You're part of the problem.Considering the possibility of this being true and doing some mental gymnast here... (basically i'm conjecturing that Dr. did some shit, which may not be true.)
I don't know if what surprises me more is the Doctor's stance on the case or if it was T. simply sweeping everything under the rug through a large fine and an NDA, without involving the competent authorities.
He was a reason to watch twitch? I just had him down as a mentalist with a penchant for Marc mero.There goes any reason to watch Twitch.
You know, I keep finding it funny how he keeps saying "no wrongdoing was found" like...genuinely it's such a poor choice of words... It's like if a criminal is saying "well yeah I did the crime but the court didn't find me guilty so I'm not guilty".
Just say no wrongdoing was done...He needs a better PR person.
He probably was doing something that could be interpreted as sexting a minor enough for Twitch to not want to deal with him anymore but not explicit enough to convict him. Probably Twitch paid to terminate his contract.
Just my 2 cents based on nothing.
Got anything to base this on champ?He probably was doing something that could be interpreted as sexting a minor enough for Twitch to not want to deal with him anymore but not explicit enough to convict him. Probably Twitch paid to terminate his contract.
Just my 2 cents based on nothing.
Not gonna damn the guy but he still didn’t say “that’s not true” lol
Throwing out baseless accusations like these should be a bannable offense.
Got anything to base this on champ?
Let me try:I mean did you not bother to read the last line I wrote? Or do you have an itchy trigger finger?
This, im fucking tired of internet loser mobs and their sad following on social media acting as judge jury and executioner based on hearsay from second hand info
Guilty unless proven innocent. If you are an accuser you better back that shit up.Man we learned nothing from the last few years did we?
Let me try:
Red5 probably was doing something that could be interpreted as sexting a minor enough for Twitch to not want to deal with him anymore but not explicit enough to convict him. Probably Twitch paid to terminate his contract.
just my 2 cents based on absolutely nothing.
(don't forget to read the last bit.)
Not cool mate. Not cool at all.So you did read it? Good, then you answered your own question.
Not cool mate. Not cool at all.
Going from this:
To this:
In just one hour. Morality speedrunner strats!
Imagine what's about to happen if Twitch paid him to go away and kept it hush hush that someone was sexting minors and now this guy who it seems was somewhat up the food chain at Twitch just implicated himself in being part of the coverupLook, I don't mean to come off as an asshole and I'm sorry it came off like that.
What I meant was, if a company like Twitch was willing to severe a contract with one of their highest earning breadwinners and to actually pay him just so they can get rid of their contractual obligations to him then that sends warning signals.
These are the fact that we have to base our opinions on and this is a board for people to share their opinions, otherwise why even have this thread open for discussion? and people are acting as if I sued or accused him in a court.
Disagree, in fact he's not accusing anyone of anything... He makes it clear in his language that he offering only speculation. Speculation in this case that is compatible with the circumstantial evidence that we do have. Until there is more information available, he is not breaking any rules of logicThrowing out baseless accusations like these should be a bannable offense.
What evidence would that be?Disagree, in fact he's not accusing anyone of anything... He makes it clear in his language that he offering only speculation. Speculation in this case that is compatible with the circumstantial evidence that we do have. Until there is more information available, he is not breaking any rules of logic
Circumstantial evidence*, ie doc tweetsWhat evidence would that be?
LOL yeah ok Ironside.Circumstantial evidence*, ie doc tweets
More believable than him being a paedophile but twitch paying him out for his full contract to keep him quiet and then Youtube welcoming him with open arms.Though he got permed because he took a shit in is inflatable bathtub when stroking his nips for views
Twitch never publicly stated why he was terminated. Doc never publicly stated why he thought he was terminated.Yeah if you're fired for stealing shit from an employer and you sign a settlement NDA related to stealing shit from an employer, you're absolutely allowed to say you didn't proposition minors. This is the kind of thing you explicitly respond to with "No, I was not sexting minors, these allegations are patently false". The bizarre legalese tuned partial-non-responses which don't seem to make any sort of legal sense WRT this kind of settlement (if they were indeed patently false) are certainly supporting the allegations are at least partially true at a high level, which technically didn't amount to criminal or "wrong doing", but were probably more flirtatious or PG-13 in nature. Which Twitch probably acquired by dubious methods, and would be inadmissible in court. Reality is they probably caught him hitting on teenage girls which was only bordering on too raunchy or solicitation. A well educated deep 6 figures FAANG employee coming out years later making this stuff up out of whole cloth knowing full well the ramifications if there was indeed zero ounce of truth behind it is also very very unlikely.
couldn't agree more with the last part of your post, but I think misunderstandings remain around the socalled "believe all women" movement. Contrary to what many think, it does not mean "women are not liars". In fact, because so many women do lie, we have inadvertently adopted a bias (including women) to dismiss women's claims before they are even taken into consideration. "Believe all women" just means to give women the benefit of the doubt in order to protect the honest ones.When it comes to serious allegations it's always important to remember that belief is not truth. It's why the phrase "believe all women" was always stupid. It was being used to lay guilt at the feet of the accused. People can choose to believe whatever they want. But that doesn't mean you're right in your belief. In a just and properly functioning society, people should not be punished until accusations are proven. Otherwise you open pandora's box. Unfortunately, we've seen a lot of people punished or had their lives derailed over the years just over mere accusations. Due process is extremely important.
And no, circumstantial stuff doesn't qualify as proof. "Well, if he was truly innocent, he would've done X, Y, or Z" is inadequate. Everyone responds to situations differently, that in itself is not evidence of anything.
Me personally, I really tend to not have any opinions on innocent or guilt with most of these situations. There really is no reason to have an opinion tbh. Wake me up with all the facts come out, and if they never do, then I'll never have an opinion on it. Every time some famous public figure is accused of something you have a bunch of people grandstanding about how they're "done with them" etc etc. That's not justice, that's vanity. John Doe rando from Lansing, Michigan's opinion on the matter has no impact on the situation whatsoever.
He really needs to hire a PR person to handle this shit lmao.
It can mean that, but unfortunately, in practice, it hasn't been used that way. I've seen instances where people have been accused of things without proof, they either were completely vilified, lost jobs or opportunities or what have you, and the response to "What the fuck are you trying to destroy this person's life for? None of this has been proven yet" is "Believe all women."couldn't agree more with the last part of your post, but I think misunderstandings remain around the socalled "believe all women" movement. Contrary to what many think, it does not mean "women are not liars". In fact, because so many women do lie, we have inadvertently adopted a bias (including women) to dismiss women's claims before they are even taken into consideration. "Believe all women" just means to give women the benefit of the doubt in order to protect the honest ones.
Similarly, 'black lives matter' does not mean 'only black lives matter'--it means that, in a world we have adopted a worldview where black lives are seen as less valuable (even amongst blacks), that "black lives matter too"
They never do. They'll believe whatever they want because it's their "truth" vs. what actually happened. Most of the people of the people on the other site are not big enough to believe they were wrong about anything.Has the lynch mob apologized yet?
On Twitch the last few weeks he was streaming there...he was espousing some cancel-worthy at the time shit... anti-vax,
He needs to sue that Twitch employee for defamation after this.
That is a failure of marketing essentially. It should have always been 'Black Lives Matter Too'. No room for confusion.couldn't agree more with the last part of your post, but I think misunderstandings remain around the socalled "believe all women" movement. Contrary to what many think, it does not mean "women are not liars". In fact, because so many women do lie, we have inadvertently adopted a bias (including women) to dismiss women's claims before they are even taken into consideration. "Believe all women" just means to give women the benefit of the doubt in order to protect the honest ones.
Similarly, 'black lives matter' does not mean 'only black lives matter'--it means that, in a world we have adopted a worldview where black lives are seen as less valuable (even amongst blacks), that "black lives matter too"
He’s a beloved children’s entertainer, an IRL KrustyI really don't get what the appeal is of this guy anyway.
Ben Roethlisberger is 6’5. Kobe was 6’6 and admitted he did it.The one thing stopping me from believing the rumors is his height. I've just never met anyone in the >6'4 club who wasn't an absolute gentleman. It's just how we roll, and I'll defend him on those grounds alone.
Nice, reddit and resetera are your sources?He probably was doing something that could be interpreted as sexting a minor enough for Twitch to not want to deal with him anymore but not explicit enough to convict him. Probably Twitch paid to terminate his contract.
Just my 2 cents based on nothing.
You're part of the problem.
Did he?Sure and were i live this kind of thing would probably be enough for Dr. to sue the Mr. random Twitch employee into oblivion.
edit. At least Dr. did a tweet outright denying the entire thing.
He doesn’t have to apologize for something he didn’t do.Lmao what an apology. Next he'll write a book called 'If I did it'
Wrong. He wasn't "found to do," as he keeps sayingHe doesn’t have to apologize for something he didn’t do.
Genuinely beyond awful response.
But assuming it's true that Amazon paid up his contract and then banned him, I find it hard to believe this is true.
As surely they would report/ban his ass and not pay up, just for them paying up and only banning, I find the story very questionable, as I'm sure they would love an excuse to not pay up millions.
Whilst I can't stand streamers, I'll give benefit of the doubt for now.