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drunk thread: anonymous alcoholics

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Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
wwe've started a fruiendly rivarly with the neoghbours.

They reckon they're better than us at knocka door run. They're raight mistqaken.

Gonna chat with em tomorrow though, they're pretty soubnd, rtoniht was FUN.


Seriously?...SERIOUSLY?!....holy shit son you need to learn about earthquake design...you think its just chance that buildings can withstand a motherfucking 7.1 earthquake? You think magic fairy dust is sprinkled on buildings and they magically withstand a goddamn 7.1. GET SOME GODDDAMN CIVIL ENGINEERING EDUCATION MOTHERFUCKER. CIVIL ENGINEERS REPRESENT! FUCK Y'ALL AND PEACE OUT.

i had to repost this awesome post in case you guys didnt see it, its awesome.


Getting fucked up



another stay-at-home drinking night. Bleh.

second playthrough of Dishonored right now, fun stuff, but yeah weekend as a whole was super stale. Highlight was thursday with thick-eyebrows chick and I was already home at 3 am

next weekend tho:


I stared at the profile of this booty call type girl that I have on facebook, thinking about sending her a message knowing I could definetly get laid, but honestly it's not a very good idea, 1) she's a friend's sister, he still never found out 2) she's into some heavy drugs type stuff that I dont feel like going through right now. Mock me GAF
Well. At least Salsa is getting some.

edit: and I need to go to bed because I have a lot more shit I have to do tomorrow...

god. I hate writing papers.


another stay-at-home drinking night. Bleh.

second playthrough of Dishonored right now, fun stuff, but yeah weekend as a whole was super stale. Highlight was thursday with thick-eyebrows chick and I was already home at 3 am

next weekend tho:


I stared at the profile of this booty call type girl that I have on facebook, thinking about sending her a message knowing I could definetly get laid, but honestly it's not a very good idea, 1) she's a friend's sister, he still never found out 2) she's into some heavy drugs type stuff that I dont feel like going through right now. Mock me GAF

Ain't no mockin. Just make sure you can cum brotha.


aka Mannny
My mind is unclear and bloated.
How did I arrive at this perplexing moment?
Where deep deliberation leads to acute inebriation, at least for the moment.
Drinking my weight in this cup could cost me a fortune.
Guilty thoughts for the pourer.
why am I so tortured?

In spite I recollect past nights, in light to escape this pain tonight.
To remember is too cruel so I consume blue moon, I'm never full.
My fallen thoughts are boggled at the bottom of this brown bottle, heavy drinking must follow.
You know I can't run so I wobble along with a heart that I can't coddle.
Follow me, follow me to the help I desperately need.
I'm barely coherent though I seek clarity, marry me to my sins.
Go back to genesis where I had my first binge.
need to change, refrain, I'm far from hopeless.
My mind is unclear and bloated.
How did I arrive at this perplexing moment?
Where deep deliberation leads to acute inebriation, at least for the moment.
Drinking my weight in this cup could cost me a fortune.
Guilty thoughts for the pourer.
why am I so tortured?

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
Cooey drunk thread, what a night, was at a girls house watching films and dragon ball z last night, cracked open a bottle of vodka, really wasn't up for fooling around, properly got molested, she told me she was super horny and if she didn't get any she would be really horny all night, she then went on to say how in her sleep she sometimes.. Touches people inappropriately.. Fucking hell I thought she was joking.. Never again.. I don't know if she was putting it on but In the Night she must have grabbed my hands and put them on her boobs because when I woke up my hands were under her bra, she woke me up by saying 'has anyone ever sucked your fingers to make you want a blowjob' the fuck, I stood my ground although at times I almost gave in to her sluttish ways, nice girl, but so desensitized to sex, she's really immature about it.. Such a put off,

So I'm chilling in weather spoons having a few to help the hangover waiting for a friend to finish work.. How is everyone? Or am I too late


I was playing dark souls last night and I bought 99 of these items I don't even use, thanks drunk me, but at least all these firebombs are useful.


I went to some rich girl's house out in the suburbs last night. It took ~40 minutes on the highway, and then a dozen or so turns into the neighborhood just to get there. The house had an intercom system that played music in every room of the house. It was somethin' else.

Anyway, her dad came into the kitchen when I was having a beer waiting for her and this was the conversation:

Girl's Dad: I'm watching Rain Man downstairs. That one with Dustin Hoffman and uhh, Tom Cruise when he was younger.

Wool: Oh yeah, that was right after he was in Risky Business right?

Girl's Dad: I'm not gonna answer that.

Was that a stupid thing to say? It turns out they were five years apart, but it's not something to get upset about.


Picked up Angry Orchard apple ginger cider and some Punk'n Ale which I liked when I had it before.

Came home to my dad putting away a 6-pack of Paulaner. We ready in this household.
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