how long before Modders put REAL CoOp in this game?

how long before Modders put REAL CoOp in this game?
Pro-tip (especially for BBI): pawns regenerate HP rapidly around a Riftstone.
I have this really weird problem right at the beginning of the game.I am unable to re-enter the first village - the game just gets stuck in the loading screen. I already did do the stuff you do at theI left to collect the herbs (the first quest you get) and went back in and out to get the herbs at night. Since I left for the "night herbs"includingpawn campslaying the hydra. so my next main quest would be to present the hydra's head to some nobility dude for which the quest marker seems to point me to my home town.
Any help? Checking the game cache at the moment. Hope that helps.
how long before Modders put REAL CoOp in this game?
Pro-tip (especially for BBI): pawns regenerate HP rapidly around a Riftstone.
It's Impossible right now to inject new code to the game... don't expect it anytime soon. Better to ask them to bring dragons dogma online
Level up strider more and you'll unlock dodge roll for every class that uses dual daggers. For other weapons, there are skills that have a dodge built in.
All yellow vocations learn a dodgeroll. Striders, Assassins, Rangers and Magic Archers. It's under Core Skills.
My entire pawn party are red headed females, I ain't complainin tho ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Fell to her death/into water somewhere, got petrified, or Death took her.err...somehow one of my pawns is gone, I have no clue how. please tell me the shit I had on it goes in the storage, Im pretty sure I had cursed gear on her >_<
Yes! Better get leveling then. Need my dodge. What equivalent do sword users get, if any?
Yes! Better get leveling then. Need my dodge. What equivalent do sword users get, if any?
Normal Daimon? Here's how to ruin it:Daimon doesn't miss around
I feel like I need lv3 weapons to kill him.
Nope, BBI will be the same. It's just annoying having to re-do the hydra quest to unlock Gran Soren (which isn't strictly necessary but having access to the Black Cat can be useful).So I kinda accidentally went into NG+. Will I be missing out on anything if I start BBI now? I know that equipment vendors have all their items reset to the lowest tiers, is that the only difference?
If you're using a ranged class, Demon Paripats and blast arrows are your friends.Daimon doesn't miss around
I feel like I need lv3 weapons to kill him.
Normal Daimon? Here's how to ruin it:.torpor
If you're using a ranged class, Demon Paripats and blast arrows are your friends.
That's... not quite what happened.
Maybe read the dialogues...
How do I inflict torpor on enemies?
My characters keep randomly glowing green now and I don't know why. I just started to notice it in the post-game but it might have coincided with these new pawns I got. I don't think this mage has a spell that's doing it, and nothing is appearing under my status conditions.
edit: srsly what is this
Daimon doesn't miss around
I feel like I need lv3 weapons to kill him.
Now I heard that there was original code for multiplayer on the disc that was scrapped in favor of the pawn system....
Was that just some goofy false rumor?
Check your secret augment, it might be mettle
Haha, blast arrows are your friend for everything!If you're using a ranged class, Demon Paripats and blast arrows are your friends.
You can't save scum cursed items. They are set in stone when your character is created.
Bitterblack items are not picked randomly but comes from predetermined lists hardcoded into the game.
On entering Bitterblack Isle for the first time, each player have a "seed" initialyzed randomly for each cursed item (Bitterbalck Novelty 1, 2, 3; Bitterblack Gear 1, 2, 3; Bitterblack Weapon 1, 2, 3 and Bitterblack Armor 1, 2, 3), which correspond to a value from the list.
Except Cockatrices. I learned that to my great sorrow inCheck your secret augment, it might be mettle.
You can save scum. It's not set in stone, it's based off of your vocation when identifying. Did that all the time on the console version.
edit: the pool you draw from might be generated at character creation, but if so, it's still a pool full of items across all vocations.
You can save scum. It's not set in stone, it's based off of your vocation (and your pawn's) when identifying. Did that all the time on the console version. That's also how you easily deck out your pawn.
edit: the pool you draw from might be generated at character creation, but if so, it's still a pool full of items across all vocations.
If there is something like that, It still need a lot of different things to achieve it... UI changes, party system/search, network code...
I'm 99.99% sure it's not possible to mod it.
Well it's a magickal bow, shooting magickal arrows that do magickal damage >_>
Man, when i get back home i'll change my pawn back to sorcerer. She is a ranger now. But i'm not feeling it. And i'll change her hair color. That comment about red heads is hurting my feelings.
Hey, wasn't sure it counted as "spellcasting". Is there any other items that make the recharge time even shorter?
Can you get plastic surgery in this game? My character looks like Rumor Willis, and not in a good way.
Can you get plastic surgery in this game? My character looks like Rumor Willis, and not in a good way.
Can you get plastic surgery in this game? My character looks like Rumor Willis, and not in a good way.
The real question if the red heads have green eyes also since that's the best combo.
Hah, I don't think I've ever consciously rated anyone a three. Guess it was due to a death. I'll fix that in a sec o7Oh now I get why my pawn came back with 3 star ratings from you, it all makes sense.