Off tranquil ocean shores, far below the surface of the sea, the city of Armoroad bears a secret. Rumor suggests that this coastal metropolis is less than it once was; much of it, they whisper, was lost to the unforgiving waters. Will you assemble and train a team of explorers to uncover once and for all what really lies beneath, or will you succumb to the innumerable dangers hidden in the abyssal depths?
Quick Details
Platform: Nintendo DS
Release Date: September 21st, 2010 (US) / April 1st, 2010 (JP)
MSRP: $29.99
Website: Official Etrian Odyssey III: The Drowned City Website

Create your unique team -- A system of 10 new classes and sub-classes and a wealth of proprietary skills make developing the optimal party absorbing, tactical, and rewarding. A maximum of 30 possible member slots provide plenty of room to experiment. You decide where to apply members' skill points: will you invest in sword mastery or learn a new healing spell?
Live and die by your map(-making) -- When danger lurks around every corner, it is imperative to keep track of where you have been and what you found there. The streamlined map maker lets you draw paths, paint in terrain, and drag and drop icons. Watch the map grow bigger and more detailed under your hands as you capture every door, map, set of stairs, and secret pathway.
Adventure in the high seas -- The ocean becomes a new stage for exploration as you take to the city of Armoroad to uncover the secret of why half of this once vibrant and technologically advanced metropolis sunk below the waves. Sail your ship, chart the ocean map, sink enemy vessels, and take on seagoing FOEs on your way to playing out one of three possible endings.
Wirelessly share with friends -- Up to 5 friends can team up in special combat challenges over a local wireless connection to take down the toughest monsters living in the ocean. Additional options let you wirelessly trade items.

Prince/Princess -- Those of a royal bloodlines come from small and large countries. The orders given from those of such noble blood can height the entire party's morale and they specialize in supporting fellow members. But depending on the equipped weapon and armor, they can also fight on the frontline and are an excellent class that is well balanced offensively and defensively.

Ninja -- A shadowy class that assists investigation with its Ninpo magic. They are agile and specialize in skills that hinder enemies with status ailments. This versatile class can either take the initiative to attack on the frontlines or stay to the rear, supporting the rest of the party.

Buccaneer -- These descendants of pirates make their livelihood on the high seas. They are unorthodox warriors, comfortable with either a thrusting sword or a gun, who move quickly on the battlefield to support their comrades. Their overall offensive strength is lower than a gladiator's, but they have much to offer in the way of indirect maneuvers.

Hoplite -- Clad entirely in metallic armor, they are proud of their formidable defensive strength. As their main role is to protect the rest of the party, their skills tend to be defensively rather than offensively oriented. However, their spear's reach is long enough to be effective from either the front or the back line.

Monk -- This class uses its mastery of Qi energy to heal the human body. In addition, their fists are powerful weapons against any foe, potentially allowing them to fight on the front line alongside other damage-dealers.

Gladiator -- These warriors have extensive combat training, making them powerhouses on the battlefield. Their weapons and skills are purely devoted to obliterating the enemy, and are best used from the front line.

Zodiac -- These astrologers who fight with the etheric energy of the stars have access to many powerful skills that can deal severe damage to enemies if they can target their weakness. However, they lack in defensive strength and stamina, so it's best to keep them on the back line.

Arbalist -- These bowmen specialize in massive ballistas capable of hitting an entire enemy party, or delivering elemental rounds. They can attack equally well from the front or back lone, thanks to the long range of their weapons.

Wildling -- These lords of the beasts can commune with various animals and use them as allies in battle. Any beast summoned into an open position in the formation will act independantly on your behalf.

Farmer -- Tired of their meager profession, these farmers decided to seek wealth by challenging the Labyrinth. They are expert navigators of the forest and proficient at gathering materials as they go. Their usefulness in combat is limited, but they can harass enemies with their support skills.

Official Trailer
What's Your Story?
Character Creation #1
Naval Exploration
Combat System
Map Making
Advanced Character Creation video
RPGamer: 4.0/5.0
GameCritics: 8.0/10.0
RPGFan: 7.5/10
GamePro: 4/5
Do I need to play the other two games?
Nah, just go ahead and jump in and start exploring! No harm, no foul!
Pirates and ninjas what?
Yes, but this time they're working together to uncover the secrets of the Labyrinth!
Do I get anything special for preordering?
Why good that you ask, Atlus has decided to reward those who preorder the game (while supplies last) with a 60-page full color artbook called Forests of Eternity. Also, all launch copies will come with a dual sided poster; one side has a piece of Etrian Odyssey art, while the other has a skill tree chart to assist you in your party member creation. Take a look at what you'll get if you preorder:

With all that said, let us prepare our parties and uncover the secrets of the labyrinth, all the while avoiding FOEs!
*credit to notworksafe for the banner