Some searching yields similar issues but no solutions... so, anyone here know what to do?
If in doubt, try contacting Frontier support. They're said to be helpful.
Some searching yields similar issues but no solutions... so, anyone here know what to do?
I just ordered this. I'm a complete noob to both ED and HOTAS so this should be interesting. I'll be playing with the Oculus, can you post your bindings?
Elite Dangerous - How NOT to try to follow the alienship
How popular is this game these days? Is there still a decent player base?
Is there any big money makers at the moment that doesn't involve ridiculous exploitation of a broken mechanic?
Passengers, specifically exploration.
So, i got the game for Xbox One. The deluxe edition, to get Horizon season pass too.
The thing is, the Commander Pack doesn't seem to be working. I mean, it is supposed to have skins for Sidewinders, which is a starting ship... yet they aren't available under livery.
I did download all the, uh, files for the game (once i figured the game didn't do that automatically). Is the game just slow to register their existence?
Some searching yields similar issues but no solutions... so, anyone here know what to do?
I have this issue too. Unfortunately I have no idea how to solve it. (I haven't really tried yet though).
Is it worth buying a Beluga? I have and Anaconda or an Asp with engineered FSDs if the luxury cabins aren't worth the effort.
If I liked Eve Online but could not afford to keep monthly payments up is this a good alternative?
also I only have a MacBook Pro no joystick can I still play without a stick?
Smuggling and trading can be quiiiite lucrative.Is there a fastest way to make money? I get bored of being stuck with the same ships but I'm not willing to throw down the time for 10 journeys the center.
Smuggling and trading can be quiiiite lucrative.
What did you like about EVE?
If you like making deliveries, mining and the combat then you'll find Elite to be a much better alternative. If you like the player politics, pvp, and fully run player economy, then no. Elite would be a very poor substitute.
What's your setup? I run a DB Explorer & Vulture but have been interested in picking up a Scout for some variety when I am sick of my Vulture! Silent running build sounds fun!This diamond back scout is a fucking beast! It's a giant killer, condas, vettes and cutters are my main dish but ironically ship launched fighters give me the most trouble. I can't wait until module reinforcement packaging is in the game because the biggest issue I have is my power plant getting gutted or my multi cannons malfunctioning from too much damage.
Silent running builds definitely feel like they'd be better vs players but they work decently well against AI, the AI just seems to "cheat" a bit too much when it comes to silent running, like they can track you no problem and land their PA's like they were fucking gimbled lol.
But this silent running DBS is easily the most fun I've had flying a ship since I bought my courier originally. dumb fire missiles are so satisfying, and they delete enemy hull so fast, I was in the conflict zone in 17 draconis and I was doing about 9% damage on a direct hit to the vettes out there.
The set up is so gimmicky and high risk it's amazing. I would like better small multi's so I"m probably gonna have to power play to get the enforcers and it'd be nice to get the FSD interrupting missiles for PVP but jeez this is so fun!
Seriously, I cannot get over how fun this is.
Plus if you die you only lose 300k at a time which is like nothing.
What's your setup? I run a DB Explorer & Vulture but have been interested in picking up a Scout for some variety when I am sick of my Vulture! Silent running build sounds fun!
Is there a fastest way to make money? I get bored of being stuck with the same ships but I'm not willing to throw down the time for 10 journeys the center.
I just got the game, the alien encounter made me jump in
Would like to hear pro tips and resources, I don't know how to begin.
I couldn't finish the advanced combat tutorial. I can just about beat the first attacker but the two follow-ups appear way too soon, i've got no chance against them.The best protip anybody can give you is to do all the tutorials first. This game has a strict learning curve but once you get the hang of the controls it opens up immensely. Just be patient and keep at it. Stay in the Sidewinder until you have the controls down. Above all just have fun and play the game your way. I'm on Xbox if you need a wing. GT: YOUGONLEARN2DAY
Well, ain't that some shit. After hundreds (and hundreds) of jumps, probably a few million in exploration data (I swear I've mapped the entire Pleiades sector three times over), I get interdicted by some NPC pirates for cargo that I don't have, and blown out of the sky in about four seconds. Thanks for that.
PLaying on PC? You might want to switch spin (default mouse movement right left) with Yaw (default on the A and D keys).I just got the game, the alien encounter made me jump in
Would like to hear pro tips and resources, I don't know how to begin.
Yep, if you do this you will be sitting in an Eagle/Viper within 3-4 hours (your goal should be to get a Viper MK3 if you want to do fighting, a Cobra Mk3 for everything else). Use a kill warrant scanner and rake in the cash. Nothing I would do excessively for weeks, but the fastest way to get you kickstarted and give you the basic experience and knowledge of combat you need. As long as you hit a wanted target while it has less than 20% health left you get the full bounty payout (only exception being another player shooting at it too, then it gets shared, but unless you wing up with a buddy that will rarely ever happen).Early game, I found bounty hunting to be the easiest way. Just go to a RES or nav beacon, tag some dudes and let the security do the rest. That's pretty much what I did early game until I could afford to get some better things.
Is there a fastest way to make money? I get bored of being stuck with the same ships but I'm not willing to throw down the time for 10 journeys the center.
Yep, if you do this you will be sitting in an Eagle/Viper within 3-4 hours (your goal should be to get a Viper MK3 if you want to do fighting, a Cobra Mk3 for everything else). Use a kill warrant scanner and rake in the cash. Nothing I would do excessively for weeks, but the fastest way to get you kickstarted and give you the basic experience and knowledge of combat you need. As long as you hit a wanted target while it has less than 20% health left you get the full bounty payout (only exception being another player shooting at it too, then it gets shared, but unless you wing up with a buddy that will rarely ever happen).
I don't get the ramming calculations at all. Sometimes it barely scratches my ship, sometimes I'm 40 percent down.
even shieldless it does not make sense all the time. To me at leastObviously pips to shields matters most of all but I feel like it's also a calculation of material, angle and speed. If it's ship vs ship it seems like a combination of mass and armor value.
Thanks! This looks fun! Might try this, looks like a fun build.
Thanks! This looks fun! Might try this, looks like a fun build.
Anyone know if the Unknown Ship encounter can happen more than once per player? Or is it a set scripted thing that only happens a single time?