Can't go to an orgy tent when I've got schoolwork coming out the wahzoo.
Priorities, man.
Priorities, man.
I can confirm that Altrametal bleaches.
You've lost your edge, Atra.
I think it's about time we go to the orgy tent.
Can't get to Seattle or Burning Man 2013 if I flunk out of Uni.
Your name is Fabio? That's pretty awesome. You don't even need an internet handle, just go with that at all times.
Do you have a lustrous golden mane of hair Charles? And atra you can become a washed out hobo and still go to burning man. Become the dream.
Joining you guys for the night. Laptop's hard drive died on me, solid two years of content lost. Including important projects due this sunday and next week. Oh, and the saved games. The saved games.. Silly to be sulking over saved games of all things, but still. Such a dumb shit for not backing anything up. Oh well.
How do we know this is really youoh god I thought I lost my phone.
You look like a proper drunk gaf bro. Also you can come to burning man too, apparently there are down-low hookup tents lol
Target started selling eggnog.
Tis the season to get druuuuuuuunk
Marry me, Fabio.
holy shit, chocolate covered candy corn, I can't stop eating it
also got some way dank ganj and some weird wax shit
holy shit, chocolate covered candy corn, I can't stop eating it
also got some way dank ganj and some weird wax shit
lol. I can top that. When I worked at American Airlines security many years ago, we had a company party not a week after I was hired. I get up to go pee after drinking and eating. Everything seemed fine, I wash my hands, walk out the restroom and blam I fall flat on my face. I suddenly lost the capability to walk lol. They sat me on a corner. I thew up right there, some got on my shirt, and I threw up again all over the place. Most embarassing moment right there lol. Needless to say, I didn't last long there very long.
And that's the story of why I drink very little today. I never had too much resistance anyways.
Hey snuggy, why haven't you come to say hi yet?!
hello my friends
Bald demon why
Andgoddamn acrid
Fuck I can't type on this iPad for shit
it's just s measely iPad 2, not a balla 3 or 4![]()
Hey Snuggy, I live a little off the land. I grow my own bananas, cilantro, avocados, mangos, oranges, papayas and cashews!![]()
I knew a guy when I lived in missouri who made a hat out of his dead cat.
Wait, I thought you were straight though. Since you called you're exgirlfriend and all.
I am straight, just friendly >_>
Don't play mind tricks with me then! lol
Don't worry, it's not like I'm very good looking anyways.
Charles do you have any livestock? Are there like, chickens running around everywhere and shit?
Anyways, pretty faded tbh. I need to reboot my brain and go out into the real world soon.
I haven't been stoned in like... a year and a half.![]()