Any reason it seems the 360 version is not being played? That is what I planned on getting it on.
Because it didn't come out until today?
Any reason it seems the 360 version is not being played? That is what I planned on getting it on.
Because it didn't come out until today?
Oh, this is interesting. I'd like to hear more.
To start, when did the Dragon’s Crown project first go into action?
George Kamitani, Director: The planning document itself came around 13 years ago. I planned out Dragon’s Crown right after Princess Crown.
13 years! What platform were you planning to release it on?
In the beginning, it was a Dreamcast project. Before that I had been involved in the development of Dungeons & Dragons: Tower of Doom, and for many years I’ve wanted to make something like that. It was very tough to find a company to greenlight it, however… Once development on Muramasa was complete, I rewrote the planning document and went around to companies to hold presentations. It was finally Ignition that gave it the OK. They made the decision very quickly.
It is almost mid-day over here, I was hoping to see some reactions already.
EDIT: And I just wanted to make sure there was no catastrophic reason to avoid it.
The House Rules get everything else right, you think this would have been the first one. Being able to limit ones games to a variety of credits from 1 to unlimited, with any number in between, would have been a great feature. Everyone gets 1 Dollar (4 credits)!
Reading about the elfs 6 hit combo, and then seeing EVERYTHING I did end in her backflip... thought my button was getting sticky. SO WEIRD.
Similar to a suggestion I made on the Sacred Citadel MB on PS blog; Give me a mode where all the leveling gimmicks are turned off, I start with a Max Level character with all moves, and you let me go from there, VS enemies that are smart enough to fight such a strong character.
Hard Corps Uprising did something like this, it should be a standard idea in all old-school throwbacks.
Kamitani worked on Tower of Doom. The whole reason he made Dragon's Crown was to advance the genre that included games like D&D, Golden Axe, and King of Dragons.
This is from a Siliconcera interview (same information from a Famitsu interview):
Funny, 4 credits per player would be the sweet spot for me too. Ah well.
Elf's is the hardest to do indeed. I find it's easiest if, rather than mashing, you just time each button press to coincide when the previous move connects. Mashing seems to have the effect on occasion that the game seems to "miss" the "release button" event or something, and thus two quick presses are combined into a long one. But even that is not sure-fire.
That would be my wish as well. I'm not sure if "all moves" can be enabled at all on one character (I think some abilities are equippable, perhaps some use the same command), but otherwise, yep.
Alternatively, you could actually earn those moves/spells during the course of an "arcade-like" run. Mystara games already do this with spells, and Battle Circuit allows you to purchase moves as you go.
Yep yep. It's 15 years now, since the interview is from 2011. I believe he also worked in Shadow over Mystara. In any case, see that beautifully animated (particularly when breathing fire) red dragon from both games? All his spritework and programming.
Dragon's Crown seems to be his life's work and magnum opus; I want nothing more than for it to be a resounding success, and I'll do my part.
comparison of graphics options:
That is the same damn garbage as 3rd Strike and Vampire. This studio fricken blows.
In THIS game, I'd love to see how a limited supply of scrolls would work out; A random, set supply of scrolls per-playthrough would bring interesting strategy to the game, especially for the mage.
I do love the fact that higher levels actually seem to effect the spells here, too. Go from that single-bolt magic missile, to 3 at once!
It's a big part as to why I have a PS3 and Vita now (had neither when the game was first revealed),
so I'll definitely be doing my part. Was nice to see his name in ToD's credits; years ago, all these odd Japanese names and pseudonyms seems like gibberish, but now I actually have knowledge and respect for a nice selection of these people...
Sorry, I thought Dragon's Crown was an action game. Never tried both games you mentioned, and I did forget about them, so I apologize if they are enjoyable.
That is the same damn garbage as 3rd Strike and Vampire. This studio fricken blows.
I'm putting together a 4-pack purchase for the PC version of this on Steam... Looking for two more folks... If anyone's interested, reply here.
It would be $11.25 instead of $15. I'm happy to do the purchase and send out keys.
were you hoping for HQ2xsai super eagle shitty smear filter?
Okay, one more Steam copy of the PC version available.... If anyone's interested, reply here and PM me for paypal details.
It would be $11.25 instead of $15.
I'd paypal you $11.25 for the game. I'll send you my info via PM including email. Respond to my email as I really don't haunt GAF a ton.
Can I get in on that?
Sure thing!
Sent a PM w/ details...
Probably because these games can't be 1:1 on a modern display without the result being a tiny window with a messed up aspect ratio.
I've got the PC version, but it won't recognize my arcade stick.
I wonder what I'm doing wrong, all my other games can find it.
What I don't get is when somebody plays a Cleric and doesn't use Hold Person/Continual Light against Tell'rin. It's a free win. Hell I played with a Cleric earlier who didn't even use Turn Undead. wtf
Crash to desktop AGAIN!
This is fucking ridiculous.
Turn Undead kills undead instantly. However, if used on Ghouls, they don't drop scrolls. You gotta kill the Ghouls normally and they'll drop scrolls. Use on skellies for best impact, cause Skellies drop garbage anyway.
Also, if you're in a party....let the Cleric pick up the Level 2 scrolls. That's the slot for healing. Mages and Elves should steer clear of level 2 scrolls.
Still not up on the eShop :/
Odin Sphere and Muramasa were good games too.
I also have this problem, a quick Google search solved nothing.![]()
I need to figure out how to play. I wasn't doing anything other than button mashing, and couldn't really figure out my moveset other than dash attacking.
A lot of it is basic fighting game motions, but here's everything off the top of my head.
I will refer to the Attack button as A and the Jump button as B from here forward.
Spellcasting/Inventory Primer:
Inventory button scrolls through items. If you are a spellcaster you will have one or two pages of spells in addition to useable items. You switch pages with B while the inventory is open.
Basically every useable item is a thing you throw at things you don't like. Sometimes they're bottles filled with wind, fire, and all that kind of thing.
Shield classes can also select a Guard command that just makes their Use Item button into a shield block, but you can block without doing so. Otherwise its only purpose is to keep you from fatfingering a consumable item which is a problem some people have.
Lightning Bolt: Casts in direction you are facing, during casting can be aimed at up to a 45 degree angle.
Wall of Flame: Casts line in direction you are facing, during casting animation make 360 motion to surround yourself with flames before shooting the line normally.
Conjure Elemental: Deals full screen fire damage if facing left, cold damage if facing right.
I think those are the only special input spells.
Weapons and Wands can be equipped for their respective classes by using them as items in the inventory wheel thing.
Block: Hold A + Back with any shield-user, can Riposte by tapping forward after blocking successfully.
Dash: Double tap and hold forward, can follow up with an attack or just headbutt things to knock them away.
Backdash: Double Tap B, has invincibility frames on every character as far as I know, a lot on M.User.
Crouch: Down + B, continue holding B in Tower of Doom, in Mystara it's a toggle you can cancel by hitting B again.
Slide: Hadoken + B (quarter-circle down to forward), CAN BE USED TO QUICKLY PICK UP LOOT AND INFURIATE YOUR FRIENDS (always do this)
Superjump: Down-Up + B, can do a diagonal input so you're not just bouncing up and down.
Downstab: Down + A while airborne, has nice pogo effect with Elf
Knockdown: Forward + A, has a bit of a windup, spammable Dagger Stab with M.User instead, does small damage with a chance to crit for a lot
Charge Attack: Hadoken + A (quarter-circle down to forward), the Fighter and Dwarf's bread, N/A for M.User
Aerial Attack: Down-Up + A, the Fighter and Dwarf's butter, N/A for M.User. Can combo from Charge to Aerial attack and fucking eviscerate groups and bosses alike.
Desperation Attack: A + B, costs health when damaging enemies, seems to have invincibility frames, TURN UNDEAD for Cleric instead, absolutely destroys skeletons on the screen, spammable
Thieves can double jump and wall jump, it's probably fairly obvious how to do that.
Thieves can also STEAL by dashing into enemies, good way to knock stuff loose especially ***UNIQUE BOSS DROPS like Manticore Skin***
Thieves can also CLIMB ONTO THINGS AND BACKSTAB THEM by being close behind something attacking your countrymen and tapping Back-Forward + A.
A lot of the special attacks and moves can cancel into each other. With practice become a whirling dervish of devastation and then slide across the silver tears of your fallen enemies before triumphantly holding your weapon up to the gods above and shouting HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
-Silver throwing weapons can do extra damage to some enemies, as well as enemies that are otherwise highly resistant to non-magical attacks.
-Throwing Hammers have a high chance to stun. Important for bosses. If you're a non-magic user, especially, learn to use these.
-Burning Oils are good and can do friendly fire, Large Burning Oils are better.
-If your class can't use something, it won't let you pick it up, so don't be shy. If you have multiple spellcasters you will have to fight for your scrolls' love.
-In Shadows, you can select a different costume for your character by selecting them with Start/CTRL instead of another button. This also slightly alters two or three of your spells for Clerics and M.Users.
-There is a lot of hidden shit in the different levels and paths where you can find unique equipment. EXPLORE. BRING A THIEF. Letting everyone be able to unlock chests with a house rule also does not make Thieves useless since they are still a very good fightin' class with a ton of mobility that can detect traps.
-Other stuff I will think of eventually.
I saw a really great post on this on Something Awful.
There's also a really useful guide on GameFAQs that covers a ton of stuff.
d, u + attack
qcf + attack
f + attack
There are some char specific ones too. Like the thief can throw a flame bottle after her aerial attack and has a grab (b, f + attack) when behind an enemy that allows you to stab, stab, stab.