Worse.., than Eggman? Impossiblewith eggman here at least I won't be the worst poster right?
Worse.., than Eggman? Impossiblewith eggman here at least I won't be the worst poster right?
Worse.., than Eggman? Impossible
Yes. One is a watch btw.EloquentM are you a shoesman?
ps nice bracelets
My parents house is huge compared to my tiny apartments I've had. I love coming home.Finals are done. Still hasn't hit me feels like a long weekend so far. Back at my parent's place its so big here
what the fuck do i do with all these empty bottles i'm about to create?? my parents would kill me if they found them.
snugglers thats a good idea. good luck in FTL
toad man, i'm 21
I wish I didn't have this anxiety disorder. I can't smoke....Think I finally got a legit connect for those brownies yumm
marriage isn't between a man and woman
but love and love
I need more alcohol but it's too late
how do you get rid of weed smell? is it even possible?I used to dispose of a lot of evidence. ALthough there was the one time someone (maybe my dad? can't remember) found my dresser drawer packed to the brim with empty liquor bottles. t'was so long ago though.
i drink all the time, but rarely at home, and this is the first time i've not been drinking liquor at home. 6 beers to kill before i go to bed.You can't drink?
Smoke outsidehow do you get rid of weed smell? is it even possible?
i drink all the time, but rarely at home, and this is the first time i've not been drinking liquor at home. 6 beers to kill before i go to bed.
how do you get rid of weed smell? is it even possible?
no such thing... unless you got work tomorrow.
I do work in the morning, but that's not the problem. It's just that liquor stores open at 1AM are few and far between, I'm probably too buzzed to drive AND the roads are way fucked thanks to the snow storm. Out of luck. Wish I had some sleeping pills at leas.t
i would , except its like 4 degrees outside. and no they hate it, we are mormon, only idgaf about mormonism anymore.Smoke outside
Do your parents not like it? I remember my parents being assholes about drinking till 20 (not that it stopped anything) then they gave up, at 21 I started drinking with them.
that axe thing is not a bad idea. i got some last year for christmas that would fit right in my pocket. you are a genius snugglerif you have an area in your house where a. your parents rarely enter and b. is a good distance from their areas, you could probably get by with filtering smoke out the window and keeping a steady flow of airspray and candles going to control the stank.
the best method would be to just walk a short distance away from the house, toke, then walk it off and return. pot stank don't linger like cig stank does, people can usually only detect it if you just toked up. if you wanna be extra careful keep a little hand sanitizer bottle and axe or cologne sampler spray in your pocket for a cover smell
did the servers just go down or was it just this fucking laptop?
Don't text any damn girl that isn't you mum or gal pal no girl person who isn't a sexy friendgoddammit i'm not even drunk maybr i am but i cannot be lloowed to post on gaf while drunked maybe
yer typing drunk style at least
that counts for something
layer your bottles in the trash btw, or you could read this: Lots of good advice here son. It's technically for soon-to-be teetotalers but the advice is just as good for us unrepentant types!
nicole kidman is pretty hot
p.s. i think you're lying about the six beers thing there is no way
you had to have accidentally downed a bottle of purell at some point