And another one!
Sold. Will pick this up Physical next month. First sleeper hit of the year I think aha
And another one!
Fucking piece of shit Sony/PSN, bought the game because of my gaming drought and can't still download it from the store. Get your shit together damnit. Became so hyped for this after all the positive impressions in this topic![]()
The traversal system in this game makes playing any other game so hard to do.
1. I want to press R1 to jump whereas every other freaking game it's X
2. I feel like I'm stuck in molasses. Started up BF4 to play with buddies and holy cow was it weird the first 10 minutes readjusting to "normal" controls.
Not saying it's a bad thing (because it's not), just kind of funny.
yeah the R1 thing is weird - I assume it can be changed tho?
Try going here click on you profile --> download list and download it from there.
Exact same glitch/exploit was in Dead Island. looks like techland just left it in. Not sure if I want to use it again TBH but it could come in handy when playing co-op for sharing kick-ass weapons.
Can't wait to pick this up tonight.
Thanks guys, but that didn't help me outSame error.
yeah the R1 thing is weird - I assume it can be changed tho?
Night time is pretty intense. About halfway through night there's a moment with intense darkness where you can't see infront of you. I'm kinda disappointed that the uh, Volatiles have a cone of vision, I wouldn't mind if they patched that out. Make it more intense.
It's not weird after you've played for for 10-15 minutes. You need to look at ledges you want to jump to/hang on to. Anything else than a shoulder button would make this very impractical while running and being chased because you'd have to let go of the right stick to press X or A.
And another one!
It's not weird after you've played for 10-15 minutes. You need to look at ledges you want to jump to/hang on to. Anything else than a shoulder button would make this very impractical while running and being chased because you'd have to let go of the right stick to press X or A.
Got hit with the bug that erases all items, skills and money. 12 hours down the drain.
Didn't get any extra skill points, all level 1 and zero points. Just going to start over once the patch hits because I lost all my blueprints and can't make med kits, ect.same. But you should in turn get the survivor skill tree maxed out. After i got hit by that bug i for some reason got the max number of skill points needed to get everything in the survivor skill tree. It was super weird. Also use the item cloning glitch to make back your money. I chose to do that since i lost so much progress with weapons and money and i managed to make it all back and then some in a few mins with the glitch.
It's not weird after you've played for 10-15 minutes. You need to look at ledges you want to jump to/hang on to. Anything else than a shoulder button would make this very impractical while running and being chased because you'd have to let go of the right stick to press X or A.
Thanks guys, but that didn't help me outSame error.
Alright, played a bit of the invasion mode, being invaded. I think the matchmaking is broke. I was solo and when I got invaded like 8 people tried to connect. So it tried to match me up with like 8 hunters. This also explains why I found it very hard to connect to someone as the invader, it's not matching people right.
However there appears to be no timer to delay invasions, as I was invaded right afterward.
It is probably worth getting invaded at least once, if you're curious, as you get a blueprint and material out of it. At least if you won, like I did. Didn't look at what it did though since I got invaded right after and I didn't want to deal with it.
But yeah, it's a bit borked at the moment. Fun enough, but they need a timer on it (maybe get invaded once per night).
Top right of the menu as soon as you open it. Not the start menu obviously - but the map and skills screen.
Oh what the hell, it's shit like this that makes me wary of playing. Gotta lock this shit down devs.Got hit with the bug that erases all items, skills and money. 12 hours down the drain.
If only our lord and savior Kurt was the main VA. I wish he was in a game.The shit reminds me of escape from new york/LA. Especially the briefing/insertion part.
Anyone have tips for dealing with multiple human enemies? I've just been throwing molotovs on them if I have any, but whenever I fight a group of them with a melee weapon they always block, crowd me, and beat me down from all sides.
If I'm fighting one or two I try to lead them to zombies which is always fun.
Still not possible to buy this game from the euro PSN. What a joke.
Anyone have tips for dealing with multiple human enemies? I've just been throwing molotovs on them if I have any, but whenever I fight a group of them with a melee weapon they always block, crowd me, and beat me down from all sides.
If I'm fighting one or two I try to lead them to zombies which is always fun.
I was using the leg breaker perk, forget the exact name. Sprint and slide into them, 1hit kill 90% of the time.Anyone have tips for dealing with multiple human enemies? I've just been throwing molotovs on them if I have any, but whenever I fight a group of them with a melee weapon they always block, crowd me, and beat me down from all sides.
If I'm fighting one or two I try to lead them to zombies which is always fun.
I'd say this game is for youI'm liking what I've seen so far and I love zombie games, but I'm really on the fence about buying this right now or holding off for a few more reviews to drop.
I really enjoyed Dead Island but for some reason hated Riptide. I prefer exploring every nook and cranny and gathering supplies rather than flat out combat so would this game be suited to my style of play?
Takes a while but I found a combination of drop kick, one melee hit, dodge back, get running start for drop kick, repeat.Any tips on taking out the big dudes with the cement block hammers?
I've just been molotoving them, but it takes like 5-6 to kill them. I tried engaging them in melee by using the jump-dodge, but even after wacking them in the head with my fire cricket bat like 10 times they still didn't go down...
Any tips on taking out the big dudes with the cement block hammers?
I've just been molotoving them, but it takes like 5-6 to kill them. I tried engaging them in melee by using the jump-dodge, but even after wacking them in the head with my fire cricket bat like 10 times they still didn't go down...
And another one!
he died in the light
Takes a while but I found a combination of drop kick, one melee hit, dodge back, get running start for drop kick, repeat.
I'd say this game is for you
*shrug* "I love zombie games." Normally with "on the fence" posts like this I advise caution. But honestly buy the shit out of it. If you're disappointed please do come back and post about it, I'd be absolutely shocked.
That's what I want!!!I agree 100%. I just wish I could change the four shoulder buttons to a layout that would make more sense to me:
L1 - Jump
L2 - Use Throwable
R1 - Kick
R2 - Attack
There's no option to make this the control scheme and I find myself constantly wasting throwables trying to jump.
I have barely done any direct combat at all. There's an enormous amount of playstyle flexibility.I'm liking what I've seen so far and I love zombie games, but I'm really on the fence about buying this right now or holding off for a few more reviews to drop.
I really enjoyed Dead Island but for some reason hated Riptide. I prefer exploring every nook and cranny and gathering supplies rather than flat out combat so would this game be suited to my style of play?
Really agree with Jim Sterling's review. This game feels like a crazy concept neutered by it's publisher.
Sorta. Maybe stun isn't the right word. It pisses them off but does leave a little opening for you to get a hit in and get away.Is the drop kick supposed to briefly stun them? I have the upgrade drop kick, and it seems to do nothing to the hulk guys...