The heckOh man, that feeling when a local club throws 20 torches on the bridge. My wallet appreciates their actions.
The heck
Oh I thought u meant literal torches. Wait what did they do to show they didn't want your business?
Bouncer came up to me and said his manager "saw me fall asleep" which is complete bullshit. Oh well /shrug
I mean, I was up until 4am this morning playing Zelda =\
Bouncer came up to me and said his manager "saw me fall asleep" which is complete bullshit. Oh well /shrug
I mean, I was up until 4am this morning playing Zelda =
Bouncer came up to me and said his manager "saw me fall asleep" which is complete bullshit. Oh well /shrug
I mean, I was up until 4am this morning playing Zelda =\
I'm so confused, do you have a job there or do you go as a paying customer? My eyes are closed during half of any given show because that's how I enjoy it
Better than some of her recent tracks, but god damn her melodies are boring in her breaks, still feel strongly that she needs to brush up on that.
I guess. I get that perspective I guess I'm tired of hearing artists saying they're going to grow because I watch interviews a lot, and they'll be like "yeah man I'm totally gonna try new things and go beyond my comfort zone, I don't wanna be limited by the boundaries of my genre" but then proceed to make something that sounds identical to tons and tons of songs (or worse - sell out to a sound). I just listened to seven lions' newest single and if you blindly asked me which artist it was I wouldn't be able to tell you for the majority of it (that Ferry Corsten one is better though)i actually like that he is trying 'new' things even if it doesnt really sound new to other people. why do the same thing over and over for years when you can grow as an artist? \\\\
Plus his remix of my favorite song gives me chills every time.Ferry Corsten - beautiful (seven lions remix)
I think this artist has grown - Arty. absolutely love listening to his podcast now. love open mindedness perspectives.
Anyone who missed this can watch here, can't find the Matt Lange portion though, not even on Mixmag's facebook. Gonna check it out myself in a bit, really like what I heard for the short bit I've gotten to listen
Anyone seeing Bonobo on his upcoming tour? He's one of my favorite producers of all time but I was hoping he would do an orchestra live set or something instead of a DJ set. Although I would prolly go to either one I guess I'd prefer the live stuff lol
Just got time to catch up on some posts
Just always so confused how EDM gets so stagnant, you have to try REALLY hard to get an identical sound to something else, it doesn't come out of nowhere. I feel like many EDM producers are Reddit posters who go to EDMProduction and ask "How do I get that sound?" instead of spending time in the studio figuring out how to get their own sound.
Are his DJ sets good? Not buying tickets yet anyway since I don't know where I'll be living at that time, but might consider checking em out. Agreed though, I'd rather see an actual live show.
I saw this pop up on my YouTube last week and watched/listened while cleaning the house...I digged it not gonna lie. I think the video was well done too, well, at least as a background on the TV. What area are you around? California by chance? I'm thinking bout the Oakland show but like I said, hopefully we hear something of the actual performance soon!
Agreed with the comments above. You honestly do have to try to sound like other people and it's kind of odd seeing how you're told to have that unique sound every step of the way. At some point these "samey" producers put aside the advice of being unique and started making copy cat songs. The listening audience loves it but the up and coming producers are seeing these guys being rewarded for it. When do the new guys sell out and we get more of the same stuff? I can see how it can be discouraging.
Will definitely be checking that out, I'm currently in the Boston area but I'm in the process of interviewing for positions in New York, so it's a bit awkward timing. I basically can't plan any concerts or sets right now which is really frustrating, so many tickets I've been wanting to pick up.
Absolutely, it's crossed my mind in the past as a producer. But at the end of the day, if all you do is follow trends, that can only get you so far. My buddy and I were chatting the other day - what happened to Dyro? I bet that's not a name anyone here has heard in a while. I checked out his latest tracks and he's still making electro mainstage house, so yeah, people stopped paying attention. Even big guys like Hardwell or Nicky Romero, you don't hear about them. That's why I don't bother with any of these fucks making future bass or whatever, they're here today gone tomorrow. I'm much more interested in artists who are developing a career. It's like a lot of guys are like "well damn I give up it's time to make some cheesy music", we've seen many edm artists be incredibly successful just doing what they're good at but people find it easier to be followers instead of leaders. The weirdest thing about it is this doesn't happen in ANY other genre, so I'm not sure why edm producers think that's going to help them ultimately.
My observation too is that edm guys don't pay much attention to other music, I mean especially if they're successful and have to constantly update their DJ sets, they only have time to listen to edm. They get stuck thinking it's the edm way or the highway, meanwhile there are loads of successful producers doing very interesting music and being successful at it. Most people forget that you don't even have to be an EDM DJ to be a successful producer.
Also I definitely used that reddit example because of our pm chat a while back lol 😇
That's true, I almost threw hip hop in there, but that said there are still a good number of very mainstream artists in that genre experimenting big time.Hit the nail on the head. Those producers know what they are doing and to continue to do it. But honestly, as a business move, I totally see why they do it. I feel bad for the producers who have pioneered genres only to have them swept from under their feet by the horde of mimics. It's also weird when a genre makes a resurgence and there is "new" pioneers(deep house comes to mind first).
I think the following trend also happens in new Rap/Hip Hop. I don't listen to much of it(Illmatic GOAT /old man) but the stuff I hear sounds like a similar situation to EDM. Their voices start to blend together and the flow is also on a similar cadence. Beats are just 808s and a simple melody. It feels like plug and play future bass.
it's very apt, I ain't mad ��
Oh hell yeah dude. You probably explained better what I was trying to say earlier about certain artists, I don't enjoy a song where you absolutely know what's going to happen, especially when it does happen it's lame and predictable. There's nothing wrong with having build ups and drops but for me it's gotta work into a well crafted song. For example Madeon - You're On (ft. Kyan) has a snare build up before the last hook, but it's not there for functional reasons, it's there to add to an already meaningful part of the song.Let's just talk about structure though...I know it's been said but fuck man it really puts me off when I KNOW a drop is coming. When it takes like 45 seconds to build it just seems so pointless to me. Going back to how we are told to be unique, a common sentiment is to not make predictable music. The build up stuff is so predictable that it makes me wanna tune out or skip ahead to the actual drop. I know it's engrained into the the EDM sound but there has to be a way to move on from it right?
That's true, I almost threw hip hop in there, but that said there are still a good number of very mainstream artists in that genre experimenting big time.
I do have faith in electronic music though. Jamie xx's "In Colour" has a very, very nice number of plays on Spotify for an album that's pretty "out there", some songs hitting the 50-60 million mark
Oh hell yeah dude. You probably explained better what I was trying to say earlier about certain artists, I don't enjoy a song where you absolutely know what's going to happen, especially when it does happen it's lame and predictable. There's nothing wrong with having build ups and drops but for me it's gotta work into a well crafted song. For example Madeon - You're On (ft. Kyan) has a snare build up before the last hook, but it's not there for functional reasons, it's there to add to an already meaningful part of the song.
Hahaha yep. And definitely check out that album, it's pretty fantastic, Pitchfork gave it a 9.3 for good reason. Loud Places was also my favorite song of 2015 by a long shot.You know when you hear a future bass song, you're like, OK these are some good vocals and a nice groove with some chords...Then the drop is vroom vroom vrooooom....vvvvroom vrooom typical saw wave drop and it totally fucking kills the song for me. I like your example though, it's a pretty basic snare build up but it really fits into the track and accentuates the last hook. It doesn't sound like he forced it in there just for the sake of having another "drop". I'll have to check out that Jamie XX album. I've heard a song or two but never really checked it out.
Not to champion Bonobo again but his album is my favorite of this year and it's really a nice cohesive piece of work. I've prolly listened to it 8 times so far already haha
Hahaha yep. And definitely check out that album, it's pretty fantastic, Pitchfork gave it a 9.3 for good reason. Loud Places was also my favorite song of 2015 by a long shot.
I still need to listen to that Bonobo album! I've heard a couple tracks but I've been so busy lately it's been hard for me to sit down and listen to all the music coming out.
Oh yeah I know that song, it's awesome. The original song used for the hook is dope too. Just realized while reading that article that he was in The xx...well colour me surprised ��
You're in for a real treat with that album. Def a sit down and spin all the way thru. I prefer it with a nice scotch on the rocks too![]()
While OneRepublic has been touring Europe for the past month, [Ryan] Tedder has continued his creative tear. He recently finished two singles for Ariana Grande's sophomore album, a new OneRepublic single called "Love Runs Out," due for release later this spring, two songs for the forthcoming debut from Mikky Ekko (the songwriter and hook vocalist on Rihanna's "Stay") -- and, oh yeah, a song for Taylor Swift's next album. "I did one or two other songs that I'm leaving out," he says before later confirming his latest finished product, a dance anthem with vocals from Elton John, produced and co-written with Swedish House Mafia's Sebastian Ingrosso and Axwell for an as-yet-undetermined project.
Hahaha yep. And definitely check out that album, it's pretty fantastic, Pitchfork gave it a 9.3 for good reason. Loud Places was also my favorite song of 2015 by a long shot.
I still need to listen to that Bonobo album! I've heard a couple tracks but I've been so busy lately it's been hard for me to sit down and listen to all the music coming out.
New Jamie is out in the wild, I'm quite the fan of what this guy is doing lol 😇
Haha thank you so much man.Damn this track is hot!! Had to follow this guy on SoundCloud after that.
where do you find the time/I wish I had more time to make music. great track man I'm feelin it!
Haha thank you so much man.
Currently the answer is being unemployedbut the short answer is I became very driven and spend as much of my free time on music as I can. That doesn't always mean creating music, EDMGAF is part of that time for example.
I keep forgetting to follow you, Aomber. Will do right away.
It's definitely tough at times. The best advice I can give is, always stay curious about what's out there, do music as much as you can but if it's not flowing don't push it. I can go weeks at a time without writing because I just need to reset. That said I was fortunate to have some big success in music early in college so that helps the drive, but it's still hard sometimes.I'm jealous haha but that's good to hear! Hopefully you get that job and keep the drive, I know it's hard for me sometimes.
Speaking of, I was on my way home from work and this Veorra song came up. Haven't heard it in so long and it sounds fucking killer on my car's system. Whew
Veorra - Standby
As much as I dislike bandwagonners..... I'm quite enjoying how many people I know who listens to EDM now. I give Future Bass alot of shit but it did put EDM on the map, for the US that is. The same for The Plainsmoker's.
Now.... How can I convert them into listening to different genres :thinking:
I think a lot of people start by listening to Kraft American Cheese Singles, and I mean, I still enjoy some today depending what it is. It's pretty natural to eventually open up to other genres though, once people get a better understanding of what it's about and grow new appreciation.
Yum, cheese is delicious ��
Yeah, the people around me and friends enjoy the shit that The Chainsmoker's put out. I'm trying to show them some more options that are better. Some have enjoyed what I suggested and others have ignored it, lol. I think for some people there is just THAT sound that they think is enjoyable, sober or inebriated, and if you introduce them to something else they just can't "enjoy" what you think they would enjoy.
Nothing wrong with that. It's natural to want something similar/same. It's, like you pointed out, also natural to open up to other genres.
Right now, within my circle - sisters, friends, and other family member's all enjoy that radio friendly EDM sound. Kind of weird drinking and partying with them, lol. I'm lucky that I can just roll with it. I don't listen to alot of Future Bass so I can at least tolerate it when I'm buzzed/drunk. It's also fortunate that I am still a Chainsmoker's fan and can tolerate their latest music ��
Yep Im ready for Ultra mainstage to all sound like Future Bass, Trap, and Chainsmokers wannabe music. Big room is dead.
Though I loves the pop progressive era.Loved progressive house. Still listen to it. Shame that lasted only for a while.
No Chainsmokers? Maybe they're too big and good for ultra?
The Chainsmokers are going on a stadium tour starting in April, pretty common for artists to skip a festival if they have to prepare a big tourNo Chainsmokers? Maybe they're too big and good for ultra?
No surprises there, Bigroom is on a heavy decline and Hardwell was leading the pack during the bigroom era. That's the problem with riding a trend.It's a shame that Hardwell doesn't have a time closer to night time. He is in about where there is still daylight and by the time his set ends it's night time :/ At least with Hardwell you are guaranteed some deviation from the norm and I hope he closes with some Hardstyle again.
DJ Snake is closing this year. That's so weird. What's also weird is how some names aren't there this year. No Vicetone, no Yellow Claw, no Carnage (his set was garbage but damn did he play some Hardstyle and the crowd barely knew what to do with themselves lol), and no *gasp*The Chainsmoker's?!
Ultra seems really weird this year with some names, lol. It should be a good time for the people who are there.
They were alright way back in the day. I probably won't even give them the time of day.Most of the "Prog" House/Electro House artist's will be on earlier times and some are on different stages. They are being very transparent about the decline of Big Room. But yes, for fans like me who don't enjoy Future Bass be prepared for massive Future Bass hits on the mainstage sprinkled with some Dubstep and Trap.
I'm surprised to see Showtek on Sunday. That should be decent. Hope he plays a mixed set. Armin will probably have a heavy Big Room set, isn't he? Then he's going to close it with some Trance, right? How about A&B? I know they've.... Deviated from Trance into more..... Prog House Trance, right? Will that set be full on Trance or Big Room? I cannot see them playing some Future Bass.
Forgot to mention, and I'm sure some of y'all have already been paying attention to it, but W&W are trying to come back to Trance. Never knew they made Trance. Were they decent?
Most of the "Prog" House/Electro House artist's will be on earlier times and some are on different stages. They are being very transparent about the decline of Big Room. But yes, for fans like me who don't enjoy Future Bass be prepared for massive Future Bass hits on the mainstage sprinkled with some Dubstep and Trap.
I'm surprised to see Showtek on Sunday. That should be decent. Hope he plays a mixed set. Armin will probably have a heavy Big Room set, isn't he? Then he's going to close it with some Trance, right? How about A&B? I know they've.... Deviated from Trance into more..... Prog House Trance, right? Will that set be full on Trance or Big Room? I cannot see them playing some Future Bass.
Forgot to mention, and I'm sure some of y'all have already been paying attention to it, but W&W are trying to come back to Trance. Never knew they made Trance. Were they decent?