Who caresMatthew Gallant said:Answer: Nope. Duke is #3 in its second week of release in the UK, behind Zumba Fitness at #1 and Ocarina Remake at #2.
Who caresMatthew Gallant said:Answer: Nope. Duke is #3 in its second week of release in the UK, behind Zumba Fitness at #1 and Ocarina Remake at #2.
People who think there's going to be a sequel that isn't Manhattan Project-esque budgetware.Neuromancer said:Who cares
Matthew Gallant said:People who think there's going to be a sequel that isn't Manhattan Project-esque budgetware.
Pfft I really doubt the sales of this game were going to have any effect on a sequel. An entirely Gearbox-developed game is going to be a completely different proposition than DNF and I'm sure 2K knows that.Matthew Gallant said:People who think there's going to be a sequel that isn't Manhattan Project-esque budgetware.
The game is registable on steam , and it can be found for rather cheap in physical format.MNC said:Okay guys this just makes me want to play Prey more and more, with you posting about it, and the intro and all...
B_Rik_Schitthaus said:Any guesses what the next game will be called, Duke 3D, FOREVER.
I cant think of any clever title for it.
ThatHurt said:Calling it now.. game of the year.
Just saying.
Sorry browskiMatthew Gallant said:People who think there's going to be a sequel that isn't Manhattan Project-esque budgetware. Does Take-Two own the intellectual property surrounding Duke? Could you spin that out into not just new games, but movies and TV?
Strauss Zelnick: We dont really talk about it in detail but you will see future Duke IP coming from this company.
Haha very cool, that guy deserves it!benjipwns said:Gearbox sent that guy who still had the GameStop preorder receipt from 2001 a bunch of stuff:
Awesome.benjipwns said:Gearbox sent that guy who still had the GameStop preorder receipt from 2001 a bunch of stuff:
Matthew Gallant said:Answer: Nope. Duke is #3 in its second week of release in the UK, behind Zumba Fitness at #1 and Ocarina Remake at #2.
VinZuku said:You seem to dislike the game quite a bit though, right? Why are you so interested in how well or not well it's doing?
The Blue Jihad said:Okay, I've played up until the. Overall, it's been an...interesting experience.underwater level
First, the humor is actually better than I expected. It doesn't quite hit the peaks of originality from D3D, but it's tremendously cynical, nonetheless. And dare I say, sometimes it actually does surpass D3D. Surprisingly, having Duke become a bonafide celebrity added a lot of material for the game's heavy modern cynicism. And it sets that heavy modern cynical tone extremely early on, with the game-within-a-game. After(do I need to spoiler-tag that?).beating the Cycloid Emperor, the credits start and the camera moves out from a movie screen in Duke's plush casino mansion penthouse apartment
"Was it good, Duke?"
"After twelve fucking years, it should be!"
...when the reality of the situation is that no game in 12 years of development hell is going to be "good."
BUT there is something here. Duke being this worldwide celebrity makes for some brilliantly satirical moments. The stadium intro's whiteboard is brilliant. It lets you do anything--even erasing everything about Operation Cockblock. And no matter what you draw, the soldiers around you cannot believe how brilliant your ideas are. In any other game, the pre-canned comments would seem horribly contrived. Here, though, they actually kind of work, because these characters treat you like a God, even as you're drawing dicks all over their battle plan. It creates this fantastic contrast and really subtle commentary about the nature of celebrity: how you can be a complete and utter dick and people will still worship you.
And I think that's what's really selling this game for me. That strange contrast between Duke and the gameworld. As you're walking around backstage, a little kid comes up to you for your autograph, and you're given free reign to write/draw whatever you want in it (using a pen with a naked woman on it, no less). No matter what you write/do, the kid doesn't even look at the autograph. He just closes it, looking at you with bewildered amazement. Later when he reads it, however...he's in for a treat: a vein-y triumphant bastard with height unrivaled and girth unmatched.
(whether that's accurate or just my crazy hyperactive English major analytic mind going up to 11 remains to be seen, however)
Generally, I find that the game rather skillfully weaves together schoolyard humor with a strange amount of gravitas that somehow manages just the right amount of tongue-in-cheek.
One scene has Duke. The whole scene is not quite stone-faced, but stern enough to warrant attention. Yet the irony is that no more than a level or so before, you were flinging crap around like a chimpanzee.conversing with the President on a jumbo communication screen in the Duke-Cave
In a lot of ways, I think I actually prefer how this game handles Duke's interactions with the gameworld as opposed to D3D. This world feels much more alive. Having other people around opens up a lot of possibilities for amusement, contrast, irony, etc., in the dialogue.
Speaking of dialogue...some of the dialogue has shocked me in a very South Park kind of way, but nothing truly offensive. D3D had abortion jokes, so it's really par for the course I think, when it comes to Duke Nukem. Further, the games have riffed so hard on Aliens that it's difficult to really take offense to how to the game very blatantly lampoons Geiger's hyper-sexualized Alien designs. I don't know. Maybe I'm jaded, stone-hearted, whatever, butis just funny as balls for some weird reason."Duke it was our first time...with an alien..."
Plus it's all dripping with satire. And I mean DRIPPING with satire.
But once you get past those opening levels, you're left with...the gameplay and level design. And that's where the game gets really odd.
The combat itself isn't too bad. Shotgun still packs a nice punch, and I'm really, really loving that they've went "off-hand" for trip mines and pipebombs. It was a fantastic change and actually streamlined weapon usage/selection for the better. Pipebombing flows a lot better now, and I actually used one to kill a Battlelord...something I never really wanted to do in D3D.
The only weapons I've been lukewarm about are the laser weapons dropped by the Assault soldiers. Their weapons just pretty much suck. Which I guess is kind of the point, since they're grunt soldiers. Even so, their weapons are pathetically lousy.
Pig cops are great. I like how fast, agile and strong they are. It's weird fighting variations of them, though. Still haven't gotten used to Pig cops running around with Rippers, haha.
And in general, I was thinking about this the other day. In D3D, I only rarely used anything outside of the shotgun, the RPG, Shrinker and pipebombs. In a few spare instances, I may have laid tripmines, but that was when I knew I'd be getting ambushed. So realistically, I always played D3D as a general 3-weapon game. And in that sense, Duke Forever actually plays really well. I'm still running with the shotgun as my primary weapon, and swapping between the Ripper, RPG, and Shrinker. Fundamentally, it's my same playstyle from D3D. So...I strangely don't have a problem with the 2-weapon limit.
Plus the freeze ray is AWESOME. :-D
What I do have a problem with, however, is the aiming jank (360 version). The zoom consistently feels weird. Haven't quite gotten the sensitivity right. Definitely missing being able to whip the crosshair around in a split-second like D3D XBLA.
Melee kind of sucks, only on account of no longer having The Mighty Boot (seriously, why all the standard melee attacks???), and it feels way too much Halo/CoD because of that. But eh, I'm rarely using melee anyway. It just feels horribly ineffective. DNF certainly doesn't ascribe to Halo's Holy Trinity theory (Guns, Melee, Grenades).
Overall, there's a lot to like in DNF. There's a lot to hate, too. Like the level design, some of the color schemes, etc. Then again, the game is largely a Duke Nukem 1994 take on modern Call of Duty-flavored games, and it actually ends up working pretty well. The early swipe atwas amusing. As was the nod toHalolater on.Dead Space
I bet DNF being #12 on Steam offends yours more.Combichristoffersen said:The game offended his tender senses
Combichristoffersen said:The game offended his tender senses
I hear the PC version loads fast, I know if I ever go though the game again it will be on PC.CTID said:This game made me smile from ear to ear, but i rented it so obviously don't feel ripped off by it. I would not lay down full price for this game but will definitely be picking it up when it drops in price. Its funny for a game thats been 13 or so years in the making it feels likes its been rushed out the door with its performance issues and godawful loading times.
The Blue Jihad said:Okay, I've played up until the. Overall, it's been an...interesting experience.underwater level
First, the humor is actually better than I expected. It doesn't quite hit the peaks of originality from D3D, but it's tremendously cynical, nonetheless. And dare I say, sometimes it actually does surpass D3D. Surprisingly, having Duke become a bonafide celebrity added a lot of material for the game's heavy modern cynicism. And it sets that heavy modern cynical tone extremely early on, with the game-within-a-game. After(do I need to spoiler-tag that?).beating the Cycloid Emperor, the credits start and the camera moves out from a movie screen in Duke's plush casino mansion penthouse apartment
"Was it good, Duke?"
"After twelve fucking years, it should be!"
...when the reality of the situation is that no game in 12 years of development hell is going to be "good."
BUT there is something here. Duke being this worldwide celebrity makes for some brilliantly satirical moments. The stadium intro's whiteboard is brilliant. It lets you do anything--even erasing everything about Operation Cockblock. And no matter what you draw, the soldiers around you cannot believe how brilliant your ideas are. In any other game, the pre-canned comments would seem horribly contrived. Here, though, they actually kind of work, because these characters treat you like a God, even as you're drawing dicks all over their battle plan. It creates this fantastic contrast and really subtle commentary about the nature of celebrity: how you can be a complete and utter dick and people will still worship you.
And I think that's what's really selling this game for me. That strange contrast between Duke and the gameworld. As you're walking around backstage, a little kid comes up to you for your autograph, and you're given free reign to write/draw whatever you want in it (using a pen with a naked woman on it, no less). No matter what you write/do, the kid doesn't even look at the autograph. He just closes it, looking at you with bewildered amazement. Later when he reads it, however...he's in for a treat: a vein-y triumphant bastard with height unrivaled and girth unmatched.
(whether that's accurate or just my crazy hyperactive English major analytic mind going up to 11 remains to be seen, however)
Generally, I find that the game rather skillfully weaves together schoolyard humor with a strange amount of gravitas that somehow manages just the right amount of tongue-in-cheek.
One scene has Duke. The whole scene is not quite stone-faced, but stern enough to warrant attention. Yet the irony is that no more than a level or so before, you were flinging crap around like a chimpanzee.conversing with the President on a jumbo communication screen in the Duke-Cave
In a lot of ways, I think I actually prefer how this game handles Duke's interactions with the gameworld as opposed to D3D. This world feels much more alive. Having other people around opens up a lot of possibilities for amusement, contrast, irony, etc., in the dialogue.
Speaking of dialogue...some of the dialogue has shocked me in a very South Park kind of way, but nothing truly offensive. D3D had abortion jokes, so it's really par for the course I think, when it comes to Duke Nukem. Further, the games have riffed so hard on Aliens that it's difficult to really take offense to how to the game very blatantly lampoons Geiger's hyper-sexualized Alien designs. I don't know. Maybe I'm jaded, stone-hearted, whatever, butis just funny as balls for some weird reason."Duke it was our first time...with an alien..."
Plus it's all dripping with satire. And I mean DRIPPING with satire.
But once you get past those opening levels, you're left with...the gameplay and level design. And that's where the game gets really odd.
The combat itself isn't too bad. Shotgun still packs a nice punch, and I'm really, really loving that they've went "off-hand" for trip mines and pipebombs. It was a fantastic change and actually streamlined weapon usage/selection for the better. Pipebombing flows a lot better now, and I actually used one to kill a Battlelord...something I never really wanted to do in D3D.
The only weapons I've been lukewarm about are the laser weapons dropped by the Assault soldiers. Their weapons just pretty much suck. Which I guess is kind of the point, since they're grunt soldiers. Even so, their weapons are pathetically lousy.
Pig cops are great. I like how fast, agile and strong they are. It's weird fighting variations of them, though. Still haven't gotten used to Pig cops running around with Rippers, haha.
And in general, I was thinking about this the other day. In D3D, I only rarely used anything outside of the shotgun, the RPG, Shrinker and pipebombs. In a few spare instances, I may have laid tripmines, but that was when I knew I'd be getting ambushed. So realistically, I always played D3D as a general 3-weapon game. And in that sense, Duke Forever actually plays really well. I'm still running with the shotgun as my primary weapon, and swapping between the Ripper, RPG, and Shrinker. Fundamentally, it's my same playstyle from D3D. So...I strangely don't have a problem with the 2-weapon limit.
Plus the freeze ray is AWESOME. :-D
What I do have a problem with, however, is the aiming jank (360 version). The zoom consistently feels weird. Haven't quite gotten the sensitivity right. Definitely missing being able to whip the crosshair around in a split-second like D3D XBLA.
Melee kind of sucks, only on account of no longer having The Mighty Boot (seriously, why all the standard melee attacks???), and it feels way too much Halo/CoD because of that. But eh, I'm rarely using melee anyway. It just feels horribly ineffective. DNF certainly doesn't ascribe to Halo's Holy Trinity theory (Guns, Melee, Grenades).
Overall, there's a lot to like in DNF. There's a lot to hate, too. Like the level design, some of the color schemes, etc. Then again, the game is largely a Duke Nukem 1994 take on modern Call of Duty-flavored games, and it actually ends up working pretty well. The early swipe atwas amusing. As was the nod toHalolater on.Dead Space
BlackDove said:
Matthew Gallant said:I bet DNF being #12 on Steam offends yours more.
domlolz said:it's offensively bad + plain offensive so being offended isn't surprising
domlolz said:it's offensively bad + plain offensive so being offended isn't surprising
I've been saying it all along, how can someone who finds DNF offensive possibly sit down and enjoy an episode of South Park. Seems impossible to me.Combichristoffersen said:It's a decent game. And if you find DNF of all things to be offensive, then I wonder how you deal with real life.
Everything after the dam top battle is a massive drag. If reviews were based on the second half of the game they'd deserve a 3 or a 4.tedtropy said:At the second part of the Underground level and have screamed at my TV more than I can remember with any game recently. They really need to add "30+ Second Load Times" as an entry in the Duke enemy roster. Shit reminds me of early era PS1 games...
saunderez said:I've been saying it all along, how can someone who finds DNF offensive possibly sit down and enjoy an episode of South Park. Seems impossible to me.
Everything after the dam top battle is a massive drag. If reviews were based on the second half of the game they'd deserve a 3 or a 4.
BlackDove said:
tedtropy said:At the second part of the Underground level and have screamed at my TV more than I can remember with any game recently. They really need to add "30+ Second Load Times" as an entry in the Duke enemy roster. Shit reminds me of early era PS1 games...
EDIT: Oh look, Duke's drinking habits mean he can only hold his breathe for approximately 10 seconds...and tiny little Octobrains are attacking you...and you're backing into a fan that Duke refuses to move away from...and you're loading. AND YOU'RE LOADING.
PC version.At the second part of the Underground level and have screamed at my TV more than I can remember with any game recently. They really need to add "30+ Second Load Times" as an entry in the Duke enemy roster. Shit reminds me of early era PS1 games...
EDIT: Oh look, Duke's drinking habits mean he can only hold his breathe for approximately 10 seconds...and tiny little Octobrains are attacking you...and you're backing into a fan that Duke refuses to move away from...and you're loading. AND YOU'RE LOADING.
dark10x said:PC version.
Seriously, eliminating loading screens and performance issues makes a world of difference. It never becomes a AAA title, but it's infinitely more fun without those issues. The console versions are rubbish.
dark10x said:PC version.
Seriously, eliminating loading screens and performance issues makes a world of difference. It never becomes a AAA title, but it's infinitely more fun without those issues. The console versions are rubbish.
tedtropy said:At the second part of the Underground level and have screamed at my TV more than I can remember with any game recently. They really need to add "30+ Second Load Times" as an entry in the Duke enemy roster. Shit reminds me of early era PS1 games...
EDIT: Oh look, Duke's drinking habits mean he can only hold his breathe for approximately 10 seconds...and tiny little Octobrains are attacking you...and you're backing into a fan that Duke refuses to move away from...and you're loading. AND YOU'RE LOADING.
wiid said:I played the pc demo and am gonna get the console version because of my shitty graphics card. Anyone know which one is better?
wiid said:I played the pc demo and am gonna get the console version because of my shitty graphics card. Anyone know which one is better?
dark10x said:PC version.
Seriously, eliminating loading screens and performance issues makes a world of difference. It never becomes a AAA title, but it's infinitely more fun without those issues. The console versions are rubbish.
Yeah, like I said a while back people saying that the game was either shit or GOTF are overblowing things. It is a average game with some cool set pieces and a lot of unfinished feeling stuff. At no point did I ever think "Oh wow what a piece of shit." It was always "That part was fun" or "That part dragged on a bit"Y2Kev said:So my tolerance for kusoge is, as always, higher than most, but I think this is...good. I'm at the Duke Dome, and to me the game is obviously not finished/polished and has some pacing issues, but the action is quite good. And the setpieces are fun. The trailer defense was great, and I liked the scaffolding bit as well. better than Blackops.
Playing PS3 version. It's fine.
Y2Kev said:So my tolerance for kusoge is, as always, higher than most, but I think this is...good. I'm at the Duke Dome, and to me the game is obviously not finished/polished and has some pacing issues, but the action is quite good. And the setpieces are fun. The trailer defense was great, and I liked the scaffolding bit as well. better than Blackops.
Playing PS3 version. It's fine.
well blackops is like 2/10 so ya critics lolFreakinchair said:Better than black ops? Pffft more like a 3/10 game that is a complete failure m i rite critics?
Gonna probably finish this bad boy tonight - have had alot of fun with it so far![]()
Y2Kev said:So my tolerance for kusoge is, as always, higher than most, but I think this is...good. I'm at the Duke Dome, and to me the game is obviously not finished/polished and has some pacing issues, but the action is quite good. And the setpieces are fun. The trailer defense was great, and I liked the scaffolding bit as well. better than Blackops.
Playing PS3 version. It's fine.
Yep. This game is not nearly the festering pile of shit that the reviewers said it was. Oh well, fuck 'em!Y2Kev said:So my tolerance for kusoge is, as always, higher than most, but I think this is...good. I'm at the Duke Dome, and to me the game is obviously not finished/polished and has some pacing issues, but the action is quite good. And the setpieces are fun. The trailer defense was great, and I liked the scaffolding bit as well. better than Blackops.
Playing PS3 version. It's fine.