So I decided to give up on my faith/str build for now. This is my third time re-rolling. I made a prisoner I put about 10 hours into, and a faith/str confessor I put about 30 hours into and got to level 45.
Magic just doesn't click with me really. I'll probably revisit it eventually. I will say this: I found an incantation off an enemy I killed that let me almost one shot a lot of late game enemies. It fucks up bosses too and requires less then 20 fp. Seems incredibly strong, incantations are no joke.
The Samurai just feels more comfortable to me. I honestly feel like strength/faith builds require a lot of skill or at least some skill I don't have. the slow attacks really make you get down your timing just right. and if you go into casting you are a lot squishier than a pure str build. it could be that I didn't find any incatantations that buff my character ot make him tankier, I'm assuming some of them have to exist. Dex build seems to be more forgiving since the attacks are very fast.
the move set on the katanas is amazing. and when I dual wield them, it seems to cause bleed damage crazy fast.
found my own little farm to gain a few extra levels sneaky and quickly. REMOVED
you might want to spoiler tag that
having said that, I agree, this area is amazing. FYI you can sneak around and backstab them all, there are a lot of them, then reset the area
this has to be intentionally put there to power level your new characters or something. they are incredibly easy to back stab and are spread out far enough where they don't aggro each other (usually). I made a Samurai last night and have been using it to level up given I already put over 30 hours on my faith/str build so I don't feel bad exploiting that area.