If you have the save, can you check if Novgorod the province is still Catholic?
It's Orthodox.
Me? You must mistake me as someone else. I am sure Sickboy/Hedjaz will agree.
dat hubris
If you have the save, can you check if Novgorod the province is still Catholic?
Me? You must mistake me as someone else. I am sure Sickboy/Hedjaz will agree.
It's Orthodox.
dat hubris
Portugal has already reached Brazil and they will conquer most of the continent before any other nation makes it there. Africa will be a bit more busy now that at least four human players are interested in it.Looks like Europe had better get its act together if it wants a piece of the colonial pie. Between the Indians and the Japanese it seems like it's going to be gobbled up fast! No slacking AI here.
Just a healthy amount of inter nation banter![]()
Portugal has already reached Brazil and they will conquer most of the continent before any other nation makes it there. Africa will be a bit more busy now that at least four human players are interested in it.
He switched to Denmark, so you've basically limited Wink's expansion in the North by getting that PU.puts Wink and I in a precarious position, with him unable to form royal marriages or start wars of his own accord.
He switched to Denmark, so you've basically limited Wink's expansion in the North by getting that PU.
Portugal has already reached Brazil and they will conquer most of the continent before any other nation makes it there. Africa will be a bit more busy now that at least four human players are interested in it.
I was going to pick the colonization idea and try to colonize America, then the AI picked the religious idea for me :\
Surely you can't be that far away from being able to choose your second idea group though can you?
I'm less than 50 Administrative points from picking my second idea group. It's not an easy choice. Fortunately I'm too far away from any uncolonized parts of the world so I can ignore the Expansion and Exploration idea groups.
AI will now remain passive for 12 months after a player drops or tag-switches to prevent undesirable AI management of a player's country in MP
Wait, 1.2 is out on steam? Says so in the paradox forums.
Will now remain passive for 12 months after a player drops or tag-switches to prevent undesirable AI management of a player's country in MP
- More priority on attacking countries that hold critical provinces (such as Novgorod for Muscovy)
- Much more careful about getting trapped in provinces that are only connected via straits when it does not have naval supremacy
Forgot the most important part:
- Rewrote some parts of the hotjoin-process. (should go faster now)
New ideas for Hedjaz? Does this apply to started games?
What are the new ideas?
I just loaded our save and I have the same crappy ideas.
Will now remain passive for 12 months after a player drops or tag-switches to prevent undesirable AI management of a player's country in MP
Oh, now they add this.
Huh. I guess you're right, they are different in the selection screen, but not when you actually load it up.
I hope it's a bug, I like the new ideas.
Maybe its one of those changes that doesnt change for games already running. Which only sounds fair given that some people might rely on them already in a savegame.
Well they changed everything else, including ideas, in started games. Only national ideas not changing doesn't make much sense.
Plus, something's bugged either way since the new ideas are in the selection screen of the saved game.
Ah, the update really fucked me over. Rebels can't convert state religion any more, so I'm stuck Orthodox thanks to the AI being a twat last session. The new Muscowy is apparently also super-aggro about taking Novgorod.I don't suppose we could squeeze in just the one last 1.1 session so I don't have to be stuck as Orthodox, and I can prepare for a more aggro Muscowy?
What's so bad about being orthodox?Would anyone consider it too badly cheating if arch console changed my state religion to Catholic?
I'd be fine with hacking the save if the situation was caused by a bug. This isn't game-breaking and if you can't play during a session then you'll have to accept the choices the AI makes for you.Your call Archie.
I'd be fine with hacking the save if the situation was caused by a bug. This isn't game-breaking and if you can't play during a session then you'll have to accept the choices the AI makes for you.
I'm also not a fan of players switching nation when faced with a tough situation.
I thought you weren't allowed to convert as Orthodox.
Sick, have you actually converted to Catholicism in the save or is that just a "you should be able to", if you see what I mean? Also is that 1.1 or 1.2? 'cause if I can actually actually go Catholic in 1.2 without having to resort to shenanigans, that'd make my day. I can't test it myself at the moment.
EDIT: ah, you already answered. I'll have to do some heavy play testing once I'm home, I probably won't get many chances to get this right. Thanks for checking!![]()