If the aliens can live up to this then it should be entertaining.
That was a Conda.
That was a Conda.
Just got horizons yesterday, and it seems like all my jump sequences are longer now. Is it intended or is it a server issue? I am suffering occasional disconnects.
If the aliens can live up to this then it should be entertaining.
That was a Conda.
in the cobra you should be able to outrun pretty much everyone easily with mostly D parts. just throttle down when you're interdicted, set four pips to engine and two to system, full throttle immediatly when you're in normal space, use the boost constantly towards your target don't bother trying to turn, weave or fly around at all just go straight. if you're not quick enough to outrun, or the same npc keep interdicting, you jump out to another system instead of toward the target station/planet and then back.Can someone please fully explain how to escape an interdiction? I've never made it out of one, I always panic and reboot the computer (did they disable Alt+F4? Bastards!). It's happened so rarely (4 times?) I still don't know how to expect every possible problem. I know about zero throttle and boosting, my current problem is being mass-locked by the ship (of course my enemies had to be Anaconda classes) or whatever that message is. Is H the quickest way to jump to a system? Will it point you in the general direction? Fuck, I just want to trade in a Cobra for now, I can't even handle the pressure of outrunning a big ship much less do combat.
They REALLY need to add an interdiction training video, it would help me so much. They actually reduced the number of training videos but at least they go through everything step by step. The quality's an improvement but there's so much they should cover.
Obviously I haven't played in almost a month, I spent my savings on a Cobra and now have 160k so I feel like a noob.
IIRC I didn't even have anything except scrap rewards in my cargo, I was going TO buy commodities for a mission. Pirates are such assholes.
Do we know when they are going to fix the cargo payout bug?
Lots of water, but I really want to be able to go there. Maybe they'll have a ship that doubles as submarine at some point?
I'm a sucker for bling.It's literally space spoilers and bumpers.
When we get atmospheric landings we should make a list of everyone's earthlikes with their names on it so people can check em out.
I don't even keep track of ELW's that I discover anymore. I used to, but after the first couple hundred I kind of stopped bothering. Now I only keep track of unlikely stuff like systems with more than one ELW in them and such.
How many systems did you visit overall? I've now close to 1000 and there was one undiscovered Earthlike among them. Most of my play time has been spend in the bubble though and I've hardly moved away more than 1500 ly.
Today I changed my old GTX680 for a brand new 1070 and jumped back into the game in VR! Loving it as always, but I'm having an issue getting the mission list and passenger lounge (first time I see this since the last time I played).
It keeps saying it failed to communicate with server, and has been saying this for the last couple hours. Do we know if there's some maintenance or something, or is it just me?
I have a bug where if I open the starport services screen as soon as I land (whilst the shutdown / hangar sequence is still animating) both the mission list and passenger lounge will not load, they just sit there blank. I have to completely quit out to the cockpit and re open starport services to get them to actually start pinging the server.
I have a bug where if I open the starport services screen as soon as I land (whilst the shutdown / hangar sequence is still animating) both the mission list and passenger lounge will not load, they just sit there blank. I have to completely quit out to the cockpit and re open starport services to get them to actually start pinging the server.
Now i'm without a ship, just doing basic data delivery missions which grants me like 1000 credits and almost no rep :/
I have a bug where if I open the starport services screen as soon as I land (whilst the shutdown / hangar sequence is still animating) both the mission list and passenger lounge will not load, they just sit there blank. I have to completely quit out to the cockpit and re open starport services to get them to actually start pinging the server.
When we get atmospheric landings we should make a list of everyone's earthlikes with their names on it so people can check em out.
Ruins site is pretty interesting. When you're directly above it and pitched down so the surface is a flat plane, the obelisks almost look like a constellation. Wonder when we'll see what's next.
New ship scale video from an SRV parked in mail slot. Out of game. Audio warning.
It's a lot more like Space Trucking Simulator.
So the Guardians leave behind a trail for the dumb humans to eventually follow, I can live with that. It'll be a hell of a coincidence if it doesn't pan out, nice work.as long as it doesn't turn out like Prometheus did
You don't like albino dudes that want to kill us?
Anyone running in to issues with SLI where landable planets flicker from lit up to extremely dark? When I only had one card, landable planets would be dark and then light up after a few seconds. Now it continuously changes from one to another.
Just a quick question about engineer upgrades. Do you have to do them in steps like 1-2-3 etc. Or could you go from 0-5 if you have them all unlocked?