I'm pretty sure that was first time Portugal were ever competing in a Rugby world cup. And the game was against New Zealand. The best team in the world.
The emotion shown is very understandable.
So they won the match?
I'm pretty sure that was first time Portugal were ever competing in a Rugby world cup. And the game was against New Zealand. The best team in the world.
The emotion shown is very understandable.
So they won the match?
As a woman, I can honestly say the assumption that I'm offended by the word is what is most offensive here.
With respect, Mumei, this is not true at all.
If it is, calling someone a "dick" is an implicit insult against all men.
Just because a word has one (of many) root meaning in the female genitals does not make its use imply that meaning at all.
Then again, I understand Americans are also edgy about the word "twat". Yet they also (anecdotal experience here) use the word "dick" more than Europeans.
It's not a case of a lack of taboo in Europe, as you assert - it's still the rudest of rude here before you get to racial slurs - but that the word literally works differently to how it works in the US. This is a global board and a Euro-centric thread. I'm not entirely sure what you're expecting the majority etiological style to be.
If you're want to explicitly make this a US-centric board and to follow US-centric manners of dialogue and discussion (whilst also being perfectly accepting of the then-hypocritical use of "dick" and "cock") then that's fine, you're in charge. I'd only ask you both update the FAQs and make an announcement/sticky explaining the decision and logic, because it wouldn't be fair to suddenly start banning people for not conforming to this.
None of the Spanish players sing their anthem. Doesn't make a difference. Infact now I think of it not even the Spanish fans sing their anthem. Quite sad that Spanish people are so unpatriotic. For this reason I will support Italy tmrw, apart from the fact Spain are very boring, they are not proud of their nation.
Forza Italia!
Baseball is Cuba's national sport. But a new craze is sweeping this island: football.
You are as likely to see a young Cuban in a replica football shirt as in a baseball top these days. Street kickabouts have become as common as children playing with a bat and ball.
"Support for football has grown a lot among young Cubans in recent years," says student Manuel Alejandro as he takes a break from his own game with friends on the Havana seafront.
"It's a football revolution," he adds. "There are more fans here every day."
This month, that is clearer than ever. Euro 2012 has had people glued to their TV sets across the island.
"We're not just following the championship, it has paralysed Cuba. All young Cubans are watching and they know every detail," says Carlos Mendez.
'No football tradition'
Meantime, there is no denying Cuba's enduring passion for baseball.
Every day, a group of men lock horns in furious debate under the shade of palm-trees in a central Havana square.
It looks like a fight from a distance, with voices raised and arms waving wildly. But the men are discussing the latest game.
"There's no tradition of football here," one man explains, in a break in the shouting match. "We've been playing baseball for generations."
They say the sport runs in their blood.
But what if a big ball game and El Clasico match were both scheduled for the same day?
"People of my age would go to the baseball," says Gilberto, in his 60s. "But the young would watch the football," he laughs.
It is a big swing in allegiance.
Cuba's national sport still gets most of the official attention and funding.
But when it comes to luring fans, football has emerged as a strong competitor.
This is kinda racist, just sayin. And anime obsession is kinda creepy braj.
Dictionary definitions don't describe the actual context a term is used for in certain societies.
And when you say that "dick" and "prick" are " mildly offensive at worst ", the same can be said about the word " cunt " in England.
It's a matter of norms whether a term meets the criteria defined on TOS or not. And here, it appears to me that you are implying your norms on a Euro-centric thread.
And then to imagine a whole bunch of Irish (and British too?) smoke fags on a daily basis.
And then to imagine a whole bunch of Irish (and British too?) smoke fags on a daily basis.
I apologize for the misunderstanding I have created, but I was not making an assumption about whether or not you would be offended by the word. I merely stated that the word was an implicit insult; whether you personally find that insult offensive or not is only something you can determine. I would not be so presumptuous as to argue otherwise.
Before I begin addressing your post, I feel I need to clarify something that may be a point of contention with my post: I am not changing rules. My post was a clarification or reiteration of existing and currently enforced rules with regards to this term. This information is covered within the Terms of Service and should not come as a surprise. And as a second point of clarification on something that may also be an unspoken objection: I am not making this post unilaterally. Moderation on NeoGAF is a collaborative process and I made the previous post, as well as this post, with the input and/or approval of both an administrator and other moderators on the staff.
With regards to your post:
"Cunt" is defined in every English dictionary I have looked in, including the Cambridge and Oxford World Dictionaries, as vulgar slang for a woman's genitalia and for a stupid, unpleasant person. The existence of the first definition is the reason for the second definition, much in the same way that "faggot" being a slur for a gay men is the reason that it exists as a general insult for other classes of people. And just as "faggot" is an implicit insult towards homosexuals, and in particular gay men, "cunt" is an implicit insult to women.
While terms like "dick" or "prick" are slang for male genitalia, they are not vulgar slang, or slurs, for male genitalia. And while I do not use them myself, they are mildly offensive at worst. Men do not have a word that functions as a vulgar slur for their genitalia or their sex generally as do women.
And with regards to other posters' concerns about other terms, though words like "bitch" and "pussy" do not have quite the same level of offensiveness as "cunt", and have more room for reclamatory, positive, or complimentary contextual uses (which near as I can tell seem mostly in use by a few members of Gay-GAF), they too are words that can and will result in a ban when combined with disparaging language towards other individuals and particularly towards other posters.
My impression of a lack of a taboo comes from the fact that the primary offenders of this rule as members of non-American GAF, and the word is seemingly thrown around with reckless abandon despite the explicit rule in the TOS forbidding the use of slurs, including sexual, in that manner. If it is as indeed rude as you say, then there ought to be no excuse for its use.
And to reiterate my earlier point: This is not a change in the rules. This is a notification that enforcement of existing rules will be more consistent in the future. And my post was precisely the warning that you have suggested. Rather than simply searching the topic for the offending language and banning all of the posts guilty of it, this topic has been given a warning so that everyone has an opportunity to adjust their language if they need to.
Thanks for the reply,
I don't really disagree with the point you're making in to, essentially, re-underline the ToS when it comes to the use of language. What I do find interesting is how your reasoning as to how cunt and dick are different; one is 'vulgar' whilst the other isn't. What exactly is vulgar about a vagina, or anymore distasteful than a penis?
I've honestly never seen anyone who thought the word "cunt" was offensive. Always felt like it's similar to calling someone an "ass". Maybe it's because the word "cunt" is similar to the word "kont" which means "ass" in Dutch.I apologize for the misunderstanding I have created, but I was not making an assumption about whether or not you would be offended by the word. I merely stated that the word was an implicit insult; whether you personally find that insult offensive or not is only something you can determine. I would not be so presumptuous as to argue otherwise.
Before I begin addressing your post, I feel I need to clarify something that may be a point of contention with my post: I am not changing rules. My post was a clarification or reiteration of existing and currently enforced rules with regards to this term. This information is covered within the Terms of Service and should not come as a surprise. And as a second point of clarification on something that may also be an unspoken objection: I am not making this post unilaterally. Moderation on NeoGAF is a collaborative process and I made the previous post, as well as this post, with the input and/or approval of both an administrator and other moderators on the staff.
With regards to your post:
"Cunt" is defined in every English dictionary I have looked in, including the Cambridge and Oxford World Dictionaries, as vulgar slang for a woman's genitalia and for a stupid, unpleasant person. The existence of the first definition is the reason for the second definition, much in the same way that "faggot" being a slur for a gay men is the reason that it exists as a general insult for other classes of people. And just as "faggot" is an implicit insult towards homosexuals, and in particular gay men, "cunt" is an implicit insult to women.
While terms like "dick" or "prick" are slang for male genitalia, they are not vulgar slang, or slurs, for male genitalia. And while I do not use them myself, they are mildly offensive at worst. Men do not have a word that functions as a vulgar slur for their genitalia or their sex generally as do women.
And with regards to other posters' concerns about other terms, though words like "bitch" and "pussy" do not have quite the same level of offensiveness as "cunt", and have more room for reclamatory, positive, or complimentary contextual uses (which near as I can tell seem mostly in use by a few members of Gay-GAF), they too are words that can and will result in a ban when combined with disparaging language towards other individuals and particularly towards other posters.
My impression of a lack of a taboo comes from the fact that the primary offenders of this rule as members of non-American GAF, and the word is seemingly thrown around with reckless abandon despite the explicit rule in the TOS forbidding the use of slurs, including sexual, in that manner. If it is as indeed rude as you say, then there ought to be no excuse for its use.
And to reiterate my earlier point: This is not a change in the rules. This is a notification that enforcement of existing rules will be more consistent in the future. And my post was precisely the warning that you have suggested. Rather than simply searching the topic for the offending language and banning all of the posts guilty of it, this topic has been given a warning so that everyone has an opportunity to adjust their language if they need to.
Juventus are retarded indeed for wanting Lucio...
Does this mean you can complain about all the things american users do that we don't??
What's up with the cunt-rage in the footy threads the last days? Haven't followed it at all...
Any way to troll Inter is a good way.
Surely it would be a good compromise to recognise the distinction in calling another poster a cunt in a malicious manner and using it in the same way that 'dick' 'pussy' 'twat' 'prick' etc are used on a daily basis.
And when you say that "dick" and "prick" are " mildly offensive at worst ", the same can be said about the word " cunt " in England.
How do you decide if it's malicious or not? If a poster called Mumei a cunt for suggesting we ban the word cunt, but insisted they meant it in the jocular way in which it is used in many countries, are they being malicious, or are they joking around? I think it's rash to try to ban the use of words which are perfectly acceptable to a large proportion of a forum's demographic.
To be quite honest, this just isn't relevant.
I'm going to spell out the relevant policy issues here in bullet points:
- The use of sexual slurs like "cunt" has been forbidden on GAF as a whole for years and years, and many, many posters have been banned for it in the past.
You're welcome to ask more questions if the policy isn't clear to you, but the rule itself is not up for debate.
"Cunt" is defined in every English dictionary I have looked in, including the Cambridge and Oxford World Dictionaries, as vulgar slang for a woman's genitalia and for a stupid, unpleasant person. The existence of the first definition is the reason for the second definition, much in the same way that "faggot" being a slur for a gay men is the reason that it exists as a general insult for other classes of people. And just as "faggot" is an implicit insult towards homosexuals, and in particular gay men, "cunt" is an implicit insult to women.
Just say "kont".Oh man how am I going to survive regular season without saying it every week![]()
To be quite honest, this just isn't relevant.
I'm going to spell out the relevant policy issues here in bullet points:
- The use of sexual slurs like "cunt" has been forbidden on GAF as a whole for years and years, and many, many posters have been banned for it in the past.
- NeoGAF is an international forum, populated by people from many countries. To maintain a reasonable environment for all our users, that means words that are inappropriate in one English-speaking area are inappropriate across the board on GAF. Usage in England doesn't matter because the meaning of "cunt" in the US/Canada is enough on its own to ban it for everyone.
- NeoGAF is a forum that welcomes and encourages a diverse community of people, and as such we're particularly sensitive about slurs that specifically target and exclude less prominent groups of users (see also: "fag", etc.)
- Subcommunity threads often aren't monitored with every single post, but the rules of NeoGAF still apply to these threads and their contents.
- Rather than just pop in and ban people for behavior that they thought was contextually appropriate in threads like this, we're clarifying the policy because we'd rather get people on board than play "GOTCHA!"
You're welcome to ask more questions if the policy isn't clear to you, but the rule itself is not up for debate.
I always thought twat was an innocent enough word. I guess I'll have to refrain from using the word. Twit doesn't have the same ring unfortunately.
What does twat mean>
Teachers at school have called people twats. This is a stupid rule.
Seeing as this ruling seems to be based on 1 or two posters being offended by the word despite it being used totally in jest.
Can I now say I'm offended by dick because it insults me as a Male and request that it is banned?
The exact same thing that 'c***' does in America
I can't imagine any female outside of the US actually being offended by the word 'cunt'. It is not a sexual slur in europe, so it's pretty funny that this argument is happening in the euro thread.