Guess I am just one of those get off my lawn old guys but I don't remotely call streaming from a bathroom a nothingburger
If I was one of those dads and he caught my kid using the urinal on a live stream we are going to have problems
Did you see the clip or not? If so, do you consider
's description of it to be reasonable, accurate, and in good faith?
"Their side" very telling and curious - what do you mean by this?
I probably mean exactly what you think I mean. He's been on the cancel-list of team purple ever since at least the 'fake chinese to chinese cheaters' comedy bit in PUBG. Or are we supposed to pretend that there is no political correlation to those who want to give Doc the benefit of the doubt, and the ones who are like, "Well if Cody Connors said it, fuck man, ya gotta trust Cody Fucking Connors"?
Also the situation that you have outlined here is not only completely unrelated, but fabricated as well.
How so? I guess the clips could be staged, in that access to the bathroom by the public was cut off so some TikToker could do xer thing, but it's not being presented as such, there's no disclaimer.
The fact remains that DrDisrespect has proven to be incredibly reckless before. He has NOT pursued twitch legally in civil court, which is telling in itself, and his own company cut ties after behaving rationally and assuming innocence. Ultimately, we will all have to wait and see, but this post of yours reeks of culture war trash and vitriol.
Proven himself mildly reckless maybe. He
did pursue the Twitch thing in court and apparently settled for a full payout of his contract (per his latest tweets), and:
Which hey what do you know, there's the "No party admits to any wrongdoing" legalese that he reposted verbatim and got raked over the coals for. With that context it makes more sense that he would have posted that wording, as it was already okayed by his lawyer, clearly.
People here seem to be taking the charges against DrDisrespect personally. Weird cultish behavior. He's a rich, reckless idiot that behaves like a child in public, yet it's okay because he's a streamer I guess.
No, we're just sick of Twitter-accusations being an acceptable bar for complete cancelation of people. I would love to see these alleged texts to make my own judgment, but it seems like both the Doc and Twitch decided that it was in their interests for it to not be public. Keep in mind "Cody Fucking Connors" reportedly only has second-hand information and didn't see the Twitch Whispers himself. And he's a buddy of cherished esports reporter
@@Slasher , who was the original Twitter engagement farmer on the issue, so it seems pretty plausible that Cody Fucking Connors was his big source to begin with.
If Doc's a predator and you got the receipts be like hey, here's Doc's blurred out skittlesdick that he knowingly sent to a 13 year old girl and we'd literally all be like "Oh shit fuck that guy", he'd be righteously canceled and the world would be a safer place for everyone knowing what he is.