Yeah, I meant Original Sin 2. I didn't even know just "Divinity" was a thing. lol.
Yeah, the Divinity series has been around for a while. The only one I've played is Dragon Commander, which was the last one before they found (somewhat) mainstream success Original Sin and was a RTS with RPG elements. It was a really cool concept but got too tedious for my liking, so I ended up dropping it.
Now that I mention it though, I'd love for Ben to stream it.
So I made a list of the games I want to finish by the end of the year. Its.....not looking good
The Evil Within 2 (on chapter 6)
Mario Galaxy
Wolfenstein 2
Horizon Zero Dawn
Persona 5
Divinity Original Sin 2
Edith finch
Using how long to and my guesses for the 2 unreleased games Im looking at like 270 hours?
I think I can get all of those done except either Divinity or Persona isnt going to make it. Ill have to pick one and the other Ill run out of time
Wow, good luck with that. Of those games, Persona 5 took me about a month (though I did start a new game plus to get that last f'n trophy), Horizon took me about half a month and Edith Finch took me an afternoon.
My list is something like:
Final Fantasy IX (currently around the middle of disc 3)
Final Fantasy X-2
Hidden Agenda
Horizon: Zero Dawn - The Frozen Wilds
Life is Strange: Before the Storm (playing episode 2 this afternoon)
Pokemon Black 2 (currently have 5 badges)
Pokemon Ultra Sun/Moon
The Silver Case
I think it should be fairly easy. Only three RPGs and the Pokemon games are fairly short RPGs by today's standards, so FFX-2 is the only one that will take up a lot of time.