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Dying Light IOTI A dead island on the mirror's edge.


The traversal system in this game makes playing any other game so hard to do.

1. I want to press R1 to jump whereas every other freaking game it's X

2. I feel like I'm stuck in molasses. Started up BF4 to play with buddies and holy cow was it weird the first 10 minutes readjusting to "normal" controls. :)

Not saying it's a bad thing (because it's not), just kind of funny.
Awesome game and a lot of fun too but I cannot stand the night time parts. I am at the first night mission (or part of mission) where you have to make it back to the tower. I try to sneak but, they see me every time and then it is all over. LOL


Awesome game and a lot of fun too but I cannot stand the night time parts. I am at the first night mission (or part of mission) where you have to make it back to the tower. I try to sneak but, they see me every time and then it is all over. LOL

You better just run and I mean fast lol


Fyi everyone be careful. Goes for all platforms

"I had played for 4h in campaign, continued to play more 6h in coop and today my character was wiped clean. no skills, no items, no money. At some point, during coop, my partner game crashed. We rejoined and continue playing normally until logging out.
I've opened a ticket on the support email

([email protected])

This was the response: I am sorry to hear that it happened to you. We do know about this issue and it should be fixed in the upcoming patch. It is actually caused by leaving the game right after or during sleeping. Same for disconnecting from coop when sleeping. So for it to never occur to you again before the patch make sure that the game saved properly after sleeping - by running somewhere for a bit or talking with an npc (quest or shop). And try to exit it through quiting not forcefully.
I've questioned if the patch would recover my savefile: Most likely we won't be able to do that as the problem lies within corrupted save file.
What you can do more is to check this temporary fix, I cannot assure you tho it would work perfectly: go to 'Play Campaign' from main menu of the game, choose your save file, go to 'Advanced' and from there you should be able to choose 'New Game from quest'. Then pick the lastest progress you can.
What that should do is to get your character to the correct progress."
I'm really surprised how well this game run on my Y510P 750m SLI laptop. All the bells and whistles are off but it runs at 1080P just fine.


I'm really surprised how well this game run on my Y510P 750m SLI laptop. All the bells and whistles are off but it runs at 1080P just fine.
Interesting. I got a y500 750m sli as well. Didn't even ink about buying it on pc. I don't know why lol. Just didn't think there would be that many people playing.


so my girlfriend is going on a 1-week-long skiing trip tomorrow

is this a game i can just mindlessly play while watching youtube videos, listening to the Giant Bombcast and stuff. with character progression but not too much "story" i need to pay attention to?

i 100% FarCry games - would i enjoy this?

the first looks i've watched made it seem i would.


so my girlfriend is going on a 1-week-long skiing trip tomorrow

is this a game i can just mindlessly play while watching youtube videos, listening to the Giant Bombcast and stuff. with character progression but not too much "story" i need to pay attention to?

i 100% FarCry games - would i enjoy this?

the first looks i've watched made it seem i would.

Hell yes it's perfect for that. Haven't gotten far in story but you don't have to pay attention to it. Matter of fact I think you can skip all cutscenes or most of them.
Police zombie gets impaled onto metal spike.

Night time is pretty intense. About halfway through night there's a moment with intense darkness where you can't see infront of you. I'm kinda disappointed that the uh, Volatiles have a cone of vision, I wouldn't mind if they patched that out. Make it more intense.


Alright, played a bit of the invasion mode, being invaded. I think the matchmaking is broke. I was solo and when I got invaded like 8 people tried to connect. So it tried to match me up with like 8 hunters. This also explains why I found it very hard to connect to someone as the invader, it's not matching people right.

However there appears to be no timer to delay invasions, as I was invaded right afterward.

It is probably worth getting invaded at least once, if you're curious, as you get a blueprint and material out of it. At least if you won, like I did. Didn't look at what it did though since I got invaded right after and I didn't want to deal with it.

But yeah, it's a bit borked at the moment. Fun enough, but they need a timer on it (maybe get invaded once per night).


Fyi everyone be careful. Goes for all platforms

"I had played for 4h in campaign, continued to play more 6h in coop and today my character was wiped clean. no skills, no items, no money. At some point, during coop, my partner game crashed. We rejoined and continue playing normally until logging out.
I've opened a ticket on the support email

([email protected])

This was the response: I am sorry to hear that it happened to you. We do know about this issue and it should be fixed in the upcoming patch. It is actually caused by leaving the game right after or during sleeping. Same for disconnecting from coop when sleeping. So for it to never occur to you again before the patch make sure that the game saved properly after sleeping - by running somewhere for a bit or talking with an npc (quest or shop). And try to exit it through quiting not forcefully.
I've questioned if the patch would recover my savefile: Most likely we won't be able to do that as the problem lies within corrupted save file.
What you can do more is to check this temporary fix, I cannot assure you tho it would work perfectly: go to 'Play Campaign' from main menu of the game, choose your save file, go to 'Advanced' and from there you should be able to choose 'New Game from quest'. Then pick the lastest progress you can.
What that should do is to get your character to the correct progress."

So wack. There needs to be "save and quit." Every time I continue it's a surprise as to where my character will be.
So I heard you that you can't turn off the HUD in this game. Just...why? The first thing I do in most games is turn the HUD off. I don't like the game constantly reminding me what my objective is and showing me where enemies are on the mini-map, I find games so much more immersive this way.
What I do before switching the game off is go to a location, say an objective and wait until you see the save icon appear then switch it off. If you go to a safe house it does nothing I think.
Question for you guys, I'm sure someone has already asked in here, but does the game crash for you when you are playing co-op on PS4? Hasn't happened to me, but one of my friends it constantly happens to him. Have no idea why it keeps happening. Been playing this with two others and it only happens to one of them, same person every damn time.


Hmpf. It reappeared in the PSN Store now so I purchased it, but I am not able to download the game. Receiving the CE-32937-4 error code. Tried to Google it but don't seem to get any relevant information other than that it might be server issues.

Anyone here familiar with this error code?


PS4 Version it is for me. Game should be out in Poland tomorrow despite being delayed in Europe.
Will try to get it in the next days, no chance for a german (physical) release.
Good thing to live near the polish border...
I love the drop kick. Once you unlock it, sprint then R1 to jump and while you're airborne hit L1. Never get tired of using it to knock zombies off a ledge or building.
Hell yes it's perfect for that. Haven't gotten far in story but you don't have to pay attention to it. Matter of fact I think you can skip all cutscenes or most of them.
I started skipping all of the cut scenes during my last playthrough. The characters just talk too slowly, and about stuff I don't care about.

I did have a side quest today where I had to escort someone, and they decided it would be a good idea to stop walking, and start telling me some long winded story. Meanwhile the time is ticking away, and before you know it I'm escorting him during the night.

I really like the nighttime though. It adds a harder difficulty level, and rewards those who go for it greatly.

I did hit a glitch today after failing a parkour side quest where I was no longer allowed to interact with anything. That sucked.

My biggest complaint so far is with how difficult it is to find a match as a zombie, and how little the bomber zombies stand out. The boomers in Left 4 Dead stand out in appearance, the sounds they make, and they don't one shot you when they explode.

The bombers in this game need to be reworked, but they won't be. When I'm running away from hunters in the middle of the night, the last thing I want to be the cause of my death is running around a corner and being immediately blown up. Or during the melee weapon side quests. I don't want my mission to fail because I hit the wrong enemy and didn't know it because they look like standard zombies.

Also, are hunters invincible? I expected them to be more like the hunter in the Invasion. The UV light does next to nothing to them.


Having some trouble with the challenge that requires you kill 60 zombies in 1m50 with an auto-rifle. Any tips? Can't seem to get past 45 :/
Question for you guys, I'm sure someone has already asked in here, but does the game crash for you when you are playing co-op on PS4? Hasn't happened to me, but one of my friends it constantly happens to him. Have no idea why it keeps happening. Been playing this with two others and it only happens to one of them, same person every damn time.

A few of us have mentioned this earlier in the thread. There is no apparent fix at the moment, and it is extremely frustrating. http://en.support.techland.pl/support/home The best thing to do might be to make a support ticket here. If Techland are made aware of the issue, it's possible they may be able to fix it.


Had a bit of fun watching TotalBiscuit's stream yesterday on Youtube and he inspired me to try the "spike all the things method", works rather well and it turns into a pile of loot.

Here's my result. The guy hanging on the bench in the background fell like this too, it was just too perfect not to share!



Had a bit of fun watching TotalBiscuit's stream yesterday on Youtube and he inspired me to try the "spike all the things method", works rather well and it turns into a pile of loot.

Here's my result. The guy hanging on the bench in the background fell like this too, it was just too perfect not to share!


Lol... Looks like he's soaking up some rays. "Peace at last "


Fucking piece of shit Sony/PSN, bought the game because of my gaming drought and can't still download it from the store. Get your shit together damnit. Became so hyped for this after all the positive impressions in this topic :(


I'm so jealous of all of you. Got the game during the... deal, but I'm still finishing Unity. About 1 more day to finish unity.


I'm having so much fun with this game, just can't stop (went to bed at 4am yesterday). Barely 6 hours in and I've already had a lot of amazing and funny moments.

I also don't understand the whole review copy drama, why would they have so little faith in their product when it's clearly this awesome?


The 30 headshot challenge is impossibly hard. I have gotten to 28 twice after trying for hours! Holy shit.

If I had 10 more seconds it would be possible. As it stands you have to be perfect. Which is so hard with fast zombies running at you
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