On a side note, driving an SRV in VR is not a good feeling. Sick within minutes. I can fly for hours in VR though.
DTS Headphone X is the real deal, I didn't think the game could sound any better.
DTS Headphone X is the real deal, I didn't think the game could sound any better.
Thanks mate, I've been doing the tutorials as advised but I cannot pass the advanced combat training mission. The sidewinder is pitchs and yaw slow.
Thanks mate, I've been doing the tutorials as advised but I cannot pass the advanced combat training mission. The sidewinder is pitchs and yaw slow.
What's that?
Just noticed Aisling Duval is on the 3rd Powerplay spot while Arissa is at the bottom as it should be.
Frontier will make Aisling the new Emperor any second now!
So naturally I interdicted it and blew it out of the sky
The missions is to decode alien ruins. Fly to Meene and land at Felice Dock. You'll automatically be given the mission in your transactions tab. You will need an SRV.
that gold FdL goddamn.
wtf doing this now and I don't even need the money. lol
The missions is to decode alien ruins. Fly to Meene and land at Felice Dock. You'll automatically be given the mission in your transactions tab. You will need an SRV.
No idea. I got the mission the instant I landed.
They slightly redesigned the ruins, and the new planet textures actually make the thing really hard to see until you're right on top of it. I kept looking around, thinking "I should be able to see it from here..." It doesn't stand out near as well as it used to, you could almost fly right by it.
Some people on the forums saying if you've been to the ruins before, delete your data and then the mission will pop once you go back and land at the dock.Am I doing something wrong? I'm chilling out at Felice Dock and have not been given any missions.
I do have the requisite SRV, and am above Surveyor Exploration rank.
Took my Diamondback Explorer (31LY range). Took ~7 jumps from Meene. But I forgot to swap my cargo rack out and put my ADS and DSS back on, had to fly to the ruin blind. Was a huge pain in the ass haha.Did you guys all fly out there in your AspX's? I'm here in my Python.
I've never been to the ruins before so that shouldn't be an issue for me.
Took my Diamondback Explorer (31LY range). Took ~7 jumps from Meene. But I forgot to swap my cargo rack out and put my ADS and DSS back on, had to fly to the ruin blind. Was a huge pain in the ass haha.
The ruin mission is interesting, but difficult. There are 15 obelisks that can be scanned and they scan with a pattern (Alpha, Beta, Delta, Epsilon, or Gamma) and there are 6 items, so you have to find out which items correspond to ABDEG and then have them in cargo while scanning the corresponding obelisk in your SRV. BUT, the obelisks appear to only be scannable once per instance/load. On top of that, what the obelisks correspond to changes on each instance/load, so all these people posting their combinations will not work for everyone. Some will work by pure randomness, but that's it.
I've managed to get five so far but sadly have to go to bed.
Chome/gold shader got a new effects pass in the new patch (all from reddit). They're highly reflective now:
Before and after:
I didn't think I'd like this game, but was really craving something space related so I bought it. I have to say, it's awesome. I finally got out of the sidewinder and into an adder. Took a bunch of jumps, but I made it to rare circuit 1. It's really satisfying when you're finally able to jump out of those first few systems. I'm not really sure what you're supposed to do on that circuit though lol. But all in all, I'm hooked!
Oh I forgot to mention, I'm on Xbox, but thank youWelcome, CMDR. Add me (Heavenly Hammer) for new recruit care packages (gold bars).
<MatrixRed> 0, 1, 1 </MatrixRed>
<MatrixGreen> 1, 0.50, 0 </MatrixGreen>
<MatrixBlue> 0.50, 0, 0 </MatrixBlue>
For people who hate combat logging and mode switch mission stacking, they sure seem to want to remind you that logging resets your instance.
So naturally I interdicted it and blew it out of the sky
Assuming it is like "Go to X system and locate Y (black boxes, for instance, or any other item), you want to go to that system and fly around in supercruise while keeping an eye on your navigation panel. You'll see Unidentified Signal Sources (USS) pop up and you'll want to select those and drop into them until you find what you are looking for. There are hints when you scan the USS that will tell you if you should investigate or move on, like say you're looking for black boxes, you won't want to drop into USSs with a high threat level, since they'll be located at wreckage sites. The descriptions of the USS will also help, like "Degraded Transmissions" and such.This is going to sound a bit noobish so forgive my terminology here.
I've played this for a few hours. I can get around, A to B, do a "deliver this here" mission fine.
I then accept ones which are along the lines of "Go to X system and do a thing there". Now, I'm not entirely sure what I am meant to be doing. I jump in, find a few points of interest, do things but nothing I do seems to be mission related. What is the correct course of action I am meant to be taking?
Ufffff, losing hours worth of exploration data because you decided to fight the interdictor rather than cut and run.
Noob mistake, you live and learn.
Ouch. Yeah, huge mistake. Never fight with a computer full of Exp. data, not worth the chance something will go wrong and you'll lose it all. Sorry for your loss!
How in the world would a vulture power a 3rd weapon (class 5 no less)? It can barely power the 2 it has.
This is going to sound a bit noobish so forgive my terminology here.
I've played this for a few hours. I can get around, A to B, do a "deliver this here" mission fine.
I then accept ones which are along the lines of "Go to X system and do a thing there". Now, I'm not entirely sure what I am meant to be doing. I jump in, find a few points of interest, do things but nothing I do seems to be mission related. What is the correct course of action I am meant to be taking?
What is the FAS vs FDL situation now with the balance changes? I love the FDL hard points but I the FAS was always very strong and with the buff, it should be even stronger.
Should say I didn't log out and reload due to attempting to mission stack and/or get more money, but because the obelisk wasn't scannable again and someone on the forum said you'd have to reload to be able to have it activate a second time.
Oh I gotcha. I misread!I wasn't picking at you, I meant the devs hate it.
I'd still say the FdL is still competitive with the FAS, the huge hard point on the FdL makes a significant difference especially when it comes to tearing down shields, the FdL's main advantage is it's ridiculous shield strength which the FAS can't really match. However the FAS has a ton more hull strength now. And you can use some of the old hull strength slots to fit in shield cell banks for a fairly shit but rather sturdy 250 MJ of shield, firing the 5A SCB alone would full charge the shield, but firing it with a 4A as well would make your shields briefly unbreakable, the problem if you're gonna have to dump your SCB's sooner rather than later. Overall it's probably better to fit a bi-weave and pump up the hull reinforcement packages and maybe even a module reinforcement one.
As far as raw damage output goes, you could fit dual adv plasma accelerators on it and multi cannons in the mediums and have a force of destruction unlike the world has ever seen.
I think i'll still mainly fly my FdL but I am considering finishing up my fed rank to get a FAS, even though the gunship probably benefited the most from this change.