crazy amount of effort & passion was put into this OT, which resulted in a
ton of data. In my initial planning, I figured I would attempt to "up the bar" on what an OT could be in terms of raw gif quality. The title banner is usually the part that draws the most attention and as such, has the most work put into it. My thinking started to evolve into "What if I made every gif in every section of the OT
at least banner quality?"
My mantra then became "If we have huge day-one patches and have to wait for those to experience the fun of a game; then why can't an OT have a wait time to load up high quality gifs to have fun experiencing that as well?"
From there, the focus was 'above the norm' banner quality for
every gif...and you saw the results. The difficulty is, when hosting large gifs like these - they can't be over 99.98 megabytes or it just displays a static image when shared and doesn't move. All the gifs were done in either 4K or 1080P and then downscaled to 720P or sometimes
slightly lower to keep the file size under 99.98 megabytes. It was frustrating at times, but I got it done

Thank you!!