Wasn't the book a bit darker than the film anyway?
After seeing Scarecrow I was hoping the Lion was just gonna be a really hairy guy
Can't forget the "it turns out I was just looking for you" or whatever bit"There's a darkness here"
"Only you can stop it!"
Honestly, can people even get excited for this kind of dialogue anymore?
Look, the world may seem like a gloomy place these days so it is nice when there comes something so radiant as to just make everything else go away.
The trailer for NBC's, totally necessary, gritty reboot of Wizard of Oz is here. Gaze upon Emerald City and rejoice.
I have no words.
I'm not joking when I'm saying that the highlight of my day (possibly week) is that trailer. I have been smiling for the last twenty minutes or so. It is glorious.
The acting is so terrible. "I want magic." "Did you kill my sister?" "Are you a good witch or a bad witch?"
The writing is clunky as fuck (see above)
The effects work is ... okay-ish. But some of that shit just looks bad.
That fucking goofy looking motherfucker which is the Lion. Just look at this cat:
Just fucking look at him:
(also look at his equally goofy rubber sword)
This is the trash that I live for.
I'm going to repost what I said in the cancellations thread:
I'm going to repost what I said in the cancellations thread:
Which video game is this?
Which video game is this?
Reminds me of their Dracula series, which was a wretched, miserable heap of rubbish.
The Dracula series was okay. A lot of stupidity (*cough* wireless energy vs. oil *cough*), but some entertaining ideas and scenes here and there.
Wicked did the sexy scarecrow thing first y'all.
The CW has shows with better VFX, writing and even acting than this.This isn't CW?
Either way my gf will prolly love it. Smart and wonderful woman but her tv choices...
That said, I'll give it a shot too =P
In Wicked, the character was a sexy guy who got turned into a Scarecrow, not the other way around.
While we're on the subject, I need me some sexy Tik Tok.
I saw it last year for the first time probably since I was a kid only to learn Dorothy was a young Fairuza Balk. Then found out I had the illustrated book for the movie as a kid as well when my mother gave it to me, completely forgot about it. Still a creepy damn movie.
Eeyore is already half way there.This is the perfect example of a show trying too hard.
Next, lets get a gritty interpretation of Winnie the Pooh please...
Dorothy ran over the witch with a car, lmao.
The Dracula series was okay. A lot of stupidity (*cough* wireless energy vs. oil *cough*), but some entertaining ideas and scenes here and there.