My copy should arrive soon, even if I think I'll also get it digitally whenever it goes up on the eshop.
Some tips / info. Minor gameplay spoilers. For the record I've gotten to the final superboss of the post-game, but havent beat him yet (taking a small break, it took a while to get there):
-I found Gunners to be extremely useful for regular exploration. Having a long range attack along with elemental shots helped in just about every situation.
-There are a total ofmain dungeons before the credits with a few side dungeons. The game continues on after that with_7_more regular main dungeons as well as_4_regular side dungeons. Additionally, there are_3_dungeons with a special rule that you start back at level one with no equipment when you enter. You have to work with what loot/items/exp you get in the dungeon only._2_
-I had my main exploration team (Landsknecht, Gunner, Runemaster) max out their item loot skills early on. This means I got lots of pick ups from those spots, so more money and better equipment becomes available in the shop quickly. (I never had an issue with money)
-You can put reserve units in forts to have them gain EXP as well. (I think it's pretty darn close to 100% the same exp your battle party gets). I had a secondary Landsknecht/Gunner/Runemaster that I did not put item collection abilities on, so they would have more combat abilities. The idea was to swap to this team for boss fights and such, but honestly I didn't really need to despite 10 skill points allocated to abilities useless in combat on my main team.
-I had a third team (Hexer, Dancer, Wanderer, Ninja) used mostly as my fort squad. When you encounter a DOE at a fort, your 4-man exploration team and your stationed 4-man squad at the fort team up to take the DOE on. This is honestly a pretty sure-fire way to beat these buggers.
-Some of the later dungeons have ~8 DOEs floating around, which if you want to go down the dungeon normally, can be a huge headache. What I did was create a fort at the top-most floor, and waited for DOEs to come to me. It takes some time, but clearing them out before actually trying to get to the bottom makes things a lot less frustrating.
Have fun.
What was the 4th unit in those teams?
I saw the answer, in a later post.
Medic... interesting.
I think I'm going to try Pally, Dancer, Princess, DPS.
Dancer and Princess kinda overlap themselves in their roles, consider taking only one or the other.
Dancer and Princess kinda overlap themselves in their roles, consider taking only one or the other.
My copy should arrive soon, even if I think I'll also get it digitally whenever it goes up on the eshop.
I see a lot of parties without a protector but from all the atlus streams it seems like you really NEED one at the start. Is the Land used correctly just as effective most of the time? i.e. is the protector more of a class when you REALLY need a tank, like on a specific boss or D.O.E?
Note: This would be nice because it opens up spots of the cool but different classes like Hexer/Gunner/Wanderer/Ninja.
I see a lot of parties without a protector but from all the atlus streams it seems like you really NEED one at the start. Is the Land used correctly just as effective most of the time? i.e. is the protector more of a class when you REALLY need a tank, like on a specific boss or D.O.E?
Note: This would be nice because it opens up spots of the cool but different classes like Hexer/Gunner/Wanderer/Ninja.
Its a good thing I have almost no room left on my card then
Would love a Female Protector avatar if anyone here has the skills to make that happen![]()
Wanderers can definitely be useful later on when they have their specialized enemy slayer abilities.
Something like that?
If you want something more specific, please say so.
It's up on the eShop! Downloading now.
Do you guys now have a job or what... I'm stuck here for the next seven hours ;-;[/SPOILER]
I telecommute, actually.
Zweizer wants everyone to wear Shishou avatars.
I feel obligated to have a Protector in my party for some reason.
But I like the idea of bringing in a Gunner, Runemaster and Medic to fill out my team.
Do different classes take different amounts of exp to level? My runemaster (who is now level 4) has been leveling up far more quickly than my gunner (still level 2).
I'd use a Landshark but they went with the WRONG male version, I love the Androgynous one soooooooooo much.
My 32gb card has tons of space left.
Phew, almost died in the third dungeon. I wanted to go to the fourth but I don't quit grasp the fort/D.O.E. system yet.
Do you guys now have a job or what... I'm stuck here for the next seven hours ;-;
At least I'm not European, now that would be suffering.
I wish my 32 gb was the same way
How many games do you own? I have like 20 retail titles and it's not full at all.
Around 200
Well they went with the wrong female one so they had to make it even =P
Basically, do not ever let a DOE get to the town. You will be instantly teleported back, lose your entire inventory, most of your money and one random item per character (so the same as if you died). On top of that it will destroy a random (I think) district, which will take time (2 or 3 dungeon visits I believe) or a lot of money to repair. Until then it will be entirely out of commission.
Every time a DOE enters a map with a fort a battle will begin where you can use up to 8 characters (if you have a party stationed at the fort and bring your own party there but I'm not sure how that works exactly) to try and defeat it. DOEs only take damage when they have status ailments on them so make sure you have something that causes it. If a DOE enters an unmanned fort it will destroy it and go away for the time being.
Dungeons can have a lot of DOEs at the same time, too, so be careful.
I think both of the female ones were fine but they are inferior to the qt male one.
So quickly build a fort, station a 4-person party (well equipped) and hope to defeat DOE there? Managing two parties is going to cost a lot.
The ability to play "dig-dug" with the dungeons is pretty awesome. Thought that was something cool with being able to dig through walls. And how explosions from enemies can also destroy walls in the dungeons.![]()
I really enjoy the way the MD games play but I fucking hate the slow text crawl, unskippable everything, and how long they take to get moving every game
Does this have a bunch of bullshit around it? I could care less about what's going on in the game but like EO games.
Well, I more meant howthe Dragon Killer ability works pretty well on the dragon bosses![]()