"Van Helsing resurrects Dracula so they can both get revenge on the secret soceity who killed their loved ones, utilizing a bad American accent and alternative energy by day and a fucking Katana in 1800's London by night"
Wait, hold on, is that a bad thing?
Even putting aside how far it veers off the source material (which left me with the distinct impression that whoever wrote the thing glanced at the book's Wikipedia page for all of eight seconds), there's a certain point where the absurdity of what's happening starts to gnaw at the edges. The more I look at a phrase like "Dracula battles a secret society by ruining their oil profits," the more my brain simply refuses to recognize it as more than a jumble of random words. I glanced up at it now and my brain read it as "Protestant dishwasher magenta faculty eleven <bathtub emoji>."
I don't feel I need to justify my distaste for the series further than the fact that even NBC knew well enough to scrap it after one season, and they gave Matt LeBlanc's Friends spin off two.
Nah, it is perfectly fine to dislike that show. There were a lot of ideas/plots that are utterly ludicrous and the core concept itselff was already bizarre. I still enjoyed the show despite all that, but I won't pretend that it was particularly great or well thought-out.
Also he didn't just try to ruin the oil profits of the Order of the Dragon. He tried to do that by...introducing magic wireless energy, but in London, right next to their heart of operations, instead of, I don't know, a more reasonable area. I don't know, I love how over-the-top everything in that show was.
Will watch just to see how someone as meticulous as Tarsem works within the limits of TV. I'm gonna guess poorly?
The Fall is still a masterpiece though.
I guess I must have terrible taste, because it looks like something I could enjoy, keeping my expectations in check.
Some of the hyperbole looks... weird. "The worst thing I have ever seen"?
I dare not ask what Gaf people think of one of my most beloved miniseries of all time, "The 10th Kingdom"...
Well, we won't know until it airs, but yeah, chances of it being anywhere close to it are remote.The 10th Kingdom was great and absolutely nothing like this.
Nah, it is perfectly fine to dislike that show. There were a lot of ideas/plots that are utterly ludicrous and the core concept itselff was already bizarre. I still enjoyed the show despite all that, but I won't pretend that it was particularly great or well thought-out. I'm a sucker for revenge stories though and it was nice to see a villain as the protagonist.
Also he didn't just try to ruin the oil profits of the Order of the Dragon. He tried to do that by...introducing magic wireless energy, but in London, right next to their heart of operations, instead of, I don't know, a more reasonable area? I love how over-the-top everything in that show was. I mean, that's pretty savage.the leader of the order is killed by his own undead children
I take it you didn't like it when they introduced a magic seer that was sent by the Vatican (or something like that) or when they had Van Helsing develop a serum so that Dracula can walk in the light to attend a shareholder meeting? Man, I miss that show. Imagine the storylines we could have gotten.
Of Oz The Wizard has been done "dark" correctly already, and it didn't require any grittiness, political intrigue or blood.
Of Oz The Wizard has been done "dark" correctly already, and it didn't require any grittiness, political intrigue or blood.
The Dracula series was okay. A lot of stupidity (*cough* wireless energy vs. oil *cough*), but some entertaining ideas and scenes here and there.
This is the perfect example of a show trying too hard.
Next, lets get a gritty interpretation of Winnie the Pooh please...
Of Oz The Wizard has been done "dark" correctly already, and it didn't require any grittiness, political intrigue or blood.