guardians/Acquisitors like the plague. I don't want a Sorcerer who is either sticking to me like glue (bad since I'm melee and in the thick of things) or wasting time picking up items during battle instead of fighting.
I don't really like Scather either as my experience has been that those pawns either run up to foes to cast or try to climb the big ones. Not a good idea for squishy vocations.
As for spells, I prefer to get a pawn that has a spell for all occasions: fire (either High Ingle or Comestion - bolide takes too long imo if you don't have another bolide user for synchronize casting), lightning (High Fulmination - pawns seem to use it well), ice (high gicel - also used properly by pawns imo), high voidspell (so I don't get blindsided by petrification), and some sort of boon (holy or fire). I avoid the grand versions as they take too long (except may grand ingle).
Hi all,
My pawn is around 40, Sorc, with Util/Challenger inclination. Please hire her!
Steam ID# intergalactic_smuggler
I'm having trouble finding good mages/sorcerers. Do you mind if I add you even though I'm lower level (only 15, with a 14ish ranger pawn)?
I just tried to find you, but couldn't (get a message about the id doesn't exist or something).
Steam Name: