No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!

Platform: 3DS (Japanese)
Release Date: 08-04-2016 (Japan)
Publisher: Atlus
Genre: 3D Dungeon RPG
Player(s): 1
CERO: B (12 and up)
Price: Package / Download - 6,480 JPY (w/o tax)
Limited Edition - 9,980 JPY (w/o tax)
Demo Version available on the Nintendo eshop. Save Data can be carried over.
EOV Complete Guide (JP Ver.)
Price: 1,850 JPY + Tax
Release: September 9th, 2016
Size: A5
Pages: 304

*Credits to GematsuArcadia, a land dominated by swords and magic. A huge tree from ancient times called Yggdrasil exists here and is to be the reason that peace visits the world.
There is a legend about that World Tree. If you can manage to reach its untrodden summit, it is said that your dreams will come true.
The power to dominate the world. The most powerful. The worlds mysteries. Expensive treasures.
Although there are four races that live in this land, each has a different legend, but no person has been able to confirm them.
From the city Aeolis at the bottom of Yggdrasil, the official orders are issued. In pursuit of the legend, the courageous adventurers who will challenge Yggdrasil gather in Aeolis. Youre one of the adventurers in response to the official orders.
Whether its for wealth and honor, or to satisfy your sense of adventure, youll challenge the labyrinths and aim for the top of the World Tree.

- The concept for the latest game is character customization with a high degree of freedom and dungeon exploration that tickles your adventurous spirit, as well as consistent battles and growth.
- With the new races never seen in previous games, you can make a completely new character.
- 4 Races at start Earthrun, Lunaria, Therian, Bronie.
- Classes are separated by Race.
- 10 Classes at start. 2 Male / 2 Female portraits per class.
- Voices are also introduced. However, similar to previous games, people who want to play without voices can choose to do so. 40 Voices 20 male / 20 female
- During character creation, hair, eye, skin color all can be edited.
- Dungeon explorations table talk RPG-ness has been enhanced.
- Exp will be gained from talble talk RPG styled events, where previously it was only either something good / bad would happen to your character(s).
- The map on the lower screen, as well as the icons and controls have been improved.
- The sub-classes of Etrian Odyssey III and IV, and the Grimoires of Etrian Odyssey Untold made it so you could make a team with no weak points. This one is being designed so that its harder to make a well-rounded team; all the classes have very specific roles, like in the first Etrian Odyssey.
- In addition to Character Skills tied to each class, there are also Race Skills tied to each race. By training both skill types, you can enjoy even deeper character development.
- Addition of "Master and Titles" system.

*Credits to NachosSTATS
- Earthruns: Highest HP / VIT / LUC, high STR / AGI, low INT / WIS, lowest TP
- Lunarians: Highest TP / INT, high WIS, middling LUC, low STR, lowest VIT / AGI
- Therians: Highest STR / AGI, high HP, middling TP / LUC, low VIT, lowest INT / WIS
- Brownies: Highest WIS, high TP / INT / VIT, middling HP/AGI, lowest STR / LUC

*Click on a Class Picture to watch their introduction video.

*Credits to NachosEarthruns
- Fencer: Generally well-rounded physical attackers who can either specialize in chains (attacks that follow up those of other party members), or drawing enemy attacks while deftly evading them.
- Dragoon: Musket-toting stalwarts who can specialize in ironclad defense or devastating artillery.
- Cestus: Dexterous brawlers who can specialize in disabling attacks or their ability to go straight for the kill.
- Reaper: Plague casters who can specialize in spreading misama or in defending the party from it.
- Warlock: Powerful mages able to specialize in the core three magical elements or extend the breadth of their casting to include physical attacks, as well.
- Necromancer: Versatile summoners whose ghosts are able to cover any situation. They can specialize in destroying these ghosts for stronger magic or in stockpiling them for stronger physical attacks.
- Masurao: Blademasters so adept in their craft that they can specialize in using one sword or in four.
- Hound: Hunters who summon beasts to their sides. They can specialize in falconry or in using hunting dogs.
- Herbalist: Apothecaries with expert knowledge of the labyrinth's flora. Though they can all use both healing and debilitating herbs to some degree, they can further specialize in either medicine or poisonous smoke.
- Shaman: Spiritual masters who can supply the party with a host of support magic. They can specialize this magic either to improve the potency of the magical elements or to improve the party's health and resistance to ailments.
This time, an individual party member's skills are broken into three pages: racial skills, basic class skills, and advanced class skills. The last-mentioned come from the member's secondary title: the replacement for the sub-classing system from III and IV. However, be aware that for the first time in the series, a party member's initial stats are tied to their race, instead of the class itself. In effect, this seems to make the skills matter more than the stats. But there is one exception: secondary titles give stat bonuses specific to that title, making specialization easier.
After completing the second stratum, any party member will be able to assume a secondary title, provided they have reached level 20.

- 1st Promotional Trailer
- 2nd Promotional Trailer
- Character Making
- Race Skills & Union Skills
- Master & Title System
- Battle Theme FM Sound Version

August 4th
- New Adventurer 1 (300 yen) Choose a School Uniformed Boy during character creation.
- New Adventurer 2 (300 yen) Choose a Sailor Uniformed Girl during character creation.
- New Adventurer 3 (300 yen) Choose a Sweater Wearing Girl during character creation.
- New Adventurer 4 (300 yen) Choose an Etrian Odyssey 1 Paladin New Illustration during character creation.
- New Adventurer 5 (300 yen) Choose an Etrian Odyssey 1 Medic New Illustration during character creation.
- Adventurer Training Plan (300 yen) Take on the Adventurer Training Plan quest at the bar. (On top of the fact that you get a lot of experience points for clearing the quest, you can also obtain an accessory that multiplies your acquired experience by three.)
- Adventurer Good Luck Plan (300 yen) Take on the Adventurer Good Luck Plan quest at the bar. (On top of the fact that youll get a lot of en for clearing the quest, you can also obtain an accessory that makes the availability rate of materials without drop conditions of enemies 100 percent.)
- FM Sound Source Addition (800 yen) Adds a Frequency Modulation Sound Source version as a BGM option, which can be switched from in the options menu.
- New Adventurer 6 Contents, release date, and price to be announced.

A: No official word yet from Atlus unfortunately.Q: When is this getting localized for the West?
A: While nothing official has been announced yet, seeing how all the other games have been localized including the Mystery Dungeon spin-off, there is no reason to believe this one will not be localized also.Q: Is this getting localized?
A: Sure! As with all the other games, they have no connection to each other story wise, therefore you can jump in with any of the titles and enjoy the dungeon crawling!Q: I'm new to the Etrian Odyssey series, would I still enjoy the game?
A: Unfortunately 3DS games are region locked, so unless you have a Japanese 3DS / New 3DS would not suggest trying to import. *Do not remember if it works on Asia region 3DSes.Q: Should I import this game?
A: It depends if you are used to dungeon crawlers or not? If you are unfamiliar with the genre will take a little getting used to, but since its fairly straight forward turn based combat should not be an issue or stress you out at all! There are strong monsters that wander the dungeons and are not meant to be fought after you level a bit, so initially avoiding them is the best plan as a new player.Q: How hard are these games?
A: Formido Oppugnatura Exsequens - Basically a monster that will stomp you if you try to fight it upon first contact. They will be represented on the map by a visible graphic which usually appears like a giant fireball on the map / In the more modern titles such as this one they have an actual graphical representation of the F.O.E.s so it should be pretty obvious when you see one. It changes color also depending if it is alerted to your presence. Defeating them net good exp and rare items. They will respawn after a set amount of time has passed if defeated.Q: I've hear the term "F.O.E." a lot? What does that mean?
If you still do not understand watch this ever helpful and educationalvideo.

Amazon Japan
*Disclaimer: Neither GAF nor myself has any sort of affiliation with the following sites above.

For those who are new / have questions about the Etrian Odyssey series, stop by the Community thread that is always happy to help new adventurers! Lots of good information on all of the games released in the series, including the Mystery Dungeon spin-off title.

Thanks goes out to Atlus for the resources used to make up the graphics in this OT.
Thanks goes out to Gematsu for the various information used in this OT.
Thanks to the dafont website for having an awesome selection of fonts to download and use.
Thanks goes out to Nachos for various information credited within this OT.