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Elite Dangerous: Horizons |OT| Just scratching the surface

Grindy stuff is already turning me away again. I want to build a ship for passenger missions and have 40 million to do it with, so plenty. The missions are all locked out due to some forced rank requirement. I don't even know what it asking me to have a higher rank at.

I'd be down for taking a long trip to Colonia with a couple passenger groups and do some exploration as I go. It would be a great way to make some serious bank and also give me something new to do. Alas, I'm locked out of it without doing a bunch of grinding to acquire the rank to take the mission. So damn tedious. Things like this are the reason I can only take a few hours of each patch.

Not Spaceghost

Yo real talk, the fact that you're now notified in the info pane what class of star you're warping to is absolutely incredible for managing your fuel / deciding to scoop.
Grindy stuff is already turning me away again. I want to build a ship for passenger missions and have 40 million to do it with, so plenty. The missions are all locked out due to some forced rank requirement. I don't even know what it asking me to have a higher rank at.

I'd be down for taking a long trip to Colonia with a couple passenger groups and do some exploration as I go. It would be a great way to make some serious bank and also give me something new to do. Alas, I'm locked out of it without doing a bunch of grinding to acquire the rank to take the mission. So damn tedious. Things like this are the reason I can only take a few hours of each patch.

That's probably just bad luck with RNG. I only JUST got from Neutral to Cordial with the GAF faction on PC but I had several passenger missions from them available to me every instance at a station, not to mention all the other factions that I ignored.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
Fighters have made combat much more exhilarating. Let my second in command take the helm, and I get to play Starbuck and pew pew at the bigger ships.

Not Spaceghost

Um, I hope this isn't a bug and I can't find anything about it on the patch notes but there doesn't seem to be a sweet spot for fuel scooping anymore.

I just flew right up to the maximum scoop range before getting pulled into the stars orbit and my heat wouldn't go over 64%, this is legitimately awesome.


Have only had a day to play it, but I'm enjoying it. I think it's a bigger update, in terms of content, than 2.1 was.

Fighters are a lot of fun to fly and it's nice feeling like you have a crew. You actually have to kinda change the way you approach combat. They're so fragile it's easy to get destroyed if you try to fight the way you do in larger ships. Really need to focus on getting into and staying in blind spots more than ever--luckily, the ships are so maneuverable (stop/turn on a dime), it's not impossible.

Passenger missions aren't a game-changing feature but they add a little variety and provide another revenue source. There are many missions that reward hundreds of thousands of credits for just traveling a few systems away, and then the huge 30-50 million missions for trips to Jacques, Sag A, etc.

Haven't tried the new Engineers yet. All the small QoL stuff is much appreciated. Really love the new hyperspace transition.

Thats nice to hear, since I was kinda letdown by 2.1.
The fighters do sound fun.
That's probably just bad luck with RNG. I only JUST got from Neutral to Cordial with the GAF faction on PC but I had several passenger missions from them available to me every instance at a station, not to mention all the other factions that I ignored.

Perhaps, but all the really good paying missions (30mil) are always locked out. Speaking of which, what is the fastest way of making money right now? I'm tired of using the same ships and I'm slowly heading towards the point where I could maybe afford a Python or something soon but these passenger missions can really suck. Just did one that had me travelling for almost 2 hours and when I went to leave the location enabling the warp drive shot my heat up to 200% and my thrusters lost all power and crashed into the planet.

Not really looking to waste my time like that again and would rather something that's immediately profitable.


Found it!


Ancient totem legal salvage!

Ancient tablet!

This ancient relic just burst out of the ground next to me and scared the bejesus out of me!

An Ancient Urn (don't knock yourselves out with the names FD...)

Guess what kind of casket this is? That's right, an ancient one!

Ancient Orb of Ancientness!

Signs of life! The little triangles were blinking.

FYI You scan these and get Obelisk data.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Wow, they found that fast, lol! I'll head over there tomorrow night and check it out, looks awesome.

On another note, I did a few passenger runs tonight, converted my Clipper into a passenger ship. The missions can be fun actually, for an explorer like me I think I'll be doing a lot more of these honestly.

Not Spaceghost

The imperial fighter is a hell of a lot of fun to fly, is the taipan really the best of the 3? Because the imp fighter feels so ridiculously nimble.


The imperial fighter is a hell of a lot of fun to fly, is the taipan really the best of the 3? Because the imp fighter feels so ridiculously nimble.

I think it's one of those personal preference things. I use the taipan because that was the only fighter available where I bought my hangar.


Started my first playthrough. Got authorization to land in the hanger. Landed Space station shot and killed me....

Not Spaceghost

PSA to anyone carrying potentially wanted passengers.

Better be safe than sorry and use silent running to dock, the station blew me up in two seconds once I got scanned and my passenger was revealed to be wanted in that system. Looks like the cops care more about moving wanted people than illegal cargo.

Just gonna reiterate that: The STATION blew me up, not the cops. There was no chance of survival because those lasers basically 1 hit KO you.

I like that it's dangerous as hell to smuggle potentially wanted people and I kinda wish they would do this for illegal cargo but my god I wish they had warned me that they were going to blow me up for getting detected with a wanted criminal on board. Glad I was in my 600k rebuy keelback and not anything more expensive.


PSA to anyone carrying potentially wanted passengers.

Better be safe than sorry and use silent running to dock, the station blew me up in two seconds once I got scanned and my passenger was revealed to be wanted in that system.

Looks like the cops care more about moving wanted people than illegal cargo.

You'd think they'd just send people to the dock to apprehend them and you lose their contract and maybe get a fine.


Found it!


Ancient totem legal salvage!

Ancient tablet!

This ancient relic just burst out of the ground next to me and scared the bejesus out of me!

An Ancient Urn (don't knock yourselves out with the names FD...)

Guess what kind of casket this is? That's right, an ancient one!

Ancient Orb of Ancientness!

Signs of life! The little triangles were blinking.

FYI You scan these and get Obelisk data.

That was quick. :D Good job!

Not Spaceghost

Where do fighter bays even show up? Are they optional or internal components

Optional internal, they can only be fit on class 5 or higher slots and even then only certain ships seem to be able to accept them.

Off the top of my head only the following can fit a hanger bay:
Federal Gunship
Imperial Cutter
and I think the type 9?


Was going to go to the center of the galaxy but got bored about 8000 lightyears in. Now begins the tedious journey home.

I haven't given up on my dream though, so what's the longest jump range ship? Is it still the Anaconda? I haven't kept in the loop but there's some way to increase jump distances using resources or some such right?

Can't wait to dust off the Python and go bounty hunting again.


I haven't given up on my dream though, so what's the longest jump range ship? Is it still the Anaconda? I haven't kept in the loop but there's some way to increase jump distances using resources or some such right?

Since 2.1, there's the engineer grind for modifying modules. You can push an Anaconda to about 60yl jump range. 2.2 introduced supercharging your jump drive on neutron stars and white dwarfs (up to 300% bonus on neutrons and 100% on white dwarfs iirc).

Those are your options aside from grinding materials for single use (?) jumponium on planet surfaces. I have no idea who would honestly do the latter for any length of time. At least an advanced surface scan now shows you the percentages of probability for finding materials on specific planet's surface.
Was going to go to the center of the galaxy but got bored about 8000 lightyears in. Now begins the tedious journey home.

I haven't given up on my dream though, so what's the longest jump range ship? Is it still the Anaconda? I haven't kept in the loop but there's some way to increase jump distances using resources or some such right?

Can't wait to dust off the Python and go bounty hunting again.

Yeah, exploring is no joke. I’m still about 8k or 9k from Sag A and just thinking about coming back is horrible. I kind of just want to blow up my ship, lol. I mean I’m probably only going to make like 10-15 mil from it and my rebuy cost is only like 2 mil, so it’s tempting, however I don’t want to lose all the progress with my rank. I’m not going to touch exploring for a long time after this. Sag A for my first trip was a bad idea.


Since 2.1, there's the engineer grind for modifying modules. You can push an Anaconda to about 60yl jump range. 2.2 introduced supercharging your jump drive on neutron stars and white dwarfs (up to 300% bonus on neutrons and 100% on white dwarfs iirc).

Those are your options aside from grinding materials for single use (?) jumponium on planet surfaces. I have no idea who would honestly do the latter for any length of time. At least an advanced surface scan now shows you the percentages of probability for finding materials on specific planet's surface.

I see. Thanks for the reply. It'll probably be a while before I attempt it again.


Am I the only one hoping the current Federal "blockade" over Palin's base results in getting an engineer for thrusters in the bubble? I dread to think of how many jumps and cargo swaps I'm going to have to do to upgrade thrusters on the rest of my gear.


Started my first playthrough. Got authorization to land in the hanger. Landed Space station shot and killed me....

That shouldn't be happening, did you get any warnings from the station? They usually just fine you when you break the rules or dick around in the wrong places.

I can't seem to find a place where i can outfit my diamondback explorer with a few cabins, is it just not possible or am i just not in the right places?
If for some reason my diamondback can't even hold a single cabin Frontier really needs to get slapped. Hell, i don't understand why type 7 can't hold a fighter bay i was excited to put one into it and i lack the money for type 9 and dislike flying the keelback.


Started my first playthrough. Got authorization to land in the hanger. Landed Space station shot and killed me....

That reminds me of something that happen when I did my first passenger mission the other day. Left the station and suddenly I'm dead as the fighters that patrol or station opened fire on me. I didn't have anyone onboard that was a criminal or wanted. My standing was fine and it wasn't a hostile area either. It was so sudden. I had just cleared the exit as well when it happen. No warning either. No other ships were entering or leaving.

Thankfully I was in my Keelback when it happen so the rebuy was low. Shields just dropped and I was dead. That was the fastest death I've ever experienced as well, including the animation as the ship starts to blow up.

Hasn't happen sense though.


That reminds me of something that happen when I did my first passenger mission the other day. Left the station and suddenly I'm dead as the fighters that patrol or station opened fire on me. I didn't have anyone onboard that was a criminal or wanted. My standing was fine and it wasn't a hostile area either. It was so sudden. I had just cleared the exit as well when it happen. No warning either. No other ships were entering or leaving.

This is a general issue with Elite. The game gives you fuck all warning, if you get into trouble with the ingame "law enforcement". If you're in a Sidewinder and happen to glance an unscanned ship with your weapons, it can well be that you've been cooked by authorities, before you even realize what happened. This is even worse for beginner players, who may not have gotten accustomed to all their ship controls. They're dead before they even have a chance to read the minuscule text notifying them of their "wrong-doing".

On the other side of the bar, advanced players can largely ignore authorities. Killing other players for no good reason? Nothing stopping you. Got an unconvenient bounty? Hop into a Sidewinder and let authorities scan and kill you and you're good to go.
Perhaps, but all the really good paying missions (30mil) are always locked out. Speaking of which, what is the fastest way of making money right now? I'm tired of using the same ships and I'm slowly heading towards the point where I could maybe afford a Python or something soon but these passenger missions can really suck. Just did one that had me travelling for almost 2 hours and when I went to leave the location enabling the warp drive shot my heat up to 200% and my thrusters lost all power and crashed into the planet.

Not really looking to waste my time like that again and would rather something that's immediately profitable.

Well, there is a passenger mission loop that can be lucrative: https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDange...y_class_passenger_missions_aka_ceossothis_22/

Once you're allied, Economy Class passenger transport missions pay up to 68k per passenger. That means an Anaconda can make up to 11 million per haul, or 22 million per round-trip.
Unlike Ceos/Sothis in 2.1, you don't need an engineered A-grade FSD, or weapons, or anything like that. The systems I've tried send you to a system 11ly away. Ceos/Sothis are 8.9ly apart. And these missions are often for 10-20 passengers, so often 1-2 board refreshes are all you need. Very quick, mabye 5-6 minutes from beginning to end.

Gotta have rep built up first, but luckily, Data Delivery missions at places like Sothis are very easy to stack and gain rep easily.

Also, a few posts ago I posted a skimmer mission method for making cash, too. Check that out!

Well now the conflict zones have disappeared even though there's still a war going on, had the same issue in a different system before the patch. Mode switching didn't do anything either so I have a bunch of stacked war missions with nowhere to actually find targets in.

Looks like this was a bug that was fixed today:

- Civil wars now use the same structure as War/War Support to guarantee there is always at least one conflict zone in civil wars

PSA to anyone carrying potentially wanted passengers.

Better be safe than sorry and use silent running to dock, the station blew me up in two seconds once I got scanned and my passenger was revealed to be wanted in that system. Looks like the cops care more about moving wanted people than illegal cargo.

Just gonna reiterate that: The STATION blew me up, not the cops. There was no chance of survival because those lasers basically 1 hit KO you.

Yeah, the station defenses got a buff to combat griefers, apparently. It's an insta-kill now. I do hope they revise how this is handled re: wanted passengers, because there is no warning and I feel like it's not always obvious that the passenger is wanted, unless I'm missed something.

Yeah, exploring is no joke. I’m still about 8k or 9k from Sag A and just thinking about coming back is horrible. I kind of just want to blow up my ship, lol. I mean I’m probably only going to make like 10-15 mil from it and my rebuy cost is only like 2 mil, so it’s tempting, however I don’t want to lose all the progress with my rank. I’m not going to touch exploring for a long time after this. Sag A for my first trip was a bad idea.

With Passenger missions in now, I don't know if there's any point taking trips to the big spots (like Sag A) without a few 30-40 million credit VIP passengers in your ship. Makes it way more lucrative which may cut down on the sting of boredom.


2.2.01 update went out

- Reduced module and ship transfer distance costs by 50%

After I paid 11 milion to move my cutter. Time to contact support.


Well, there is a passenger mission loop that can be lucrative: https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDange...y_class_passenger_missions_aka_ceossothis_22/

Gotta have rep built up first, but luckily, Data Delivery missions at places like Sothis are very easy to stack and gain rep easily.

Also, a few posts ago I posted a skimmer mission method for making cash, too. Check that out!

Looks like this was a bug that was fixed today:

Yeah, the station defenses got a buff to combat griefers, apparently. It's an insta-kill now. I do hope they revise how this is handled re: wanted passengers, because there is no warning and I feel like it's not always obvious that the passenger is wanted, unless I'm missed something.

With Passenger missions in now, I don't know if there's any point taking trips to the big spots (like Sag A) without a few 30-40 million credit VIP passengers in your ship. Makes it way more lucrative which may cut down on the sting of boredom.

Dis gun b gud


Should just make high paying combat missions instead of being able to stack them, but I'll take it nonetheless.

Not Spaceghost

Yeah, the station defenses got a buff to combat griefers, apparently. It's an insta-kill now. I do hope they revise how this is handled re: wanted passengers, because there is no warning and I feel like it's not always obvious that the passenger is wanted, unless I'm missed something.

After that incident I just use silent running when transporting anyone who is secretive, because that was the only indicator I had on the mission parameters.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
The imperial fighter is a hell of a lot of fun to fly, is the taipan really the best of the 3? Because the imp fighter feels so ridiculously nimble.

I like imperial fighter the best because it's the fastest and most nimble. It is also the most fragile though, but then I use fighters mostly for exploring and racing around, not combat, lol.

Was going to go to the center of the galaxy but got bored about 8000 lightyears in. Now begins the tedious journey home.

I haven't given up on my dream though, so what's the longest jump range ship? Is it still the Anaconda?.

Ships rated in range goes like this

Anaconda > Asp Explorer > DBE >> hauler >>>>>> everything else.

A properly outfitted and modded ship can travel about 3000lys/hr or even a bit better with some discipline. I can get out to Jaques in about 7 hours in my Asp, and that's 22,000 lys.


Wait they increased the time for massacre missions? No more 4hrs to kill 64 ships?!? THANK JESUS

Yeah it's nice, not quite so stressful gunning down a hundred ships in only a few hours.

How much are those a piece?

The dozen or so that I took go between 1-10 million, average is 4-5. Number of ships to destroy is 30-45 with the highest being 96 for an 11 million payout, lowest is 6 for 700 000.

Would you believe I'm doing it for the faction and not the credits?
Of course not.


skimmer missions didn't get nerfed as far as I can tell, I got one for 4 million last night which is very high for that type.

however I am getting a ton of instances where a faction has no missions available at all, I'm not sure yet if that is an update thing or of course a system thing (system is changing states to war or something).

Not Spaceghost

however I am getting a ton of instances where a faction has no missions available at all, I'm not sure yet if that is an update thing or of course a system thing (system is changing states to war or something).

That might be a bug, I have been getting hit with a ton of menu bugs like the menus not populating or the crew lounge opening when I select passenger lounge.


Beluga liner is such a strange ship. Great fuel tank, size 7 FSD is rad but the thing actually overheats attempting to jump if you engaged the FSD over 50% heat. What? If you need to scoop you have to spend another 5 seconds getting your heat down after you've finished to jump without cooking. This isn't ship balance, it's just more time-wasting fuckery. So tired of it, FD.
I finally got my Beluga stuck in the airlock and lost 8M. It just wouldn't budge and I don't even know how it got stuck; I tried to fly low to avoid scraping the tail fins but apparently that didn't work. Maybe I should scrap the fat cow and grind for a taxiconda. Or try a docking computer... but I'm more scared of that than sitting in a Tesla on autopilot.


Beluga liner is such a strange ship. Great fuel tank, size 7 FSD is rad but the thing actually overheats attempting to jump if you engaged the FSD over 50% heat. What? If you need to scoop you have to spend another 5 seconds getting your heat down after you've finished to jump without cooking. This isn't ship balance, it's just more time-wasting fuckery. So tired of it, FD.

Is it really a problem that the ship overheat easily?
FIVE seconds every couple of jumps is really gonna kill your day?

How about you don't equip such a big FSD. I mean at this point why not add 5 Class 4 Guns with the speed and agility of an eagle, the cargo of a Type 9 and the range of an Asp Explorer. /s

As I always said a couple of times already, critisicm is fine and you are right on multiple things but you seem obstinate to take everything that don't make your experience easy as a bad thing.
Everything in Elite is always 2 play sessions for me. There is the "getting there or waiting" play session and the one where I actually do what I went there to do.

Just spent time getting to Maia for the CG in my weaponless trade conda since it has the largest jump range (still took a while, I was 600 LY away) and now that I am here and only have another 20 minutes before I have to leave, I can't even take part because there is no f'ing shipyard at any of the ports so I can't even transfer my combat ship out there (not that It would get there in time for me to do anything with it anyways)

Don't worry though, your "immersion" is safe. My gameplay isn't but by god your immersion isn't affected. That's all that matters after all.
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