Westernized Hindustan will be a powerhouse and should be able to take on the Timurids pretty easy I guess, right?
Let's just hope he moves in the direction of the Timurids, yes.
Westernized Hindustan will be a powerhouse and should be able to take on the Timurids pretty easy I guess, right?
Definitely. In which case, Novgorod will be sending lots of envoys to Hindustan asking them to play nice and leave the poor Timurids alone until Muscowy has been munched on.
EDIT: Having said that, if I was fACE, I would definitely be sending Spanish troops to liberate Africa from the Hindustan threat and prevent the villainous people of the Hindus from bordering peaceful European nations.
Just sayin'.![]()
Let's just hope he moves in the direction of the Timurids, yes.
He will be moving in all directions, and I think we all know what that bodes for the last han dynasty...
He will be moving in all directions, and I think we all know what that bodes for the last han dynasty...
Is there a form People's Republic of China decision yet? :+
Haha, maybe if we could transfer the save to vicky there would beBut still, you need to form the Qing-dynasty first, and the only way to do that I suppose would be to let those northern barbarians conquer and destroy you - for then to change nation. Not sure if thats the kinda game you are looking for?
lol fuck no. I should have gone Manchu from the start though, I tried it in SP, Ming AI is so stupid I was able to beat 60k of their armies with 20k Manchu troops because the AI doesn't understand the faction system.
Yeah, I dont think I ever will play in the far east, but if I was, I would definitely prefer the manchus for Ming, especially considering their historical role in creating the last dynasty. I would also have thought it would be more challening, but maybe I was wrong? Can you form Qing with ManchU?
England absorbed the green part of Ireland. France finally integrated Brittany and they now have a colony in Africa next to Mali. I think the race for colonization is going to become a lot more interesting during our next few sessions. What happened to Benin? There is a new lightly colored nation there now, but the color doesn't match Hausa or Benin.
I'll do my best to get back in time. I may be doing a Sir Digby and arriving just as it starts, though.
There was a patch just now.Do you mean the 1.2 patch or is there something more recent?
Why can't you westernize?
Do you mean the 1.2 patch or is there something more recent?
Why can't you westernize?
I don't see anything in the patch notes which would have increased coring time. Can't you simply get an agreement with Mleugi not to attack?
You will still be in a better position than all of your other close neighbors and you can counteract India and Russia by joining a coalition against them together with other European nations. Giving up when you have a larger territory than any other nation just seems premature to me.
I guess we have different goals when playing. Some of my most exciting games in EU4 has been controlling weak nations like e.g. Kongo. Of course you're not going to conquer the world, but doing better than history or better than the what you expected is often rewarding enough.
I guess we have different goals when playing. Some of my most exciting games in EU4 has been controlling weak nations like e.g. Kongo. Of course you're not going to conquer the world, but doing better than history or better than the what you expected is often rewarding enough.
You could take over Muscovy. Or Norway. Or the Ottomans, as they are weaker now.
We probably need to stop at one point to allow people to nation change constantly, because it affects the plans of the others nearby the new nation. I am inclined to not allow any nation changes anymore, now that most people settled in with their countries.
Personally, I'd be enthusiastic if we could start an hour earlier.
Agreed, I don't think it's reasonable to switch at this point in the game. And to be entirely honest, my decision to stop is somewhat influenced by the times at which we play. The whole 11PM - Past midnight thing (and then always too eager to stick around to discuss things after) isn't working for me. I'm more of a morning person. I'd probably stick with it and try to work my way through things without that element.
What about even just 20 minutes earlier? Most people are around by that point anyway and it would amount to, essentially, an extra 1hr session each week.
Or add an extra day a week?
Such are the joys of playing with a wide group of people, I guess.
I can understand why Kab wants to quit in the situation he is in, there is no point in sticking around just waiting to be slaughtered - and I therefore thinks he should be able to change. The ottomans are seriously weak now, why couldnt he take over them?
Also, there are other players tiring a bit of the game including myself, so could a solution be to start a new game for those players? Personally, I would love to participate in a game where most of the major european countries are player-controlled, so if such a game is upcoming, I would definitely leave my peaceful savoyan lands for a new game.
I also agree this is some of the most fun Ive had with gaming ever btw, just tiring of all the stupid things I did before I really learnt the game.
If he took the Ottomans, he'd block off Fitz, which would seem unfair to do to Fitz with no warning. Kab's main worries are Muscowy and toma, and toma's only a worry if toma can Westernize. Surely the simply solution here is that a) me and Cazz are going to destroy Muscowy, and b) some European nation can just take toma's province from them. Hell, doesn't even have to be a European nation, mleugi is close enough and could do the necessary damage. That way, neither toma or Kab can Westernize ahead of each other, and Kab doesn't have to face a Muscowy. The balance of power is maintained.
Also, Manik, I've been looking at Muscowy and Perm's cores disappear in 1594. That means, if we want to cripple Muscowy, our war has to be concluded before that date. I say we start our war at some point in the very early 1580s, to leave some safe space. In all the tests I've run, they've never attacked either of us because we're sufficiently large. That gives us roughly 60 years to prepare, which is reasonable. We'll just have to remember that in the 1570s we should take things in a fairly stable manner and build up for a war.
Seriously, fuck that Toma.
Besides, Ming already has the province bordering Portugal and that province is gone soon anyway.
Guys, I really have no interest in switching, and if I'm entirely honest, a lot of this is about the time of our game and this is sort of an excuse for me to back out. The time simply doesn't work for me. Good luck with the rest of the game.
Why not try time negotiation? I suggested in an edit a few posts up we all repost the times we can do, and see if we can switch things up a bit.It'd be such a shame to see you go...