Make sure you post detailed impressions.
Right, so in total I must have waited about an hour and half to get hands. I got too hungry after an hour (hadnt eaten all day due to work etc) so I went to grab food and check back later. Thankfully it only required about another half hour, if that.
They had a depressing 2 pod set up for this, next to another 2 pods for W101 (which is fine as more awareness is good for it). I seriously don't think Nintendo quite realise these types of games do draw a decent amount of people not to mention the demo can be up to 15 minutes long for the average player. Basically, this was in a corner of their booth. A visible corner if you walk on that end of the floor, sure, but could have been better. For a game they have managed to nab as an exclusive that isn't first party you would totally expect some major push.
I can't really go into much detail (because I am terrible at the game) but I can honestly say it plays just fine. It's just as you would expect. If you remember any of her combos then you will fair better, but even then I was still getting to grips fairly easily all over again. It just took me a few minutes to adjust to the Gamepad as it's the fist time actually using one. Also did traditional controls, so no touch screen on my time.
If you don't like Witch Time, then too bad. That's still in there but probably turned off for IC mode. Building Umbra special meter seemed pretty quick and I am guessing it was the demo but I was on the brink of death on the boss for a long time but didn't die when I was certain I should have died at at two points. I chalk it up to being a friendly demo.
The final boss encounter for it was one of the demon things (forgive me for forgetting the names!) that Bayonetta has pacts with. It was pretty cool. Cool design and a cool fight.
Camera seemed to be fairly stable with only the odd, but usual times where somethings obstructs the view. Wasn't very often to be a pain in the demo and if it's anything like the first game's then it should be pretty good.
If Gamepad Pro is an option rather than the tablet pad then that'll really do well for traditional players. The tablet would be uncomfortable to use for long periods if it wasn't bolted down like it is on the floor.
Overall, Bayonetta fans should have nothing to worry about and P* seem to be on track for another solid title. I should say though that compared to the thread hear discussing the recent screenshots (no jaggies), it wasn't quite like that. Plenty of jaggies but I'm not too picky with Bayo. Looked as good as the first game anyway and really, Bayo just excels in gameplay some jaggies aren't going to spoil my fun. Except in that PS3 vs 360 case of the first game, heh.
Meanwhile, queues for everything else was a nightmare! Avoided PS4 and Occulus was quite busy too. Saw a pretty cool Omni (?) setup that was full on VR. Very Batman Beyond, I thought. Strong potential for the far future, though.
Managed to try Resogun in the Virgin booth, so check there if you want a quick hands on instead of the PS area. I can see it being frustratingly addictive, that's for sure. I enjoyed what I played. Colourful, bright game, smooth looking, great controls and fun to play. Heck, just fun to watch as well. It's like the Fantavision for PS4!
That's all I tried as I wasn't interested in waiting for the likes of Knack (also in the Virgin booth which is usually pretty empty) and totally forgot about 18+ section until near the end. Found it was too easy to overlook.
Have to say though, looking at Knack, I'm slightly disappointed/concerned. Given Cerny's rep, I'm disappointed his game has some obvious framerate issues. I'm not one to usually bother complaining but man, Knack was seriously suffering inconsistent and almost uncomfortable rates for me and I'm not even a PC-60+FPS gamer!
Also, pretty sure Square had their TVs set up for post processing on the images. FFX HD and LR looked good still but was also jarring at the same time. Almost seemed like they had some smooth motion setting switched on or something.