Why did the banish fail anyway? Them trying to explain it got overly complicated, but eventually Ben said roll 11 or higher and Ian got a 13. Needing such a high roll to cast a spell on yourself that you're not resisting seems unreasonable, but I guess this is just nitpicking.
Just finished part 1 of the souls retrospective. Script felt a bit rough at some points. Overall it felt like an overview video throughout. There wasn't much new that I learned about the game. With previous retrospectives, I felt a more behind the scenes vibe with lots of interesting info on development such as design stories behind certain levels.
The video felt a bit rushed. It seemed that Brad had a bit of trouble writing the script as this came out a bit later than it was supposed to. Not meaning to be a dick here btw.
Love & Respect.
Now to watch the Matthewmatosis commentary for the 4th time =P
I actually enjoyed my time with Dead Space 3. I played through it with a fellow gaffer and we just had absolutely bonkers weapons that destroyed everything after a while. I rolled with a double stasis sniper rifle and advanced telekinesis. It was a delightful romp. Of course, it was a shitty Dead Space game
(Latest) Frame Trap 38
I agree with Kyle on Skullgirls designs (he only brings up Filia and Cerebella but a few more are applicable) and their potential conflict with mass appeal despite success. Ben, being open about loving anime and the like, I certainly would expect to embrace Alex Ahad designs. That made it odd for me hearing his counterpoint to Kyle's thoughts about the general public response, while he's not wrong about the animations creating life and justification for some of the design quirks.
I found it even more weird that after Kyle clarified that it was his personal take, Ben immediately relieved with a "We're always going to have dumb opinions sometimes." spiel afterwards. It was pretty jarring.
Kyle can have some crazy opinions sometimes, but that wasn't one of them.
On the bright side, Ben's impressions on Divinity: Original Sin 2 have me intrigued. I tried the first one and really disliked it, but I'm hearing from posters on GAF that the overall package (NPC companions, combat, skill usage) is much stronger. I'm considering checking it out.
The "we're going to have dumb opinions sometimes" was meant to be a joke, but I don't think the delivery did a good job of that so I could definitely see how it would be jarring.
Between the Silicon stuff and not correctly stating the Divinity 2 is fully voiced, there are some things I wish I could change about the last episode.
"Dumb" opinion just means an opinion where internet nerds will call you dumb. I.e. not liking LttP or something like that. If everyone's favorites games where SMW, OoT and TLOU, that wouldn't be very interesting or allow for new perspectives to be talked about, and thus it would be bad for business as Kyle said.
I would've agreed if we we're talking pre-MKX. MKX and Injustice 2 look great, and in MKX the character designs are generally good too.Nope, it's just been the last two years.
I finished Frame Trap earlier and do people think NetherRealm's games look good? Because they're the most successful fighting games around these days and personally, I think they're really ugly game. Their art style is ugly, their animations are janky as hell and up until very recently, their female characters looked fucking terrible.
What is the s-word Damiani was refering to on the podcast lol?
Ryu and Ken set up expectations everyone's going to wear gis and throw shoryukens. Then I played Blanka. No gi. No shoryuken. What's the deal with airline food?
They're doing it but haven't recorded it yetWas I imagining it or did the Allies say they were planning a Persona 5 Spoiler Mode? I'm just about to finish it so I was looking forward to hearing them speak more openly about it.
They're doing it but haven't recorded it yet
I was facepalming when he brought that up again.Did Kyle just talk about the 4chan rumor with regards to MH?
Early correction, Kyle that rumor was fake.
What is the s-word Damiani was refering to on the podcast lol?
I was facepalming when he brought that up again.
It's too bad that EZA isn't about this life but I feel like a group(not all of them but maybe 2-3 and maybe more in a setup where people divide the work duty) stream show of them sharing the pain of getting the ff9 plat would be amazing.
Also this
I've said it before, them playing D&D is absolutely fine and brings some fantastic moments, but they always go on for far too long. 70 episodes now. 70 hours. That's almost 3 days. Yeah yeah, it's all on Youtube and you can watch it whenever you like blah blah blah...
They need to condense each series down. That way we'd get new stories, new characters, maybe even new Allies. Maybe even Don!
Come to think of it, has Damiani ever done a Fiasco episode? He hasn't has he? I'd like to see that. And Blood.
That's my take on itI say they should just keep doing what theyre doing & change course when they feel they want to try something else or take a break from D&D.
You say they should do something more disgestible and then go on and mention Fiasconauta. There is your answer. They can serve both audiences.Why would I watch a new campaign when I haven't even watched the old one? I wouldn't.
Viewership wise, it'd do even worse than the old one.
Not saying eza has to go mainstream, but we have 70+ of dd, I'd like to see them try something new, more easily digestible, where I can jump in at reasonably any point.
Fiasconauts is a perfect example.
At a later date, go back to dd, not saying to never do it again.
Yeah, as i said, i can see how learning a new rule set would be too taxing on Ben especially, since TTE isn't his only responsibility.It has already taken quite a bit of time for them to get a grasp of the 5E rules, doing a new system is just asking for trouble. I think they should do a new arc or campaign, but make sure each of the players do a more thorough read of the rules so there can be less time spent figuring out what can be done and how. Ben is a great DM and I know he is very busy, but he could probably get a better handle of the 5E rules too, but I also understand that Huber just likes doing things outside of the ruleset, haha.