Swept up into the eye of a tornado, 20-year-old Dorothy Gale is transported to another world - a mystical land where an all-powerful ruler governs over one kingdom, has outlawed magic, and faces not only the wrath of a growing cauldron of witches but a looming disaster brought on by a mythical force. Epic, romantic and fantastical, "Emerald City" is an empowering tale of a young woman finding her true strength and identity even as she battles to bring a divided world together.
Developed by:Matthew Arnold,Josh Friedman, David Schulner, and Shaun Cassidy
Directed by: Tarsem Singh
Emerald City premieres on January 6 | airs on Fridays 9/8c on NBC

Eamonn | Played by Mido Hamada
The Wizard | Played by Vincent D'Ontfriggincareaboutthispublicityshoot

Trailer (region-free)
Emerald City - First Look (region-locked)
Meet the Witches of Oz (region-locked)
Vincent D'Onofrio is The Wizard (region-locked)
A New Kind of Dorothy (region-locked)

Collider: Vincent DOnofrio on His Complicated Wizard in Emerald City
LA Times: Tarsem Singh is the wizard behind NBC's 'Emerald City,' a modern take on 'Wizard of Oz'
Screener: Emerald City: Game of Thrones meets Oz with one incredibly awesome, notable difference [Saved You a Click: It is one hundred percent less rapey,]
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