I thought Ben's Sega final bet was going to be about PSO2, lol.
I was thinking that, but then I realized that'd be such a big announcement I think it'll be an E3 thing
From is (among other things) almost certainly working on a new Armored Core, that's much more of a Japan centered announcement IMO.
Platinum could also easily have something, they're always working on multiple projects, and they're not above doing mercenary work. They already have the two announced Cygames games they're working on though.
Soul Calibur is probably a dead franchise, and I'm not sure there's a lot of space for it either with all the other fighters around.
For Team Ninja it's probably too soon after Nioh, unless it a smaller scale thing.
REmake could have gameplay, probably simply comes down to if it's far along enough to show.
DMC5 would make the show for me, but might be too big for TGS.
DBZ Fighters new character: sure, but they're showing a new character like every other week, that's like the most sure thing bet.
One they didn't mention and I think is actually pretty likely is a new SNK game, probably Samurai Shodown.
Not that I think all of that stuff is happening, but a lot of it has a decent chance outside of the final betting stuff which they went intentionally over the top with.