The family went to some Mexican get-together. Hopefully they being food home. I'm praying for tamales.
Tamales are fantastic. Best of luck.
I had one of my presents with a bud earlier today, Rogue's Bacon Maple Voodoo whatever. It's not great, there's no bacon and it's expensive. Keeping the bottle at least.
Then I get home, wrap gifts and my dad is like come on lets take a shot of vodka, one of his gifts from my sister. First time I've had vodka in a while, pretty smooth I guess. Still like whiskey more. It's really nice to not need chasers for anything anymore, get a lot of the intricacies of everything.
Oh and Mass Effect 3 showed up 2 days early. Fuck yes gonna finally end my Shepard.
Sorry to hear it's going rough tonight Snugg. Perhaps the sun god will blast away the snow so you can fetch your beer on a Christmas miracle.