What's the problem? Missing maps and poor resolution compared to Oculus, that stuff?
I'd assume so. Im wondering this as well.
Some say it's so bad, it's not even worth using it in VR if you have a Vive.
What's the problem? Missing maps and poor resolution compared to Oculus, that stuff?
I'd assume so. Im wondering this as well.
Some say it's so bad, it's not even worth using it in VR if you have a Vive.
Slapped some modded multicannons on a FDL and it's making a huge difference. It's melting everything...
Pretty much. Especially if you get the thermal mod on the huge multi and corrosive on one of the others. People with vanilla Elite are going to get wrecked.
On the one hand I like how the better weapons and thrusters make things more fast paced, but on the other it's really unfair and pay to win.
On the one hand I like how the better weapons and thrusters make things more fast paced, but on the other it's really unfair and pay to win.
Haha, my fully PVE fitted corvette is as fast as my PVE python used to be. This stuff is great.
I agree with Burny that it feels more like your traditional MMO paid expansion content than P2W stuff. When you choose not to buy a MMO expansion you miss out on a lot of content and it's the same here. Imagine how upset Horizons owners would be if they decided to make the Engineers available to everyone. People would be pissed. They do a pretty good job of adding content to the "base" game while also making season pass holders happy. The moment they start adding the bigger content updates to the base game is the moment they piss off season pass holders. They have to make it feel like it's worth buying and right now with this update it does.
Yeah, it's in general a difficult problem to tackle. If I remember correctly, I think WoW consistently had this problem with every expansion. You maxed out in level and equipment in the base game/previous expansion, and go to the content in the new one and then a common item you find is better than everything you already have.
That said, I do like that every new expansion, it's going to be where buying an expansion gives you the previous ones, so if you were just starting, you should just buy Horizons since that gets you the original game.
I don't think that's been the case for a while now.
Does anyone have any info on mods not directly to weapons, but stuff you'd otherwise jam into slots? Things like mining equipment, fuel scoops, limpet controllers, interdictors, and discovery scanners, or other utility items like wake/cargo/warrant scanners and such? Or are those not getting mods right away and it's only internal modules/weapons at the moment? (I could have sworn I saw mods to shield boosters, or maybe that was just talk of effects stacking with shield mods)
The $60 Deluxe Edition gets you both, plus a bunch of other visual stuff.
I expect that, a few months after each Season is released, they'll all be bundled into a Deluxe edition.
There are mods to frame shift interdictors like range or activation degree increases. Shield boosters can be overcharged and have specific resistances to thermal, kinetic and even blast I think. Pretty much the rest are pending.
Oh, ok.
Hopefully before too long, slight mods to things like one more limpet out in exchange for less range or something would be cool. I'm just looking forward to more tweaks.
How is that possible? The landing pad always rotates toward the exit when you launch...
He does not.
In his client he was turned pre launch (as is usual - facing the exit).
Your client got that update too late. To prevent awful snapping jitter happening all the time such differences on position and rotation are smoothed out. Works great for constantly happening small delays. Looks weird on sudden longer delayed updates.
Oh nice. They must have added that when they made Horizons standalone.
I literally groaned reading this. You knew what I meant.To be pedantic again: They did the opposit.Horizons was a "standalone" product, meaning it could be purchased and played without the main game, because it invariably included the main game. This was changed and it became a season pass/addon that also requires purchasing the main game separately. It also became cheaper, which is good for those who already purchased the main game previously. The "deluxe edition" took the place of the previous Horizons offering as a bundle that includes the Horizons season pass and the the main game at about full price.
Personally I would have made Engineers for everyone but they have to do something to make Horizon owners happy. I think it's just the limitation of a small team, no time and not a lot of income. They really need to get better cosmetics in the store and get that cash flowing. The specific skin per ship model they have absolutely blows.
After finally spending time rolling upgrades for the weapons I've come to the conclusion it's going to be really infuriating getting any kind of consistent build/specs. I knew it was going to be bad, but not this bad. Especially if you're rolling Grade 5 upgrades. It's just too much to roll all the stats together with the special effect roll. And that's not even considering the live material cost.
Honestly, I'm okay with variety in people's builds. Before it was generally all players of a certain ship for x purpose rolled with the same or similar loadout. Now we have a lot more options.
I just bought a new fsd for my ship, is there a limit on what can be installed to a ship? I was reading the wiki and saw that some of the drives were extremely heavy, somewhere around 120 tonnes, so can those only be put to ships like dropships and stuff?
You're bound by the class size (number) of each slot. There are further limitations to things like shields, thrusters as to supported mass. An analogy would be that you can't put a scooter engine on an SUV and expect it to run so they don't allow those purchases. Same with shields.
I figured that it would be like that, i just wanted to make sure before spending any more money on my explorer.
Do the jump ranges differ a lot between the smaller and bigger ships? I'm currently at 33 ly jump range with my explorer, waiting for the engineers update to drop.
Is there any particular reason my launcher has gone back to orange? This is both from Steam or directly in the files.
20 rolls in the Beta right now is 20 fish. But in the actual release, that's going to be 3 regular mats + 1 special mat. In other words, we're talking about 80 mats PER MOUNT OR INTERNAL PART. For a ship like a Cutter, you're going to want to mod:
- 7 hardpoints
- 3-4 utility mounts
- shields
- fsd
- engine
- armor
That's ~15 modded parts x ~20 rolls each to get them right x ~4 mats per roll. By my count, that's ~1200 mats. FOR ONE SHIP.
Most ships have fewer mounts, but a similar number of internals and utility mounts you'll probably want to modify. ~800-1000 mats might be the average and we haven't even discussed farming time for the mats. That's a lot of fucking play time, people.
Get ready to *NOT* upgrade most of your ships significantly before this time next year.
That's about in line with what I feared Engineers would become. I haven't got the time to bother with such a life crushing grind. 10 hours of mildly interesting, yet repetitive game time and at the end is a... module downgrade? No thanks.
Happy for all the other fixes and improvements, but I really wonder what the designers of Elite consider a compelling gameplay loop. The game is so full of mind numbing time wasters, it's sometimes pitiful. Donation grind, previously random USS generation, interdiction harassment while smuggling, traversing the bubble in low range combat ships (20 minute loading screen loop galore)...
That's about in line with what I feared Engineers would become. I haven't got the time to bother with such a life crushing grind. 10 hours of mildly interesting, yet repetitive game time and at the end is a... module downgrade? No thanks.
Happy for all the other fixes and improvements, but I really wonder what the designers of Elite consider a compelling gameplay loop. The game is so full of mind numbing time wasters, it's sometimes pitiful. Donation grind, previously random USS generation, interdiction harassment while smuggling, traversing the bubble in low range combat ships (20 minute loading screen loop galore)...
Oh also, don't leave home without Point Defense anymore. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xWKeHsHdyAw
Wow at those torpedos.
Already designing in my head Hunter Ships designed to destroy those huge things!
Were updating the crafting process to bias values towards better results, especially when experimental effects are generated, the idea being that these upgrades are supposed to be just that upgrades!
Were going to add additional methods of reputation increase for Engineers, using specialised markets, exploration data and bounty claims, so when the update goes live, Commanders will have more ways to get into the Engineers good books.
Along with this, well also be removing some of the lower ranked materials, allowing the remaining ones to be used in more recipes, so that across the board youll need to collect fewer types to start crafting upgrades.