Some remedial biology class. I need it to graduate next quarter.What kind of lab?
Some remedial biology class. I need it to graduate next quarter.What kind of lab?
On average? 5-7 =/. Whenever I drink wine I finish the bottle.How many bottles do you go through in a week eloquent?
Maybe I am her, just posting in disguiseVery much like the miss.
You never have? It's pretty great.I can't stop thinking about black women. I just want to have sex with one.
You never have? It's pretty great.
I've dated every "general" race besides Caucasian.
Black women are very nice. if I had a preference it'd probably be a black woman primarily because they tend to have major amounts of spunk which leads to a lot of badass moments in bed and such. It doesn't have much to do with their race really but the people they grow up around. You know each race has their own sub cultures and such. If she grows up in that subculture she's more likely to be that typical spunky, aggressive, and outspoken black girl a lot of men often talk about.I want to. I want to so goddamn bad.
It sucks! I want to date a white girl at least once! The way things are looking though I may not get that chance.What's it like?
Ahh, minus likes the mixed girls. I have to say that though I've dated more mixed girls I prefer darker black women to lighter ones.I always wanted to steal Esperanza spalding.
Why?I'm not attracted to non-white girls by and large
My favorite girlfriend was African (Ethiopian) and she considered herself black even though her culture was the furthest thing from American black culture. It was an interesting time for me.
This is an awesome post. Ah women like this are why I wish men would branch out to different races. Even though skin color may indicate differently, there are so many different people out there that may or may not identify with their race. They may just be unique and interesting on their own. Ahh well, to each his own I suppose. Back to may Stella!Yeah, my best friend's wife is Finnish, but half black. AND spent a huge amount of her childhood in rural africa. Its like, the most crazy background I've ever seen. Her dad is like a diplomat or something and they used to travel around to all these different countries in big black SUVs. Then she just ended up in san francisco where they met, but she too totally identifies with american black culture. Its great because she posts on a forum thats a lot like gaf. its called BHM. Black Hair Media, and they swap totally weird and out there hygeine techniques. Shes always making her own soap and putting crazy oils in her hair and shit. She bought this soap that had bleach or something in it to use on her elbows and knees, but my dude ended up washing his face with it.. because it was just an innocuous soap bar. But apparently he like totally damaged his skin for a little while it was so caustic.
It sucks! I want to date a white girl at least once! The way things are looking though I may not get that chance.
Oh I have no doubt in my ability to pull a white girl. I just have this inkling to settle down soon and the person I have in mind is most definitely the opposite of white, lol.Bull fucking shit man. You got that smokiness that most white girls die for, you just gotta find that a fun girl and she'll be all over you.
I've also been infatuated with marriage since the age of 12, your point?You're 22
I've also been infatuated with marriage since the age of 12, your point?
I hope you cooked it first ya dingus.Im drinking a lagunitas pilsner and eating frozen pizza
Dont ever tell a girl that, man.I've also been infatuated with marriage since the age of 12, your point?
Nah, they actually divorced when I was younger and my father instantly became shitty as a result. Or maybe he was just always shitty.were they like "marriage is awesome!" and you were like "it sure is ma!" ?
any more obvious girl advice for me?Dont ever tell a girl that, man.
I sort of do too. Oh well. Toast to Eloquent with the better avatar (not this one)I wish he hadn't told it to us
Look at what it turned macuser into.Man you guys are depressing. What's wrong with married life?
Lol Mac is a GLook at what it turned macuser into.
Just buy Stella rosa acrid. It's essentially pussyfoot wine and incidentally women like it because of that. Taste like fruit juice.I sort of do too. Oh well. Toast to Eloquent with the better avatar (not this one)
Gonna go for another glass. Hey coldvein there's a wine two buck chuck's apparently it can either be great or incredibly shitty. But that's cheap as hell may as well right?
my last girlfriend was taller than me. Sex positions were awkward.I'd like to marry a tall girl so we can have tall, basketball dominating children. I also figure that if an otherwise very attractive and out-of-my-league girl is 6'1" or 6'2", that drives away like 85% of the competition. I can just swoop right in.
Hey coldvein there's a wine two buck chuck's apparently it can either be great or incredibly shitty. But that's cheap as hell may as well right?
Alex Rodriguez Honestly, I'm more offended by the shit that goes on in the drunk thread. Its so trashy with their drug use talk. And in the gay thread, DR2K's post are more offensive than what you've ever posted Scott.
smoke weed errday
I slept with this chick that was a good bit taller than me. We tried to do it doggystyle, but she had to like lean forward a lot for us to 'match' cuz of her long last girlfriend was taller than me. Sex positions were awkward.
im always scared of those drugs whose names are just some crazy chemical compound.
2CB TCBY 5E3 C3PO etc etc
Hey guys, what would be a good name for a bar/restaurant that primarily sells alcohol laced deserts?
I'm trying to come up with one for one of my design projects.![]()