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drunk thread: anonymous alcoholics

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erotic butter maelstrom
The lady at the liquor store asked me if I was okay. Like in a concerned tone. Yeah I was a little stoned but otherwise I'm not sure what she thought was wrong with me. Now I feel weird.


i hate the nba faces that come from the bore just sayin


also i love libraries

i got a bj in a library once

sorry I'm not sorry

so what games we gonna play on steam homies


erotic butter maelstrom
The time I spend with my Steam games is similar to the income balance in the US. Out of the nearly four hundred games I own there are like five games that I play all the fuckin time. They are the one percent.


clleaned off the brune leffe and some vodka.

now im living life.

its 6 am here in the uk and i havent slept for a while, but that will happen.


I'm starting to feel like midnights.

midnights we should start a club.

edit: after that shitty dating-age post I made, I feel like getting drunk. problem is, my beer is upstairs and if I go upstairs, I'm going to bed. not worth it for me to come back down with the higher risk of breaking my neck and rebreaking my leg.


Stuff happened to me today that could only be seen in a KOTH episode and I was Bill.

They're all good.

You had a massive family reunion and only your gay cousin showed up? Did you fake being a cripple because of diabetes? Or maybe you were about to play roulette of women with one of them could be your kin?
haha I love futurama.

I've actually never watched the simpsons. I think I missed the cultural boat on that; I wasn't allowed to as a kid for whatever reason.. I think if I go back and start fresh it wouldn't really connect with me the way it would for someone watching while it was the hot thing going.

At least I think so. I've come to this conclusion from going back and watching the x-files from the start (which I also was not allowed to watch). It's not bad show by any measure, I just have a nagging suspicion that I would have liked it more if I were watching it during the actual run.

does that make sense to anyone else?


I love The Simpsons and King of the Hill, but fuck FOX. Let's talk about the real channel, WB. Smallville, Charmed, Seventh Heaven, Dawson's Creek, the list goes on.

Edit: In addition, I posit that the best show to ever air on CBS was and always will be Walker, Texas Ranger. Honorable mentions goes out to Xena, Warrior Princess.


Simpsons got massively better for me when I started watching again. Most of the jokes flew right past me when I was a kid.

It's comedy at its finest from seasons 3-8 (1 and 2 is damn good too). Those seasons were more of a brilliant reflection/satire of its time than the dated, celebrity pandering bullshit the show is now.
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