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drunk thread: anonymous alcoholics

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Chill my friend sphinx, I don't think i posted in that thread, and i only skimmed it, so maybe some people were being total dicks, I dunno. This is also why I keep my serious shit in dedicated threads (such as this ) where people are more likely to converse vs snipe or just stir shit.

Drunk gaf is best gaf for a reason. Over 18-21 and hidden in OT community. Only people I've driven 10 hours to chill with* (and touch noshinos butt while he slept).

*ok I was visiting the rents too but still.

no doubt, we're in the same boat. except i think i might be starting to get grizzled.
If I don't shave I look like a dirty Mexican criminal. But when I do, I look like a fruity pebble fashionista. I've come to terms with it.


the piano man
Chill my friend sphinx.

macuser, you know what is like to see a dear friend after 8 years, after FINALLY having a chance to get a contract to play music together (we are both musicians), but only for two weeks and then see her part back away???

we spent endless nights together when we were students 10 years ago, and NO, it's not sexual love, cause she is a girl and I am gay, but we held held our hands many times looking to the moon, together, hoping there is a future for us, for the music, hoping everything we had invested since our childhood would somehow pay off, we believed in what we were doing, for almost a decade, we have believed forever.

we finally got a contract and performed together.. we were alive to made it happen, we were still playing the fucking piano after so many years of uncertainity..

you know what is like to see her part throught the security in the airport???

to not ever see her again, most likely??

I was like "maybe we'll find something else, maybe I'll see you again, maybe we will have another chance, please get home safe and keep playing the piano, please fon't give up your dream" but we aren't superstars so chances are VERY rare,

so there is no fucking skype for that, no emails, no nothing, nothing compares to that.

I was desperate and made that stupid thread and was slammed to the floor by teenagers.. I thought, "do I really need that???" ...

anyway, I am posting here and nobody gives a fuck if I write again in this forum or not.



sounds intense, sphinx. but your whole YOU DONT KNOW WHAT ITS LIIIIIIIKE!!!! tone isn't helping your cause of getting people to care.

everybody knows what its like to lose things. especially in drunk thread sonnnnn


Reads Ace as Lace. May God have mercy on their soul

picked up these last night....shiiiet after pounding 2 asahi blacks on a empty stomach...I got a light buzz..haha...anyways, it tastes just like the description "rich and smooth"...so goooood.

anyways, any beer gaf dudes know any beer like asahi's black lager?? :eek:
Im craving smoothness this week..


the piano man
Yea, that definitely sounds really overdramatic. Did you forget to get her phone number or something?

you are not being asked WHAT YOU FUCKING THINK, i am not asking you what is your opinon whether you think is overdramatic or overblown or whatever. Did I ask anyone other than Macuser what it's like??? no I did not. so shut the FUCK up and stay away from something you are not sympatheitc with or don't care about.

is that so hard?

I hate halo games. Do you see me going into halo threads saying " oh, you guys are overreacting, that game is average at best", no, you don't, because I stay away from them, the way I should, cause otherwise I am a troll.

you think is really necessary to tell me "I am being overdramatic"??? you don't know me, at all, in the least. Who the fuck do you think you are to tell me my feelings are "overdramatic"?? learn to shut up.

im just sayin dude, this stuff doesn't translate well on the internet you know? i'm not trying to shit on you or your feelings.

you are damn right and these guys above your post are perfect proof for that

I am done there.


Yuengling Black and Tan is a pretty smooth, easy-to-drink lager. Not sure if that compares with this Asahi stuff, though. Never had it.

There's a Beer|OT| where people might be of better help. We're not here to be discerning in our beverages in this thread. :)


erotic butter maelstrom
Yuengling Black and Tan is a pretty smooth, easy-to-drink lager. Not sure if that compares with this Asahi stuff, though. Never had it.

I just had a Black and Tan. Pretty good but I probably should hit the breaks and take a day or two off from drinking before my liver melts.

Asahi is decent from what I remember, I've only had the regular though. I used to work at a "Chinese" restaurant and they had all kinds of shit like that, we would fill up styrofoam cups with it when the boss was gone.
Treating people badly/cursing is never a nice thing. I know what's it's like to feel embarrassed and depressed to post again, but cursing people you don't know hardly gets sympathy from most. I know I have made a fool of myself in some threads and felt sad. I even posted an embarrassing (to me) post in the other drunk thread, but whatever. Sometimes one says stupid things.


the piano man
they weren't even being dicks, just being honest.

macuser, NO, just NO.

let's say I never had a mom, cause she died when I was born, so I don't know a thing about love between mother and child.

the mom of my best friend dies and I say to him " yeap, your tears are sooo an overreaction, you forgot to say goodbye to her or something??"

do I need to keep posting now??? do you understand what it's happening here?

if you don't understand the suffering of other people, LET THEM BE, it has nothing to de with honesty, just let them be and cope with it, that's what I mean with STFU, just stay away, maybe some other people will help if they have been in similar situations.


you are not being asked WHAT YOU FUCKING THINK, i am not asking you what is your opinon whether you think is overdramatic or overblown or whatever. Did I ask anyone other than Macuser what it's like??? no I did not. so shut the FUCK up and stay away from something you are not sympatheitc with or don't care about.

is that so hard?

I hate halo games. Do you see me going into halo threads saying " oh, you guys are overreacting, that game is average at best", no, you don't, because I stay away from them, the way I should, cause otherwise I am a troll.

you think is really necessary to tell me "I am being overdramatic"??? you don't know me, at all, in the least. Who the fuck do you think you are to tell me my feelings are "overdramatic"?? learn to shut up.
If you want to have a private conversation with somebody, use PM's. Otherwise, you're posting on a public board. Dont get upset if people speak up about what you post. I did not come to this thread to shit on you, dont worry. It was not my intention. I just expressed my immediate reaction to your story, which is very hard to see as anything but overly dramatic. I dont know the whole story, but its very weird to me that you dont have any hope for still keeping in touch with somebody. Its easier than ever to keep in touch with people who have moved away.

I'm all ears man. I like trying to be helpful when I can, but its also easy to spot a defeatist attitude and sometimes tough love is better in those instances than somebody trying to console you and be all sympathetic about it. I dont know if thats the right approach in this case, but its hardly anything to get all worked up about if you're not sucseptible(sp?) to that sort of thing. Relax.
dude, it isn't that feeling shitty about losing proximity to a close friend is being dramatic, but your reactions to other people on this forum are just over the top. i don't know what else to say. really, i don't.



picked up these last night....shiiiet after pounding 2 asahi blacks on a empty stomach...I got a light buzz..haha...anyways, it tastes just like the description "rich and smooth"...so goooood.

anyways, any beer gaf dudes know any beer like asahi's black lager?? :eek:
Im craving smoothness this week..

Hey man. Haven't had Asahi black, not sure if I can get it here. I'll admit Asahi isn't great but I sure find it refreshing.

Looks like I missed a lot here while watching Toxic Avenger.


the piano man
If you want to have a private conversation with somebody, use PM's. Otherwise, you're posting on a public board. Dont get upset if people speak up about what you post. I did not come to this thread to shit on you, dont worry. It was not my intention. I just expressed my immediate reaction to your story, which is very hard to see as anything but overly dramatic. I dont know the whole story, but its very weird to me that you dont have any hope for still keeping in touch with somebody. Its easier than ever to keep in touch with people who have moved away.

I'm all ears man. I like trying to be helpful when I can, but its also easy to spot a defeatist attitude and sometimes tough love is better in those instances than somebody trying to console you and be all sympathetic about it. I dont know if thats the right approach in this case, but its hardly anything to get all worked up about if you're not sucseptible(sp?) to that sort of thing. Relax.

I am not against people expressing their opinions in an open forum but as you say, "I don't know the whole story" then why not either ask about it or just plainly not post at all?

if it's something that from the get go doesn't make sense to you, then why so judgemental and tell me about how I am overreacting?

I am really curious.

if someone posts some unclear story, I stay away or ask, not come with some kind of judgement " this is good, this is bad, this is overreaction".

EDIT: and let's get this over with, this was already an old story, I am going to bed now. just don't reply at all.


macuser, NO, just NO.

let's say I never had a mom, cause she died when I was born, so I don't know a thing about love between mother and child.

the mom of my best friend dies and I say to him " yeap, your tears are sooo an overreaction, you forgot to say goodbye to her or something??"

do I need to keep posting now??? do you understand what it's happening here?

if you don't understand the suffering of other people, LET THEM BE, it has nothing to de with honesty, just let them be and cope with it, that's what I mean with STFU, just stay away, maybe some other people will help if they have been in similar situations.

Somebody's mom dying is not comparable to some friend of yours that moved away. One of these people is gone forever. The other is just a phone call away. Yea, you're being overdramatic if you think the two situations are even remotely similar.


It's also instinctual to make snap judgements. I understand not wanting to see those types of posts, but you can't control people. You don't know the others who are reading, their backgrounds, how they handle situations, so you can't expect it to not happen.


I am not against people expressing their opinions in an open forum but as you say, "I don't know the whole story" then why not either ask about it or just plainly not post at all?

if it's something that from the get go doesn't make sense to you, then why so judgemental and tell me about how I am overreacting?

I am really curious.

if someone posts some unclear story, I stay away or ask, not come with some kind of judgement " this is good, this is bad, this is overreaction".

EDIT: and let's get this over with, this was already an old story, I am going to bed now. just don't reply at all.

I said it 'sounds' overly dramatic. I could only go by what you said there in your post and I only said the thing about not knowing the whole story cuz it seemed pretty straightforward in what you said, but I figured there might be more to it that I dont know cuz I dont know how else somebody would be so weird about a friend moving away. You're not the first person to have a good friend move away, I promise you. You're acting like somebody died or something though. Just keep in touch with them. Its really not hard.

Good night, though. Its easy to get overly emotional when drinking man. We all do it. You'll hopefully feel better tomorrow.
depending on how much you drank!


He is permad. Going through serious withdraws, the constant lurking doesn't help either. Dumbass only had his school email I guess.

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