AAR - Savoy- 17/09/13
The game started out with poor Savoy in a terrible condition after last sessions expantionistic ferrarian policy, so the Duke of Savoy quickly decided to stop this threat to the north-italian peace once and for all, and declared a preemtive war on our war-mongering neighbours. Unfortunately for us, Venice intervened on the ferrarian side, so I called my peace-loving french neighbours into the war for protection. The war lasted for some time with quite a few battles between the different factions, but it seemed both Venice and Savoy was eager to avoid direct fight - and therefore never engaged eachother directly in battle. In the end it was clear that the army of the italian people had won a glorious victory, and the ferrara-venetian alliance had to accept to give up a neutrality zone in the western provinces of Modena and Pisa.
Shortly after, it was time to secure the mountain passes for italian merchants, so the italo-swiss war of the St. Bernhard was declared, and the clearly more motivated troops of the italians peoples army was quickly victorious and secured Bern, St. Gallen and the expantionist swiss conquest of Ulm. However, thanks to a poor king and some nasty random events, the savoyan diplomatic power never recovered enough to make peace with the barbarian mountain people, and the war lasted for the entirety of the session.
Next, our diplomats unwisely suggested an alliance with Castille, which quickly dragged us into an unwinnable war with the now catholic moors of Iberia. And as this was not enough, our old ferrarian war-loving neighbours declared war again, ready to once again upset the peace-loving ambrosian countryside. This time, the Doge was wise enough to stay out of the conflict, and even though the heretical Pope and the drunken badians decided to join togheter with Ferrara, we quickly got the support of our friends the french (while our so-called allies the castillians stayed at home and rejected the call to arms) wiped the anti-peaceloving coalitions armys, and started besieging both of their provinces - which was also the situation when the game ended.
Diplomatic state at the end of the session:
Alliances: France, Provence
Province Count: 14 (original+8)
Vassals or PU: Milan
At War with: Granada, Ferrara, Papal State, Salzburg, Switzerland,