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drunk thread: anonymous alcoholics

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my stupid brain

-develop feelings for a girl
-then watch girl make out with another guy

left the club early and now just feel a bit down


this girl is the type of chick that is your friend on facebook but you never met irl. It was a friend's birthday and we played pool together as a team and lost. My birthday buddy used to fuck her like 2 years ago, and there was definetly something flirty going on there even though my friend's actual girlfriend (they've been a year together now) was there, so it was weird. But this chick was super cool and we were laughing and I always found her hot as hell

im gonna post a pic cause this is the internet what could go wrong

those thick eyebrows are so fucking hawt

Didn't you have a girlfriend that was on GAF? What happened to that? I never consciously thought about it, but the thick eyebrows can be pretty hot. Is that what the average Uruguayan looks like? I want to move there, it sounds pretty great from the Wikipedia article.




May possibly fuck this Jewish chick that I graduated with. If you thought Jewish chicks don't have ghetto booties, this girl will prove you wrong.

We'll see how tonight pans out.


I wanna see the new hoodie Snuggler

May possibly fuck this Jewish chick that I graduated with. If you thought Jewish chicks don't have ghetto booties, this girl will prove you wrong.

We'll see how tonight pans out.
I bet she has a rad bush, too.

Report back.

My wife is putting together our steam punk costumes for tomorrow night's party so I'm banished to my man cave. I'll post pics here because they're actually pretty rad.

It's either play guitar, drums, or find a game. I'm too ADD right now to play Dragon Age Origins like I have been doing.

Someone hit me up on Steam for drunken Saint's Row the Third action.



12 of PBR
Same! Working on #9 right now. Plans to go out fell through. Pussy ass roommate wants to go out with this girl alone. What he means is, "Sorry Sean, you're a threat and my only chance is to get this girl drunk and try and convince her against all odds that I'm good looking and charming."

Had Old Canadian whiskey with coke. Two huge mugs of that and a hit of a hallucinogen called 2CI. About to be a great night.
Of what? Never heard of it.
2ci is legal? Huh. Speaking of legal things, a store down the street apparently sells "spice". I didn't know this was a thing.

Next summer for my trip im gonna have a briefcase full of drugs and youre all invited.


I'm glad I don't have a roommate.

I'm not worried about it. He'll bomb as usual and when he comes back alone he'll tell me the story of how she left for some good reason and how he fully believes it. I'm just annoyed that we had plans to go out, but then he comes up with some BS about how he just wants to go alone. Its fucking see-through as shit.


is drunk thread beer snobs? because bud light platinum.................
Not at all man.It's not a country club.

I was downing Plattys a while bapd like a mad man.
Dangerstepp I would play saints row with you but I'm away from my pc right now
Add me to Steam the next time you are.

Danger Stepp is the handle

Everyone here add me. How cool would it be to play games together drunk?
Apparently my upstairs neighbor is the worst bf in the world because this is like the third time his girlfriend has drunkenly cried in my building's staircase.


well shit im going through the same situation as the snuggly cat

I wanna go out and do something real bad but nobody wants to. Im near saying "fuck it" and just going out alone in hopes of finding a familiar face somewhere but that can go real bad

what's funny is that I wasnt feeling like it at ALL like an hour ago, but then this girl called me to do something so I got all pumped, and 15 mins later she called to cancel saying she needed to help a friend who just got dumped or something

it fucking sucks

Didn't you have a girlfriend that was on GAF?

she was never on GAF, but I posted pictures in the GF thread. We broke up about 3 months ago, had been together 5 years
Hello drunk gaf. I pregamed with some friends and usually we all go to parties in a group but this weeknd everone has their own thing, whether it be visiting home or an exclusive party. So I'm just chillin at a waffle house with another friend. I'm feelin' like college isn't that fun, man. Reassure me that life isn't that bad.
well shit im going through the same situation as the snuggly cat

I wanna go out and do something real bad but nobody wants to. Im near saying "fuck it" and just going out alone in hopes of finding a familiar face somewhere but that can go real bad

what's funny is that I wasnt feeling like it at ALL like an hour ago, but then this girl called me to do something so I got all pumped, and 15 mins later she called to cancel saying she needed to help a friend who just got dumped or something

it fucking sucks

she was never on GAF, but I posted pictures in the GF thread. We broke up about 3 months ago, had been together 5 years

I'm in the same place dude, what did you do?

Sometimes when I get drunk I punch my walls until my fists hurt so much that I can't anymore.

That's not good. :(
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