Good work Ziran. The nintendo ninja clan is strong. I have some extra notes for you:
Software Production Group No. 4 - Shinya Takakashi (Nintendo Co. Ltd)
* The Brain-Age team is quickly becoming one of the most powerful units within Nintendo. What started as a small experimental team made up of mainly programmers including the genius Kouichi Kawamoto who created Wario Ware during his short stint at R&D1. The team is responsible for the "Training" series on the NDS. Brain-Age, Brain-Age 2, English Training, English Training 2, Kanji Training, Band Bros. The team is developing most of the Wii Channels: Everybody Votes Channel, Weather Channel, News Channel, and Photo Channel.
E3 2007 Prognosis - Not sure. Most likely just a couple of new channels. Perhaps some new Nintendo DS games as well. I can't predict exactly what this group is working on.
Nintendo Studio (All-Star Smash Group - EAD/HAL Labs/Sora + another team)
I don't think the team will be disbanded after Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Well I should say i expect the 20+ Nintendo staffers to continue the Smash Bros franchise on the Nintendo DS right after. I do expect Sakurai and the secret company assisting to be long gone by the end of this year. So probably those Nintendo guys will move over to the bigger Nintendo Tokyo Office
Wii Cooking, Mario Kart and Wii Health
Wii Health I am pretty sure is Hideki Konno's big Wii debut title for
Entertainment Analysis & Development Group No. 1. Most likely from the Nintendogs team. To be honest i don't know if Wii Cooking still exists. I believe it was canceled in favor of the team to work on Wii Healthy.
Wii Health 2007 (Japan), Wii Health 2008 (USA/Europe)
Mario Kart Wii Fall 2008 World Wide
Those I suspect will both be premiered by Hideki Konno (actually most likely Miyamoto on stage) at E3 this year.
Yoshio Sakamoto and R&D1
Well technically
Software Production Group No. 1 I still no not doubt Metroid DS will be shown this year at E3. The only other surprise should probably be Rhythm Heaven Wii being ported and "deluxed" by the Wario Ware Smooth team.
Wii MotorSports and Wii Music and Animal Crossing
All three games being developed at
Entertainment Analysis & Development Group No. 2. Wii Music should hit Japan this year. Aniimal Crossing next summer.
Wii Motorsports I pray does not become vaporware. Remember this team is still considered the Wave Race 64 team. Imagine them coming up with a way to bring us Wave Race, Excitebike, and Pilotwings on the Wii

Predictions and Speculation
* Wii Health and Wii Music are demonstrated at E3 2007 as NIntendo's big premiere on-stage exhibitions.
* Mario Kart and Animal Crossing make debut during short video montage for 2008.
* Wii Motorsports and Wii Cooking are never mentioned.
* Pikmin 3 may or may not be announced. But the Big Brain Academy: Wii Degree will be the developer of the third installment.
* It is hard to believe that the next Star Fox and F-Zero will be developed out-house. It's EAD or NST. Miyamoto seems to feel like what he thought were supposed to be big IPs by Nintendo have become lesser franchises because of all the outsourcing.
* Project Hammer. I hope it isn't canned. It has a very talented team and idea behind it. The Wii really needs some hardcore gamer friendly and technically sound games. This would have been it.
* Intelligent Systems wil be on a sort of hiatus for a while. All their development cycles have terminated around this year. However, the company should be tweaking Fire Emblem Wii for an eventual release in North America.
* I think Nintendo still has a year left of big in-house games for the Nintendo DS. If anyone follows Nintendo, usually the last year or so of a console's life, are void of much in-house games. But hopefully we get Metroid and F-Zero. I think those two are it as far as big franchise sequels on NDS go.
* Don't think for a second Nintendo is not developing New Super Mario Bros 2. E3 2007 would be a great place to announce it.
* HAL is definetely porting that Kirby project over to Wii. What else are they developing? I don't know.
* Expect next year for an Aonuma bombzel-droppen. Meanwhile enjoy his team's Zelda Phantom Hourglass.