Me and my wife played for 12 hours yesterday, overall our experience was a lot of fun, but...still a lot of issues. I had two hard crashes on my end and it's always great logging back in and the game reminds me to use the quit function so I don't lose progress then I make this face: 
We killed I think 5 or so bosses, wont name them or anything to avoid spoilers but a couple really gave us a challenge but also a rewarding feeling when we finally were able to defeat them. We're really enjoying the open world they've created BUT...
The limitations in coop are extremely annoying. Why can't we use our fucking horses in coop!!! I mean sure the game runs like shit as is in spots but hell I'd fight through the pain if we could both use our horse, being we can't there's so many areas we can't traverse. Also we can't use spirit summons which I assume is a balancing issue but all the same the game will still allow me to summon my level 100 friend who can just murder all the bosses for me so really what's the point?
Also there's so many caves/dungeons we came across that we'd love to explore but are inexplicably blocked off, this happened way too many times. I assume this is due to some story progression issue but it just ruins the flow of exploration.
So lots of things to work through, I'm honestly more upset about no ultrawide support or unlocked framerate at the moment then I am about anything else. It's mind boggling in 2022 they omitted these features but here we are.

We killed I think 5 or so bosses, wont name them or anything to avoid spoilers but a couple really gave us a challenge but also a rewarding feeling when we finally were able to defeat them. We're really enjoying the open world they've created BUT...
The limitations in coop are extremely annoying. Why can't we use our fucking horses in coop!!! I mean sure the game runs like shit as is in spots but hell I'd fight through the pain if we could both use our horse, being we can't there's so many areas we can't traverse. Also we can't use spirit summons which I assume is a balancing issue but all the same the game will still allow me to summon my level 100 friend who can just murder all the bosses for me so really what's the point?
Also there's so many caves/dungeons we came across that we'd love to explore but are inexplicably blocked off, this happened way too many times. I assume this is due to some story progression issue but it just ruins the flow of exploration.
So lots of things to work through, I'm honestly more upset about no ultrawide support or unlocked framerate at the moment then I am about anything else. It's mind boggling in 2022 they omitted these features but here we are.