Played few hundo hours of d4 myself, am veteran gamer who loves the hack and slash genre and i tell u to reach top ladder charts u gotta play/be on a skill lvl of a streamer(not saying u urself have to be one ofc), Elon has high IQ and is somewhat "autistic" so i bet he could min max his gear on his own, skillwise he is 53yo so likely far past his prime reflexes wise, given he is the riches mofo out there, 99,9999% some1 played on his account.
If it was him on his own i bet he would stream it for proof, since as a gamer its achievement u gotta beat tens of k's hardcore gamers for.
At least hundreds of hours played that season for him, but knowledge accumulated suggest much more than that, so likely some1 played on his account.
TLDR: D4 exclusive steamers, who stream 10h+ on a daily basis, and make a living out of that(aka no normal work, not even part time), have hard time to even get close to what Elon's char did(again not believe here 53yo can be on that skill lvl, maybe if he was ex- e-sport player who got treated by father chronos very gently skill wise, so super unlikely that richest person in the world is at that lvl
