finish boishock infinite while drunk
My to-do-list I made before the easter holiday which ends this monday:
- Read and grade ~40 essays
- Construct 2 exams
- Outline social science course
- Outline religion course
- Outline geography course
What I have done thusfar
What's your ratemyprofessor rating?
is bioshock infinite actually any good?
one of my friend lent me tomb raider and told me i ahve to play it.
i dont have time to play games. i still kinda want to play reveangeance tho. guide me, friends.
ps sorry for bringing videogame message board discussion over here.
How would he know?so I was texting eggman, and he made sure to mention that life without gaf sucks. haha.
I somehow crossed the 3 digit threshold on my bar tab last night. Looks like I'm staying in and eating ramen the rest of the week.
Richie rich =PI somehow crossed the 3 digit threshold on my bar tab last night. Looks like I'm staying in and eating ramen the rest of the week.
That mac n cheese looks like vomit n cheese.
My buds are busy and I have the night free; I'm gonna go get some food and beer. I'm gonna get drunk. Should I
- Watch Evil Dead 2 and Army of Darkness
- Play System Shock 2 with the lights off and headphones on
- Play Bioshock Infinite because its easier than SS2 and I might ruin my SS2 game with poor alcoholic induced inventory management/choosing leveling up path
- Be adventurous and watch a movie I haven't seen before (due to alcohol, would prefer action, sci fi, or comedy, but will watch anything including a Lifetime show if it's good)
- Other (specify)
And wow at that mac and cheese shit.
let's hurry up and get to the next page so I don't have to keep scrolling past the dog vomit being smuggled in tin foil.
nobody here would be so cruel.As soon as we get on to the next page you know what is gonna happen right?
Lame, I was looking forward to hanging out with you in ramen heaven these next few weeks.welp the bitch just bailed, i'm off the hook! time to drink fat tire
Holy shit that is gnarly. Were the onion rings and chicken on the burger as well? Or on the side?Guys, alcohol FORCED me to eat this last night.
Double cheeseburger on a hoagie with fried onion rings, chicken and mac n cheese. It was both terribly disgusting and amazing.
I'll have to try it again sober to reanalyze.
let's hurry up and get to the next page so I don't have to keep scrolling past the dog vomit being smuggled in tin foil.
DONT YOU TELL ME HOW TO BROWSEAren't you subscribed to the thread? Just click the orange thing and it takes you to the first post you haven't looked at. This is GAF 101, c'mon now.
Holy shit that is gnarly. Were the onion rings and chicken on the burger as well? Or on the side?
we in dis son