How are the queues?
Rain - very cool stealth game. The cutscenes are very British syorybook. The effects are brilliant looking, when you can go invisible and only see your footsteps without the rain.
Hohokum - pretty fucking cool, third stage in clouds, made everyone get their kites out. The way you interact with the world and get things done without it feeling obvious is a beautiful feeling. Encourages experimentation. Pure joy, had me smiling a lot.
Octodad - funniest game to play. Kept on slapping wife with the ring.
Velocity - top down spaceship and 2D side scroller. Love the angular art style. Controls feel great. Got stuck on teledashing past Voth. Rescuing survivors, don't go too far ahead.
Volume - very hard and unique stealth game. Played this for 40 min. This could be the new Gunpoint. Although didn't like that when you die and respawn, the enemies can still be close (world state doesnt restart) and you have to remain absolutely still.
How is BF4 on the X1 looking? Is it a MP map?
Poor. 720p, 60 fps but awful muddy textures.
Poor. 720p, 60 fps but awful muddy textures.
I have seen the queue for Titanfall.
I have seen the queue for Titanfall.
how is it x_x
Was utterly disappointed by PS4 booth, so-so on the XB1 games and blown away by the beauty and slickness of the Nintendo first party games. Was expecting the opposite, I'll report more later but my biggest surprise was how awful Knack is. Choppy as hell frame rate, clunky gameplay.
Really didnt fancy that queue for TitanFall!
Was utterly disappointed by PS4 booth, so-so on the XB1 games and blown away by the beauty and slickness of the Nintendo first party games. Was expecting the opposite, I'll report more later but my biggest surprise was how awful Knack is. Choppy as hell frame rate, clunky gameplay.
Really didnt fancy that queue for TitanFall!
blown away by the beauty and slickness of the Nintendo first party games.
How are Bayonetta 2 and Mario Kart?
Had fun today. Spent most of the morning in the PS4 booth. Killzone MP was excellent along with Resogun. And man dat controller is so good. Just feels perfect in your hands. Can't wait to get a hold of the thing at home. Resogun was definitely playing on what appeared to be final hardware. See my poor picture below
The UK is known for its love of standing in a queue, which is just as well because this year's Eurogamer Expo is bigger than ever and quite frankly packed no matter which way you look. Unfortunately for me, I'm unlike most British people in that I hate queues, so when I arrived at Eurogamer Expo and was ushered underground, before being asked to walk to the back of what looked like a mile long queue I was all ready to turn home again.
Thankfully I knew our other writer Ash was about somewhere near the front, which when I got there just happened to be amongst the crowd of people in the foyer. Luckily for me Ash is about 8 foot tall, so it wasn't too hard to spot him in the crowd. Having got his attention we had a chat and when the security guard wasn't looking I magically appeared on the other side of the barrier. That was one problem solved. The next twenty minutes didn't seem so long now when I think back to that other queue and besides, there was some entertainment to be had. Perhaps the highlight of this was when the American Security guard was trying to get people's attention and a few people shouted shut up, but the prize has to go to one smarty pants who shouted "Let Jesus Speak," which was the cue for the hold crowd to start chanting "Jesus, Jesus." I have to admit that this brought a smile to my face.
Anyway, twenty minutes went by and the floodgates on the showfloor opened. I knew most people were heading for Call of Duty since the first 500 to play got a free Prestige Edition, so I too the opportunity to head over to the PS4, which was quite empty by comparison. One of the first things that caught my eye at Sony's booth was the Dualshock 4, I've never held one in my hands before, but it's true what they say about how light it feels, oh and those triggers... well just you wait. The only thing that did confuse me about the DS4 was the lack of a start or select button, but I soon got used to it. As for the touchpad? Well it feels great, although I didn't find a use for it in any of the demos I played.
As for the games, I got around five minutes on each, the first being the PS4 version of FIFA 14. I have to say that I did notice some differences straight away, although mostly in the visuals as the gameplay seems pretty much identical. What did stand out most to me was the crowds, as you are now able to make out loads of different individuals, rather than the PS3 version's blur of heads. The action on the pitch looks a lot sharper too, with every detail clear for the eye to see. It's hard enough to tell the difference between FIFA versions (i.e 12, 13, 14) at the best of times, so although there may be more to this version than meets the eye, I didn't see it.
Next up for me was Drive Club and it's gorgeous. I'm not a big racing fan but it seems to me that Evolution Studios have got a lot right here. Things didn't start out too well for me here as the PS Eye decided to take my photo, or at least a photo of my knee, which prompted me to stand up quickly, emptying the contents of my bag over the floor and try to pose in a rather unnatural position. I eventually got my face into the frame, before a helpful PlayStation staffer came up and move the camera angle to a more natural position. How stupid did I feel? Anyway, having done my Yoga poses for the day, I managed to get around four laps in Drive Club. The handling seems pretty good, with it only taking me two laps of crashing into walls before I got the hang of it. Playing around with the DualShock 4, I also noticed plenty of different camera angles for the driving connoisseur, with a behind camera option, dashboard view and more. Again it's quite hard to get a great judgement of a game with such a small playthrough, but it feels good and is definitely on my launch day radar.
The next game I tried out was Super Stardust HD sequel, Resogun. If you loved everything about Super Stardust then you'll love this. It's a simple game which takes place on a 3D sphere, with enemies coming at you from the left and right, with you simply having to manoeuvre your ship to take them down. I had a good play of this one, although I was interrupted by a separate PlayStation Staffer who asked me for my early access ticket. "What?" I thought to myself, before informing him that someone else had collected it. Had I jumped the queue again? Anyway, Resogun is a very additive little shooter and even better, it's free for those on PS Plus. Bargain.
The final game on my list was one I was actually looking forward to the most - Knack. Now I know most people will probably ignore this one, but to me it's different. Looking at the line-up all the games there are plenty we have seen before, whereas Knack reminds me of Xbox 360 launch title, Kameo, which is still one of my favourite 360 releases to date. Knack is an interesting title, although the demo didn't offer too much it gave me an idea of what to expect. First off, the game looks great for children and is just as simple to get to grips with. The whole idea of the demo I played was to smash the enemies by jumping up and crowning them in the head. As you do this their armour falls to pieces, leaving them open for attack. Some enemies use ranged weapons which makes things a little harder, while you'll also come up against various traps which are set off by pressure plates. As you go through the levels, you'll find special chests, which when smashed allow Knack to grow bigger and bigger, while you can also find special crystals which change his form. I've only played five minutes of Knack, but it's already my most anticipated game of the PS4 launch line up.
So there we go. You've been part of my Eurogamer Expo experience so far. I hope you are enjoying it as much as me.
Yep! Was one of the top reasons I wanted to go.
There are 2 Judge Dredds escorting and beating a zombie while we wait in the queue to get inside.
This is awesome.
Fuck >_< No way I can get tickets now is there?
Roughly how long are the queues for the PS4?
I know this is sad of me to ask but has anyone tried next gen fifa? Does it look much better than current gen fifa 14.
Any pictures of the Indie Arcade? The game I am working on, Cloudbuilt, is there and I would love to see what the area is like.
Now going back home from Eurogamer Expo. Went to play Wolfenstein a 2nd time, this time got to hold the laser cutter weapon. Machinegames should seriously put out this demo soon.
Dying Light was meh. The parkour is excellent, so is the ability to dragon kick (jump + kick) zombies, but the zombies are as dull enemies as you could ever have. For being played on Xbox One, it just felt like a high res PC game.
Finished with Tearaway, which was a pure delight. The pop up aesthetic is really well-realised and figures into gameplay rather than just another cute art style. Longer than expected demo. Quite challenging with the rear touch stuff. Most fun I've had with a touch-heavy game since Nintendogs. Vita system seller for me personally! Staff put a cute hat on my head. Had the coolest booth.
If you're wondering why people didn't post here, its because of a shite network and no place to charge phones.
Took a bunch of pics that I'll post later.
Just wrote up my impressions for PSNStores, i'll post them here when they go live.
PS4 stuff was good, in parts. Knack was entertaining for the length of the demo, but no idea how they can sustain that for a whole game. The frame rate did bog all the time though, all those physics objects.
Driveclub is Project Gotham crossed with burnout paradise's multiplayer. I know, right!
Resogun is the tits.
Hohokum is currently my game of the show.
A man was wandering around with a laptop. On that laptop is a demo of the new Stanley Parable. I loved it so much. Tied with Hohokum perhaps.
That Batman Vita game? Sort of good! the 2.5d stuff is kind of odd from time to time, but the combat feels close to the console game.
If there's any games you want to know about, ask me and i'll see if i can remember if i saw them.
Roughly how long are the queues for the PS4?
Is Battlefield 4 even the Xbox One version or is it just the PC version with Xbox One controller?
Is Battlefield 4 even the Xbox One version or is it just the PC version with Xbox One controller?
thanks for the impressions on Tearaway. The game sounds fantastic
Did you get a chance to play Tearaway?