Box of Bunnies
Got the patch and gave it another go last night, load times now under a minute. Will be able to actually play the game now.
Marsipolami said:Price has been lowered from 49,99 to 19,99 on Euro Steam.
Still 50 in The Netherlands.Marsipolami said:Price has been lowered from 49,99 to 19,99 on Euro Steam.
jgminto said:I got the code for the map pack but I no longer have the game.
So first to quote this, if anyone even wants it, I'll PM you the code. For 360 btw.
There you go. Enjoy.abracadaver said:Quoted
Don't. It's mediocre.BY2K said:DNF is 10$ on the Steam Store right now.
I think I'm gonna bite.
Dyni Crippler said:Don't. It's mediocre.
BY2K said:DNF is 10$ on the Steam Store right now.
I think I'm gonna bite.
Eh, it's kind of a fun romp for $10.Dyni Crippler said:Don't. It's mediocre.
10 dollars/euros/whatever is a LOT on Steam.BY2K said:I know, but for 10 bucks it can't hurt.
BY2K said:DNF is 10$ on the Steam Store right now.
I think I'm gonna bite.
Yeah I have the same feeling but I think I am going to for it as well.Stumpokapow said:I'm considering it as well. My concern is not about the quality of the game, it's whether or not it will be cheaper by the time I play it. Hmm.
Revolutionary said:Anyone else getting a black screen everytime they boot up the game? I think the patch/DLC broke it
omg thank you <3parasight said:Quote this post to reveal a free DLC code for PC/Steam.
Bubble Buster: Kill 10 expanded enemies with melee attacks
Threesome: Kill 3 enemies within 3 seconds with the Impregnader
Passive Aggressive: Watch 10 enemies die by someone elses hand
Bloody Red Rover: Kill 30 enemies with the moon rover
Scientits: Earn a 1,000,000 pinball score on the Scientits pinball machine
Heart to Heart: Finish Doctor Proton
Another Piece of Cake: Beat the DLC campaign on Easy Difficulty
Lets Rock Out: Beat the DLC campaign on Normal Difficulty
Come Get a Little More: Beat the DLC campaign on Hard Difficulty
Damn, Im REALLY Good: Beat the DLC campaign on Expert Difficulty
I Am All That Is Man Again!: Discover all Ego cap rewards in the DLC campaign
Hedonist, not Misogynist: Discover and reject the video game that lets you slap women
Headhunter: Find all 3 heads in the DLC campaign
Me either I hope it comes out soon. Waiting sucks.clockpunk said:Fun sounding achievements! Cannot wait for the singleplayer DLC
woolley said:Quote to reveal PS3 DLC code.
SephirothRK said:quote this for xbox360 dlc code.
Got it. Cheers.DoctorPayne said:Key for Steam version DLC, post if you use it:
Metal-Geo said:Got it. Cheers.